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100 Mosaic Masterpieces

From Artistic Mosaic Stairs to Sport Legend Mosaics

— September 17, 2012 — Unique
It seems like the art of arranging together small colored pieces of material to create a bigger work of art is something that just about anyone can do, and this collection of mosaic masterpieces is the perfect example of how just about anything can be used to create a mosaic.

Whether you want to stick with the original process of using stones, tiles or glass to create your masterpiece, or if you want to step outside the box and use items like bottle caps, garbage or even food, the possibilities are endless. Just about everything has been used, but there is no end to what can be created.

Celebrity portraits seem to be a popular subject for creating mosaics and they can be seen in a number of marketing campaigns and publicity stunts.
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Literal Interpretation Portraits
Literal Interpretation Portraits
The 'Facebook' Portrait by Red Hong is Book-Based
Dancing Mosaic Spreadsheets
Dancing Mosaic Spreadsheets
Excel is Fun with This Video from MysteryGuitarMan
Beef Jerky Sasquatch Mosaics
Beef Jerky Sasquatch Mosaics
Jason Mecier Uses Jack Link's Meat Products to Create Amazing Art
Incredible Iconic Portraits
Incredible Iconic Portraits
Peter Fecteau Creates a MLK Potrait Using Rubik's Cubes
Materialistic Mosaic Marketing
Materialistic Mosaic Marketing
This Saks Fifth Avenue Ad Gets You Ready to Pounce
Watchable Na'vi  Mosaics
Watchable Na'vi Mosaics
The Avatar Blu-Ray Mosaic Contains Over 4,000 Discs
Charitable Hockey Hero Mosaics
Charitable Hockey Hero Mosaics
The Mario Mosaic Pays Tribute to Hockey Legend Mario Lemieux
Food Mosaic Portraits
Food Mosaic Portraits
The Class Premier August 2012 Cover Features the World's Best Chef
Pieced Pacman Platforms
Pieced Pacman Platforms
The Retro Mosaic Game Table Pays Tribute to 80s Video Games
Confusing Collage Illustrations
Confusing Collage Illustrations
The Daniele Buetti 'Oh Boy Oh Boy' Series Blends Images
Exposure Painting Mosaics
Exposure Painting Mosaics
The Hand Series by Brian Matthew Hart Uses Hundreds of Photographs
Sea Creature Mosaics
Sea Creature Mosaics
The Maria Luisa Tadei Octopus Sculpture is Enchanting
Gamer Screenshot Mosaics
Gamer Screenshot Mosaics
The Mega Man Screenshot Mosaic is Made Up of 1,500 Snapshots
Doggy Treat Mosaics
Doggy Treat Mosaics
These SM Store Ads Show Cute Canines Made from Snacks
Monochromatic Mosaics
Monochromatic Mosaics
Steven Spazuk Beautifully Brings Pieces Together to Create Art
Puzzling Villain Mosaics
Puzzling Villain Mosaics
The Joker Rubik's Cube Mosaic is Made Up of Over 300 Cubes
Circular Stained Glass Portraits
Circular Stained Glass Portraits
Tosgos Depicts Batman Foes in an Abstract Mosaic Manner
Artistic Mosaic Skateboards
Artistic Mosaic Skateboards
The HUF Haroshi Deck Brings Contemporary Art to Extreme Sports
Trashy Famous Faces
Trashy Famous Faces
Celebrity JunkDrawers Uses Celeb Trash to Create Portraits of Them
Inmate Mosaic Masterpieces
Inmate Mosaic Masterpieces
Dutch Artist Hjotefar Gets Help From Inmates to Create Art
Marvelous Mosaic Seats
Marvelous Mosaic Seats
The Fulo ‘Bits' Bench Brings Unconventional Comfort
