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62 Sensational Stoves and Ovens

From $4 Million Gold Stoves to Contemporary Pizza Makers

— January 31, 2012 — Art & Design
These sensational ovens and stoves allow you to fry an egg and whip up a batch of muffins in style. Many of these inventive designs focus on eco living, swapping out conventional sources of energy for greener possibilities. These captivating ovens and stoves also address the increasingly close quarters many find themselves residing in. These resourceful concepts take a cue from IKEA and find a way to cram all that is necessary in a top-notch cooker into a limited space.

While many of these sensational ovens and stoves are environmentally and space conscious, there are a few that are simply an exercise in gluttony. From car-based stoves to bacon-cooking alarm clocks, there is no shortage of hilarious cooker concepts to ensure you're never far from the food you love.

There is literally a stove or oven to suit any need, space or conscience, so spice up your culinary routine with any one of these sensational cookers.
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Fireplace-Oven Hybrids
Fireplace-Oven Hybrids
The Contemporary Veld Wood Stove is Inspired by the Past
Antique Touchscreen Stoves
Antique Touchscreen Stoves
AGA Total Control Cooker will Help you Cook to Perfection
Space-Age Stoves (UPDATE)
Space-Age Stoves (UPDATE)
The William Stovetop is an Ultra Efficient Cooking Surface
Britannia Couture Range Cookers
Britannia Couture Range Cookers
From the Catwalk to the Kitchen
Multimedia Microwaves
Multimedia Microwaves
The Castoven Microwave Plays YouTube Videos While You Wait
Aromatic Breakfast Alarms
Aromatic Breakfast Alarms
The Wake 'n Bacon Brings the Intoxicating Smell of Pork to the Room
Triple Action Ovens
Triple Action Ovens
Microwave, Grill & Steamer are All Packed into Sharp Steamwave AX-1100
Weight Station Stoves
Weight Station Stoves
The Scale Gas Range Weighs Your Dishes and Curbs its Heat Accordingly
Car-Made Cuisine
Car-Made Cuisine
The Porta-Pizza Oven Lets You Eat on the Road
Remote-Controlled Eco Stoves
Remote-Controlled Eco Stoves
The Toba Pellet Stove is a State-of-the-Art Green Design
$4 Million Gold Stoves
$4 Million Gold Stoves
Cook Your Food in Luxury with the Iron Dog 05 Huraxdax
Faux Old Snack Stoves
Faux Old Snack Stoves
The S'Mores Maker Brings Campfire Treats Indoors
Interactive Search Engine Stoves
Interactive Search Engine Stoves
Google Cooktop Concept Makes Cuisine Hi-Tech & Efficient
Steam Ovens-Reduce Fat and Salt Content
Steam Ovens-Reduce Fat and Salt Content
Polka-Dot Stoves
Polka-Dot Stoves
The AGA Rangemaster ‘Great British Cooker' Line for Retro Glam Kitche
Bacon Breakfast Clocks
Bacon Breakfast Clocks
The Bakon Alram Clock Wakes You Up to a Smokey Scent
Indoor Cooking Spits
Indoor Cooking Spits
Flamberge Rotisserie Brings Outdoor Roasting to the Kitchen
Optimal Outdoor Stoves
Optimal Outdoor Stoves
The Backcountry Boiler Makes Cooking Outside Efficient and Fast
Eco Home Power Plants
Eco Home Power Plants
The ‘Blest Machine' Can Power Stoves and Generators for $9,500
Easy Toast Ovens
Easy Toast Ovens
The Slotless Toaster Allows You to Toast Just About Anything
Single-Slice Stoves
Single-Slice Stoves
The Presto Pizzazz Pizza Oven Heats One Serving at a Time
Ethnic Cuisine Countertops
Ethnic Cuisine Countertops
The Aurora Kitchen Island is Designed for Indian Food
Kalamazoo Outdoor Artisan Pizza Oven
Kalamazoo Outdoor Artisan Pizza Oven
Gadget-Charging Stoves
Gadget-Charging Stoves
The BioLite Camping Stove Can Burn Almost Anything
Contemporary Pizza Makers
Contemporary Pizza Makers
The Kalamazoo Outdoor Pizza Oven Turns You Into a Pizza Chef
Turbo Chef Oven
Turbo Chef Oven
Cook Food Fast Using Airspeed Technology
