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83 Personified Pet Products

From Cats in Couture to Dogs on Diets

— March 9, 2012 — Pop Culture
Pets can now enjoy living the same lap of luxury that is usually reserved for humans with a wide array of personified pet products.

Humans have always had a fascination with spoiling their pets with lavish (and often unnecessary) items. Personified pet products allow animals to enjoy the same indulgences as humans and sometimes, even let them enjoy a life more luxurious than their owners.

Gone are the days when dogs slept on the ground and cats had simple litter boxes in the corner of the room. It is now more common that a pooch could sleep in a nicer bed than its owner, and a feline's litter box could be shaped like a castle.

Not only do pets have access to a large assortment of people-inspired products, but an influx of services typically reserved for humans have begun to surface as well.

Everything from personalized kitty photo shoots to doggie dating services are making animals more like people than ever before.
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Perfect Pet Climate Controllers
Perfect Pet Climate Controllers
Travel Easily with the Komfort Pets Climate Controlled Pet Carrier
Couture Canine Prints
Couture Canine Prints
The Mutts and Models Charity Fashion Show Posters Feature Cute Canines
Personal Pet Hotlines
Personal Pet Hotlines
The Smart Eye Lets Users Check and Chat with Pets
Feline-Friendly Apps
Feline-Friendly Apps
The 'Game for Cats' is Exactly What it Sounds Like
Pet-Approved Aviation
Pet-Approved Aviation
The Blue Star Jets 'FURst Class Service' Offers Four Legged Friend Flights
Feline-Directed Films
Feline-Directed Films
Friskies' Cat Diaries Video Portrays the World from the Eyes of Pets
Classy Canine Cutlery
Classy Canine Cutlery
Muttlery Pet Accessories Will Pamper Your Poodle
Plaid Pooch Swimsuits
Plaid Pooch Swimsuits
The Jetty Bathing Dress for Dogs is the Cutest Piece for the Poshest of Pups
Graffiti Pet Portraits
Graffiti Pet Portraits
'I Love Posh Pets' Clients Can Immortalize Their Loved Pooch
Dog-Filled Department Stores
Dog-Filled Department Stores
Bergdorf Goodman Holiday Video Has Canines Indulging in Luxury
Canine Mexican Cuisine
Canine Mexican Cuisine
Dog City Bakery's Tumbleweed Taco is a Meal for Your Furry Friend
Dog-Loving Travel Agencies
Dog-Loving Travel Agencies
Chien Bleu Arranges Luxury Accomodations for People and Pooches
Pet-Affected Jacket Ads
Pet-Affected Jacket Ads
The Lady Fozaza Campaign Creates Long-Legged Animals
Doggie Camo Cushions
Doggie Camo Cushions
The Bape Dog Store Brings Street Fashion to Canines
Feline-Friendly Gaming
Feline-Friendly Gaming
The Friskies iPad Game is the Purrfect Entertainment for You & Your Cat
Safety Lights for Dogs
Safety Lights for Dogs
Pet Blinkers Make Animals More Visible When Walking
Doggie Diet Campaigns
Doggie Diet Campaigns
Nestle Puria and Jenny Craig Develop 'Project: Pet Slim Down'
Pugilist Puppet Ads
Pugilist Puppet Ads
The AMCV Campaign Addresses the Issue of Abuse in an Odd Way
Personal Stylists for Dogs
Personal Stylists for Dogs
Dana Foster Shows Pets and Their Owners How to Live Stylishly
Food-Fetching Pets
Food-Fetching Pets
