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36 Shamelessly Cheesy Commercials

From Sleeping with the Burger King to Menstrual Cycle Men

— November 3, 2010 — Pop Culture
We've all seen dozens (if not hundreds) of shamelessly cheesy commercials. Although you may think they are funny to laugh at, it is the company that makes an emotional connection with you that gets the last laugh (and perhaps brand loyalty subconsciously as well).

While some shamelessly cheesy commercials are flops, there have been some undeniable wins as well. Maybe it's easier to relate to companies who don't take themselves so seriously.

Implications - Comedic commercials definitely take the edge off and make companies seem more down to Earth. And after all, when we see a product on the shelf, we want to feel like we trust it to do what it promises.
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Innuendo Ads
Innuendo Ads
The 'Ultimate Sack: Ultimate Infomercial' Features Willy Hays
Cute Corny Commercials
Cute Corny Commercials
The POP Secret Ad Will Have You Crackling with Laughter
Bedpost Friction Ads
Bedpost Friction Ads
The Zippo 'Bed' Commercial Makes You Think Naughty Thoughts
Smart Puppy Campaigns
Smart Puppy Campaigns
The Pedigree Puppy Commercial Showcases an Intelligent and Sneaky Pup
Rubik's Cube-Inspired Ads
Rubik's Cube-Inspired Ads
The Drench Campaign Features a Puzzled and Dehydrated Man
Toddler Astronauts
Toddler Astronauts
The BBC 'Adventure' Commercial Sends Kids on a Journey
Drama-Themed Commercials
Drama-Themed Commercials
The Dove Mad Men-Style Ad Takes us Back in Time
Hip-Hop Dad Ads
Hip-Hop Dad Ads
The Kia Sportage 'Grand Master Melle Mel' Commercial Is Cool Dad-Approved
Staycation Commercials
Staycation Commercials
The VITAMINWATER Enhanced Water 'Staycation' Ad Dares you to Play Hooky
Pet Rescue Personal Ads
Pet Rescue Personal Ads
'Thinkbox TV's Approach to Animal Adoption is Hysterically Cute
Womanly Nature Ads
Womanly Nature Ads
The French Connection 'Woman' Commercial Reinforces Ancient Archetypes
Fast Food Linens
Fast Food Linens
The Burger King Breakfast Pillow Lets You Literally Wake Up With "The King"
Manly Burger Ads
Manly Burger Ads
The McDonalds Quarter Pounder Commercial Inspired by Old Spice Ads
Pillow-Headed Ads
Pillow-Headed Ads
The VITAMINWATER Enhanced Water 'Strong Man' Commercial Banks on Lady Lovers
Manthem Ads
Manthem Ads
The Dove Men+Care Commercial Draws on the Male Psyche
Animal Couple Video Chats
Animal Couple Video Chats
A Dog and a Monkey Maintain Romance in this Toshiba Commercial
Extreme Healthvertising
Extreme Healthvertising
Hard-Edged Commercial Gives Baby Carrots Extreme Makeover
Hipster-Mocking Commercials
Hipster-Mocking Commercials
The Honda Jazz 'Hipster' Video is a Parody of Trends
Lottery-Winning Ads
Lottery-Winning Ads
The Loto Francaise des Jeux 'Jacuzzi Delivery' Commercial is Every Man's Dream
Hangover Cure Beverages
Hangover Cure Beverages
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Girly Beards
Girly Beards
LG Asks Youth to "Give It a Ponder" Before Texting Gossip to Others
Puppet Makeouts
Puppet Makeouts
The New Freedent Ad Urges You to Open Your Mouth
Sexy Skeleton Spoofs
Sexy Skeleton Spoofs
‘Delicate Embrace' Bra Commercial is "Not For Chubbies"
Abrupt Bear Outbursts
Abrupt Bear Outbursts
The "Never Say No to Panda" Campaign is Uproariously Funny
Bestial Juice Ads
Bestial Juice Ads
The Latest Orangina Commercial is Raising Eyebrows
Hipster-Morphing Car Commercials
Hipster-Morphing Car Commercials
The Volkswagen Hipster Ad Encourages You to 'Follow No One'
Speeding Babies
Speeding Babies
HP 'Happy Baby' Commercial Promotes ePrint Convenience
Funny Feminine Hygiene Ads
Funny Feminine Hygiene Ads
Tampax Swimming Pool
Fashionista Baby Diapers (UPDATE)
Fashionista Baby Diapers (UPDATE)
The Huggies Denim Diapers Commercial is Too Cute
Regrettable Tattoo Ads
Regrettable Tattoo Ads
The Mais Printing House ‘Tattoo' Campaign Will Make You Laugh
Hip-Hop Hamsters
Hip-Hop Hamsters
Kia Soul 'Rapping Hamsters' Commercial Reworks Old-School Rap