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27 Social Good Marketplaces

From Craft-Based Apparel to Alternative Micro-Investment Platforms

— February 1, 2013 — Social Good
These social good marketplaces appropriate a consumer environment in order to create a market, whether it's a in real life (IRL as they say online) or in a virtual setting, in order to further their social and environmental goals. Clearly So is a website that is perhaps the most known and established of these innovations. It is and organization that was founded in 2008 by CEO Rodney Schwartz in order to connect social entrepreneurs, businesses and investors as a way to raise awareness of the growing field while at the same time providing practical knowledge to make things happen.

Some of these social good marketplaces act as online stores bringing together ethical retailers and consumers through a web portal.
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Membership-Based Business Insights
Membership-Based Business Insights
Audacious Innovators Gives You Access to Social Entrepreneurs
Benevolent Business Communities
Benevolent Business Communities
The Conscious Capitalism Institute Connects Players Via Meaning
Sustainability Consulting Services
Sustainability Consulting Services
Anderson Brown Helps Companies Embrace Benevolent Business
Heart-Branded Tees
Heart-Branded Tees
Good Int. Commits to Social Responsibility with Its Soft Apparel
Social Finance Forums
Social Finance Forums
Mobilize Capital and Inspire New Ideas at 'Investing in Good Deals'
Beneficial Online Marketplaces
Beneficial Online Marketplaces
Buy With Heart Provides Marketing Resources for Social Ventures
Market-Oriented Non-Profits
Market-Oriented Non-Profits
Acumen Fund Uses Entrepreneurial Strategies to Fight Global Poverty
Maternal Health Marketplaces
Maternal Health Marketplaces
Maternova is a Socially Driven For-Profit Making Products Available
Humanitarian Shopping Sites
Humanitarian Shopping Sites
SOCO Marketplace Attempts to Raise Awareness on Social Causes
Shelter-Providing Jewelry
Shelter-Providing Jewelry
Eden Ministry Supports Women with Employment, Education and Clinics
Alternative Micro-Investment Platforms
Alternative Micro-Investment Platforms
InVenture Helps Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries
Conscious Online Marketplaces
Conscious Online Marketplaces
'Ethical Community' Connects Businesses With Customers Who Care
Craft-Based Apparel
Craft-Based Apparel
Nuinani is a Hawaiian Business with Organic Material and a DIY Ethos
Curated Cause Marketplaces
Curated Cause Marketplaces
Given Goods Company Offers Brands with a Purpose
Micro-Volunteering Platforms
Micro-Volunteering Platforms
Raise5 Enables the Charitable Giving of Your Time and Talents
Online Marketplaces for Good
Online Marketplaces for Good
KarmaGoat is Like Craigslist But Proceeds Go to Charity
Charitable Animal Sculptures
Charitable Animal Sculptures
The Bundu Designs Rhinos are Made from Wire
Kindness Carriers
Kindness Carriers
OAK Lifestyle Donates Backpacks and School Supplies to Kids
Eco-Conscious Sundresses
Eco-Conscious Sundresses
Worldstock Sells Fair Trade Goods, Giving 60-70% of Profits to Artisans
Ethical and Empowering Accessories
Ethical and Empowering Accessories
Tukula Provides Opportunity and Hope for Artisans in Uganda
Conscious E-Commerce
Conscious E-Commerce
Ethical Ocean is an Online Marketplace for Eco, Organic & Fair Trade Products
Beads to Fight Poverty
Beads to Fight Poverty
BeadForLife Sells Fair Trade Jewelry and Shea Butter Made in Uganda
Apparel Against Slavery
Apparel Against Slavery
'Stop Traffick Fashion' Supports Artisans Through Income and Resources
Hip-Hop Social Enterprises
Hip-Hop Social Enterprises
The Global Block Foundation Promotes Personal Sustainability
Magic Mushroom Greensulation
Magic Mushroom Greensulation
Eco-Alternative to Expanded Polystyrene Structural Insulation Panels
Sustainable Gift Catalogs
Sustainable Gift Catalogs
UncommonGoods is a Website Offering Quirky Accessories
Altruistic Online Marketplaces
Altruistic Online Marketplaces
'Shop With Meaning' Sells Socially-Responsible Items with a Story