Recycled Refuse Mosaics
Recycled Refuse Mosaics
The Magic Garden is a Colorful Labyrinth of Eco Art
Blooming Cake Compositions
Blooming Cake Compositions
'Crumbs and Doilies' Creates a Stunning Cupcake Cherry Blossom Mosaic
Master Mosaic Workshops
Master Mosaic Workshops
The Orsoni Mosaic Foundry lets You Experience 100 Years of Tradition
Massive Espresso Mosaics
Massive Espresso Mosaics
The Saimir Strati Coffee Bean Project Uses One Million Coffee Beans
Minuscule Object Artwork
Minuscule Object Artwork
These Kevin Champeny Mosaics Use Thousands of Handmade Little Models
Jagged Mosaic Art
Jagged Mosaic Art
Check Out the Wonderful Artwork of Jan Feliks
Celeb Mosaic Artwork
Celeb Mosaic Artwork
The Deviantart Keyboard Key Portraits are Awesome
Typography Movie Mosaics
Typography Movie Mosaics
The 'Men in Black 3' Posters are All About the Fine Print
Recycled Transit Card Mosaics
Recycled Transit Card Mosaics
The Nina Boesch Metro Card Project Reimagines New York
Gigant Seafood Art
Gigant Seafood Art
The World's Largest Sushi Mosaic Contains More than 8,000 Pieces of Sushi
Polygonal Pop Culture Vehicles
Polygonal Pop Culture Vehicles
Josh Ln Depicts Infamous Transportation as Jagged Shape Mosaics
Puzzled Pop Star Mosaics
Puzzled Pop Star Mosaics
Doug Powell's Duzzle Art Creates Portraits Out of Jigsaw Puzzle Pi
Mosaic Chocolate Desserts
Mosaic Chocolate Desserts
The 'Girl Who Ate Everything' Peanut Butter Cheese Balls are Splendid
Giant CEO iPortraits
Giant CEO iPortraits
This Steve Jobs iProduct Mosaic is an Aptly Fitting Tribute
Aircraft-Adorned Employee Appreciation
Aircraft-Adorned Employee Appreciation
The Turkish Airlines Plane Skin is a Mosaic of Staff Faces
Classic Edible Art
Classic Edible Art
The Giant Bread Mona Lisa Mosaic is Made From Over 10,000 Pieces of Bread
Peeled-Back Sinks
Peeled-Back Sinks
Daniel Lago's Lavabo Skin Looks Wonderfully Weightless
Food Pixelation Portraits
Food Pixelation Portraits
The Ron Swanson Mosaic Crafts TV Character's Face From Meals
Human Nest Mosaics
Human Nest Mosaics
Angelo Musco Floods Pools with Bodies to Create a Stunning Visual Effect
Spinning Mosaic Miniblinds
Spinning Mosaic Miniblinds
Poetic Wind is an Ever-Changing Window Treatment that Doubles as Decor
Remodeled Money Murals
Remodeled Money Murals
Chad Person Creates Brilliant Artwork with Currency
Puzzle Piece Print Portraits
Puzzle Piece Print Portraits
Seung Hoon Park Weaves FIlm Strips Together to Create Unified Images
Polo Shirt Self-Portraits
Polo Shirt Self-Portraits
The Van Gogh Mosaic from Onward Kashiyama Co. is a Preppy Piece of Art
Eggcellent Religious Art
Eggcellent Religious Art
Oksana Maks Creates an Easter Egg Virgin Mary
Pill-Popping Portraitures
Pill-Popping Portraitures
This Scott Blake Self Portrait is Made Entirely from Ecstasy
Metropolitan Mosaics
Metropolitan Mosaics
Pep Ventosa Photographs Make Collages of Cultural Cityscapes
Lively Litter Campaigns
Lively Litter Campaigns
The 'One Beach' Trash Mosaic Promotes Turning Garbage into Gold
Picturesque Pool Tiles
Picturesque Pool Tiles
The Sicis Mediterranea Collection Offers an Exotic Experience at Home
Powerful Cigarette Mosaic Ads
Powerful Cigarette Mosaic Ads
The Stivoro Campaign Asks People 'What are You Giving Up?'