Touchscreen Stoves
Touchscreen Stoves
The iChef Oven Touch is the Latest Tool in Cooking Innovation
Gourmet Meal Machines
Gourmet Meal Machines
The SousVide Supreme Cooker Allows for DIY Molecular Gastronomy
Pre-Heated Portable Ovens
Pre-Heated Portable Ovens
The Rolly Cook Spins Food So It Doesn't Get Burnt
Solar Cooking
Solar Cooking
Restaurants Introduce Green Ovens
Futuristic Film Stoves
Futuristic Film Stoves
The Omnia Cooking Concept Seems Inspired by 'TRON: Legacy'
Backpack Cooking Concepts
Backpack Cooking Concepts
The Electrolux HelioDish is Designed for Hungry Hikers
Carbon-Negative Stoves
Carbon-Negative Stoves
Inyenyeri Uses Crowdsourced Biofuel to Transform Energy Systems in Rwanda
Honeycomb Outdoor Ovens
Honeycomb Outdoor Ovens
Mod Barbecue by Andreia Fernandes is a Modular Meal-Maker
Compact Cylindrical Kitchenettes
Compact Cylindrical Kitchenettes
MiniKitchen by Adriano Conti Reduces a Room to a Barrel
Detachable Hi-Tech Stovetops
Detachable Hi-Tech Stovetops
The Free Cooker by Ahhaproject Lets You Roast in Any Room
Panorama Pellet Stoves
Panorama Pellet Stoves
Sleek MCZ Heater
Pint Sized Clay Stoves
Pint Sized Clay Stoves
The Chulha is Designed for Use in Developing Countries
Midas-Touched Indoor Stoves
Midas-Touched Indoor Stoves
Fredrik Hylten-Cavallius Designs Chimney Free ‘Piet'
Boa Constrictor Cookers
Boa Constrictor Cookers
The Ribbon by Enzo Kocak is an Innovating Coiling Hotplate
Moderntique Kitchen Appliances
Moderntique Kitchen Appliances
The Elmira Stove Works Antique Collection is Inspired by the 1800s
Hidden Kitchen Stoves
Hidden Kitchen Stoves
The Fulgor Lift Oven Does Not Take Away from Counter Space
Musical Kitchen Units
Musical Kitchen Units
The Eco Green System Kitchen Adds Environmentalism to the Menu (UPDATE)
Bakery-Inspired Boutiques
Bakery-Inspired Boutiques
The Johnny Cupcakes Stores are Deliciously and Deceptively Tempting
Roll-Up Cookers
Roll-Up Cookers
The Wrapstove Concept Brings Some Luxury to the Great Outdoors
Stoves for Singles
Stoves for Singles
Hi-Fire Stoves by Fernando Silva are Ergonomic and Practical
Authentic Cooking Appliances
Authentic Cooking Appliances
The Fontana Gusto Wood-Fired Outdoor Oven is for the Classic Cook
Compact Accessible Cooktops
Compact Accessible Cooktops
The Prometheus Stove Promotes Ease of Use and Culinary Independence
Cinder Block Stoves
Cinder Block Stoves
Pita Bread Toaster by Adi Zaffran Matches the Elementary Makeup of Toast
Desktop Dinner Processors
Desktop Dinner Processors
The Desktop Microwave is a Computer Peripheral For Preparing Food
Earthen Cooking Structures
Earthen Cooking Structures
Cob Ovens Are Eco-Friendly and Fuel Efficient
Triple-Threat Morning Cookers
Triple-Threat Morning Cookers
The Retro Series 3-in-1 Breakfast Station Gets Food Ready in One Go
Placemat Stoves
Placemat Stoves
The 'Cooka' Resembles a Table Mat
People-Warming Ovens
People-Warming Ovens
Caribou Coffee Bus Shelters Promote 'Hot 'n Wholesome' Menu
Cooking With Lasers
Cooking With Lasers
Electrolux's Laser Oven Concept Cooks Food in No Time
Compact Culinary Workspaces
Compact Culinary Workspaces
The Kitchoo K1 is a Pint-Sized Cooking Station
Hi-Tech Connected Kitchenettes
Hi-Tech Connected Kitchenettes
The iFood Kitchen Gives the Cook Control with Appliance Networking
Cutting-Edge Compact Ovens
Cutting-Edge Compact Ovens
The Electrolux Cooik Practically Prepares Supper for You
Smart Stovetops
Smart Stovetops
The ABK InnoVent I-Cooking system Redefines Stove Versatiliy
Pint-Sized Kitchenettes
Pint-Sized Kitchenettes
The Breakfast Center Helps Students Whip Up Tasty Treats
Revolving Oven Refrigerators
Revolving Oven Refrigerators
The Orbital Food Organizer Makes Meal Prep Easy
Cordless Stone Stoves
Cordless Stone Stoves
The Electrolux Stoov Cooker Suctions to Pots to Start Them Simmering