'Deng Deng' the Shopping Sheepdog is Truly Man's Best Friend
Literally Pampered Pets
Literally Pampered Pets
The Eco-friendly Washable Wonders are Dog Diapers
Feline Turntable Scratchers
Feline Turntable Scratchers
Cat Scratch Lets Pets Do the Spinning
Antique Pet Portraits
Antique Pet Portraits
Andrew Pinkham Transports Fido and Fifi to the 19th Century
Couture-Adorned Creatures
Couture-Adorned Creatures
Piotr Stoklosa Captures Cute Editorial for VIVA! Moda Winter 2011/2012
Virtual Feline Companions
Virtual Feline Companions
The iPet Companion is a Robotic Device That Keeps Your Kitten Busy
Chic Canine Neckties
Chic Canine Neckties
Thwap Provides Dog Lovers with Fashionable Collar Alternatives
Personified Pet Car Refreshers
Personified Pet Car Refreshers
'Pets Rock' Air Fresheners Make Furry Friends Famous and Fragrant
Super Pet Portraits
Super Pet Portraits
'Pets are Superheroes' Provides Drawings of Your Pooch as a Comic Character
Hippie Pet Products
Hippie Pet Products
Nuhemp Produces Food and Bath Pet Goods from Hemp
Insurance for Supernatural Events
Insurance for Supernatural Events
Animal-Loving Atheists Offer Pet Services in Case of Rapture
Organic Dog Treats
Organic Dog Treats
Holistic Gifts by Great Life Performance Pet Products for Canine Companions
Dapper Dog Fashion
Dapper Dog Fashion
Wall Street Dog Trench Coats are Cute, Cuddly Couture
Personified Pooch Campaigns
Personified Pooch Campaigns
Dado Print Ad Design by Costa IMC is Photo-Flipping Fantastic
Lavish Pet Lairs
Lavish Pet Lairs
The Operetta Pet Lounge by Kenneth Cobonpue is Dedicated to Canine Comfort
Overly Accessorized Animals
Overly Accessorized Animals
Animal Bling Photos Advertise Precious Gems in a Striking Way
Doggie Car Cribs
Doggie Car Cribs
The Pet Safety Car Seat Keeps Your Shih Tzu Safe
Pampered Pet Accessories
Pampered Pet Accessories
The $900 Dog High Chair by Rockstar Puppy is for Discerning Dog Owners
Kitty Catwalks
Kitty Catwalks
NYC's Algonquin Hotel Hosts Feline Fashion Show
Dog Dating Services
Dog Dating Services
Modeled After Speed Dating, Gardicanin Matches Up Pets, Owners and Sitters
Pet-Powered Humidifiers
Pet-Powered Humidifiers
The Wool Ball Hybrid Humidifier can be Used as a Toy for Pets
Hungry Pooch Parodies
Hungry Pooch Parodies
The Two Dogs Dining Video is Hilariously Humanlike
Pricey Pet Photography
Pricey Pet Photography
Pitter-Patter-Pet Pix
Pet Bird Diapers
Pet Bird Diapers
FlightSuits With "Poop Pouch"
Chemical-Free Pet Grooming
Chemical-Free Pet Grooming
'Aroma Paws' Luxury Shampoo and Lifestyle Products for Dogs
Canine Fashion Stoles
Canine Fashion Stoles
Dog Couture and Accessories from Charming Pet Products
Handicapped Canine Captures
Handicapped Canine Captures
The Pets with Disabilities Project Shows Them as Happy Companions
Pampered Pet Photography
Pampered Pet Photography
Landon Nordeman Presents Rich and Famous Pets on Parade
Wall-Mounted Pet Feeders
Wall-Mounted Pet Feeders
Sustainable Hanging Food Bowls
Doggie Wheelchairs
Doggie Wheelchairs
The Wilmog will Help Your Dog Move More Freely
Luxury Travel for Pets
Luxury Travel for Pets
Las Ventanas al Paraiso, Las Cabos Mexico
Peculiar Pet Photography
Peculiar Pet Photography
Robin Schwartz Photographs Her Daughter and Her Own Personal Zoo
