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50 Public Peeing Innovations

From Fuel from Pee to Normalizing Public Urination

— May 16, 2010 — Naughty
Most of us have engaged in some form of public urination, so these public peeing innovations are sure to resound with you. We've all had to urinate when we were nowhere near a washroom at some point.

Implications - My favorite of the bunch is by far urinal video games. Even though most men spend a maximum of 30 seconds at a urinal, it's still great to have a task to accomplish.

Where, when, and how we pee in public is a pretty big deal. Don't believe me? Then check out these public peeing innovations, from fuel from pee to normalizing public urination, and see for yourself.
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Group Urine Tastings
Group Urine Tastings
NASA's ISS Crew Toasts to Wastewater Recycling System (UPDATE)
Online Database (and Ratings) of Public Restrooms
Online Database (and Ratings) of Public Restrooms
Bizarre Holistic Healing
Bizarre Holistic Healing
Russian Urine Exported for Health Purposes
Peeing on Patrons
Peeing on Patrons
Tenants Above Delicatessen Seek Revenge
Outrageous Airline Fees
Outrageous Airline Fees
Pay-to-Pee Proposal for Passengers Flying Ryanair
Adjusting PH of Pee
Adjusting PH of Pee
Lawn Biscuits for Dogs Save Grass
Robots that Pee
Robots that Pee
METI Human Patient Simulator
Portable Urine Sticks
Portable Urine Sticks
The Uroclub Allows Golfers to Pee on the Tee (UPDATE)
The Intelligent Toilet.  Receive a medical check-up while doing your business.
The Intelligent Toilet. Receive a medical check-up while doing your business.
Fun Public Restrooms For Marketing
Fun Public Restrooms For Marketing
Charmin Toilets in Times Square
Pee Powered Battery
Pee Powered Battery
Faux Body Fluid Candy
Faux Body Fluid Candy
Medical Vials Filled With Flavored 'Blood' and 'Urine'
Wii While You Pee
Wii While You Pee
Gaming in Toilets To Promote DUI Awareness
Fuel From Pee
Fuel From Pee
Devices May Soon Run on Hydrogen Extracted from Urine
Hangover Shock Photography
Hangover Shock Photography
Alka-Seltzer ‘New Year' Ad (Really) Helps Us Relate
USB Pregnancy Tests
USB Pregnancy Tests
The p-Teq Hoax
Gotta Pee? SMS The Door- New Public Toilets System in Finland
Gotta Pee? SMS The Door- New Public Toilets System in Finland
Presidential Toilets As Art
Presidential Toilets As Art
Take a Leak on George Bush
Interactive Urinals- Have More Fun While You Pee
Interactive Urinals- Have More Fun While You Pee
Public Peeing PSAs
Public Peeing PSAs
Joe Media's 'Idle Free' Public Urination Spot is More Than Toilet Humor
Men Can No Longer Pee in Peace, Thanks to Talking Urinals!
Men Can No Longer Pee in Peace, Thanks to Talking Urinals!
Luxury Public Toilet
Luxury Public Toilet
Taking a Leak in Style
Taking a Leak in Style
Choose Galvanized Pee Bucket or Giant Spoon Urinal
Urinal Waterfalls
Urinal Waterfalls
Not as Gross as It Sounds, but Toilet Falls is Still Really Weird
Interactive Gaming Urinals
Interactive Gaming Urinals
Place to Pee
Cheeky Water Conservation Ads
Cheeky Water Conservation Ads
Brazilian "Xixi No Banho" Advocates Peeing in the Shower
Get Paid to Pee
Get Paid to Pee
EcoSan Toilets in Musiri
TV Urinals
TV Urinals
The Horse Bazaar Pub Ensures Bathroom Goers Don't Miss a Minute of Sport Action
Urinal Video Games
Urinal Video Games
Marcel Neundörfer Extends Bathroom Advertising (UPDATE)
Anti-Pee Pills
Anti-Pee Pills
OTC ‘Lady Guard' Halts Urination
Tree-Mounted Urinals
Tree-Mounted Urinals
The 'P-Tree' by Sam van Veluw Makes Public Peeing Hygienic
Public Urination Solutions
Public Urination Solutions
The Wheelie Bin Urinal Provides Designated Area to Relieve Oneself
Normalizing Public Urination
Normalizing Public Urination
P.I.S.S. is a Personal Irrigation Sanitation System for Drunks
Peeing on Billboards
Peeing on Billboards
Urinal Billboards are Activated When You Pee
Guerrilla Ads in Urinals
Guerrilla Ads in Urinals
Battery Energy Drink Campaign
Urinal Golf Clubs
Urinal Golf Clubs
The Uroclub
Washroom Sex Marketing
Washroom Sex Marketing
Intimiacy Encouraged at Mildred's Temple Kitchen
Guerrilla Bathroom Campaigns
Guerrilla Bathroom Campaigns
Strong Beer Pee Flows Crack Urinals
Urine-Powered Batteries
Urine-Powered Batteries
The Metalcell Portable Battery Needs Pee to Function
Toilet Bars
Toilet Bars
Pee A Little Creative in Vienna
Bloody Urinals as Advertising
Bloody Urinals as Advertising
Dexter Guerrilla Campaign
Uni-Pee Co-ed Urinal
Uni-Pee Co-ed Urinal
Urinals for Women
Urinals for Women
The Peeandgo
Gadgets to Pee Standing Up 2
Gadgets to Pee Standing Up 2
Hygenic Outdoor Urinals
Hygenic Outdoor Urinals
The Axixa Station Allows Cleaner Peeing on Walls
Urinals as Sculptures
Urinals as Sculptures
10 Bizarre Toilets
Pee Standing Up
Pee Standing Up
P-Mate For Women
Female Urination Stations
Female Urination Stations
'GoGirl' Lets Ladies Pee More Like Gents