Feline Meme Films
Feline Meme Films
Nyan the Movie Evokes Emotion in Viewers of the Short
Pets on the Runway
Pets on the Runway
New Year Dog Party in Tokyo
UFO-Inspired Pet Sleepers
UFO-Inspired Pet Sleepers
The Hepper Pod Pet Bed is a Unique Retreat for Your Tired Pets
Peaceful Pet Photography
Peaceful Pet Photography
These ‘Pets on Furniture' Photos Appreciate The Simple Things
Couture Canine Frocks
Couture Canine Frocks
Glamour Dog Lets You Coordinate Clothes With Your Pooch
Preying Feline Prints
Preying Feline Prints
This Whiskas Predator Campaign Appeals to Home-Bound Hunters
Regal Dog Portraits
Regal Dog Portraits
Winnie Au Photography Captures Diverse Pup Personalities
Dead Pet Photography
Dead Pet Photography
Photographer and Filmmaker Bruce LaBruce is Banned from Australia
Precious Pet Protestors
Precious Pet Protestors
The Awwccupy Wall Street Tumblr Showcases Cute Pets at Occupy Protests
Canine Cosplay
Canine Cosplay
Party City Helps You Dress Up Your Pets With Hilarious Results
Forlorn Pet Photography
Forlorn Pet Photography
Photographer Martin Usborne ‘The Silence of Dogs in Cars' Seri
Convenient Canine Cleaning
Convenient Canine Cleaning
Coin-Operated Dog Washes at Australian Car Washes
Cat Pin-Up Posters
Cat Pin-Up Posters
The Jupiter Drawing Room Presents Saucy Felines
Eco Dog Beds
Eco Dog Beds
The Bambu Hammock Gives Your Pets a Tropical Resting Place
Polished Pet Portraits
Polished Pet Portraits
Carli Davidson's Dogs and Cats is Full of Quirky Personalities
Accessorized Poultry Pics
Accessorized Poultry Pics
Chickens by Julie Persons Captures a Fascination for Animal Fashion
Intimate Pet Photography
Intimate Pet Photography
Lele Severi Captures 'The Ones We Love'
Electronic Pet Cradles
Electronic Pet Cradles
The Upcycled Vintage Sanyo TV Cat Bed is Humorous and Cute
Formal Dog Fashion
Formal Dog Fashion
The Bow Tie Dog Collar Gives Your Pooch Panache
Pet Bunk Beds
Pet Bunk Beds
The Metropolitan is Perfect for Crazy Cat Ladies and Dog Lovers
Pet House Planters
Pet House Planters
Mini Garden-Topped Pet Homes by Pousse Créative
Modern Pet Furniture To Make You Jealous
Modern Pet Furniture To Make You Jealous
Hepper Designs
Jedi Pet Photography
Jedi Pet Photography
The Star Wars Animals Series Shows Animals Using the Force
Inebriated Pet Blogs
Inebriated Pet Blogs
The 'My Party Animals' Tumblr Features Partying Pooches
Dignified Doggy Furnishings
Dignified Doggy Furnishings
The Petsmood Collection Ups the Class Factor for Domestic Critters
Celeb-Impersonating Animals
Celeb-Impersonating Animals
The Famous Faces Book is Full of Pets That Look Like Megastars
Fat Cat Blogs
Fat Cat Blogs
'F@ K@ Lover' is for Owners of Plus-Sized Pussycats
Hairless Cat Couture
Hairless Cat Couture
Sphynxwear Dresses Up Your Feline Friend
Doggie Beer? Love Hotels for Dogs? (HD Launch)
Doggie Beer? Love Hotels for Dogs? (HD Launch)
Humanizing Pets
Haute Couture Kitties
Haute Couture Kitties
The New York Cat Fashion Show is for Furry Fashionistas
Distorted Doggie Portraits
Distorted Doggie Portraits
The Carli Davidson Shake Series Captures Pups Shaking Their Heads
Geothermal Doggie Dens
Geothermal Doggie Dens
Miller Pet Products' DogEden Doghouse Naturally Keeps Dogs Cool