Mosaic Plectrum Portraits
Mosaic Plectrum Portraits
Ed Chapman Idolizes the Great Jimi Hendrix With a Guitar Pick Canvas
Stained Glass Frankensteins
Stained Glass Frankensteins
Classic Monster Mosaics Revives 1930s Horror Characters
Bicycle Gear Mosaics
Bicycle Gear Mosaics
The Laura Harris Mixed Media Pieces are Beautifully Intricate
Molecular Mirror Apps
Molecular Mirror Apps
The New 'Konfetti' App Lets Users Pixelate and Manipulate Images
Captivating Cork Portraits
Captivating Cork Portraits
Scott Gundersen Creates Intricate Mosaics Made from Cork Bottle Stops
Timber Mosaic Tubs
Timber Mosaic Tubs
The Stone Pixel Soaker Marries Glossy Crystalplant with Textural Wood Grain
Mosaic-Modeled Locomotives
Mosaic-Modeled Locomotives
Alstom Deconstruccio Embodies a Modern Spanish Aesthetic
Diva Dice Designs
Diva Dice Designs
Marilyn Monroe and James Dean are Rolled Out in Realistic Portraits
Sport Legend Mosaics
Sport Legend Mosaics
The Gatorade Campaign by Charis Tsevis is Intensely Refreshing
Cultural Mosaic Campaigns
Cultural Mosaic Campaigns
Conqueror Paper Print Ads by TapRoot Celebrate India's Vibrance
Pixelated Graffiti
Pixelated Graffiti
French Street Artist Invader Takes on Brazil With Amazing Effects
Wooden Mosaic Masterpieces
Wooden Mosaic Masterpieces
The Awesome Woodworks of DO IT are Sure to Amaze
Recyled Can Mosaics
Recyled Can Mosaics
Jeff Ivanhoe Makes Art from Trash
Perplexing LEGO Mozaics
Perplexing LEGO Mozaics
Katie Walker Excels at Making Carpet Patterns Out of Blocks
Mosaic Webvertising
Mosaic Webvertising
The Google Team Advertises with 884 4x6 Photographs
Movie Poster Cliche Mosaics
Movie Poster Cliche Mosaics
Christophe Courtois Highlights the Film Industry's Lack of Imagination
Ancient Mosaic Marketing
Ancient Mosaic Marketing
Hora Wine Packaging Associates itself with the Roman Empire
Colorful Crayola Creations (UPDATE)
Colorful Crayola Creations (UPDATE)
These Herb Williams Crayon Sculptures Will Color Your World
Mosaic Junkmail Portraiture
Mosaic Junkmail Portraiture
These Spam Mail Celebrity Portraits Turn Lemons into Lemonade
Magnificent Mosaic Dresses
Magnificent Mosaic Dresses
Julie Richey Pieces Together Stunning Scultpural Artworks
Sparkling Tile Mosaics
Sparkling Tile Mosaics
The Crystal Collection by Bisazza Features Stunning Swarovski Crystals
Typographic TV Stars
Typographic TV Stars
Juan Osborne Immortalizes 'Lost' Characters With Mosaics
Easter Egg Mosaics
Easter Egg Mosaics
These Oksana Mas Murals Use Hand-Painted Eggs to Create Breathtaking Portraits
Digital Mosaic Masterpieces
Digital Mosaic Masterpieces
Christopher Haines Renders Portraits Using Tiny Fragmented Polygons
Sweet Scan-Able Cookies
Sweet Scan-Able Cookies
The RedPepper Oreo QR Code is Technology You Can Lick
Giant Cricket Star Mosaics
Giant Cricket Star Mosaics
The Indian Premier League Print Campaign May Induce the Wave
Wood-Wrapped Newspaper Mosaics
Wood-Wrapped Newspaper Mosaics
The Famous Painting Recreations by Lee Kyu-Hak Mimic Masterpieces
Chewing Gum Canvases
Chewing Gum Canvases
Ben Wilson Prettifies the Streets of London
Pastel Mosaic Manicures
Pastel Mosaic Manicures
The Fashion Magazine 'Valentino' Nails are Summery
Handyman Mosaics
Handyman Mosaics
Saimir Strati Uses 300,000 Screws to Create His Massive Currency Mosaic
Precious Stone Mosaics
Precious Stone Mosaics
Gemstone Creative Turns Any Images Into a Shimmering Work of Art
Giant Caffeinated Mosaics
Giant Caffeinated Mosaics
Awakening by Arkady Kim is Made Out of One Million Coffee Beans
Intricate Cyberculture Illustrations
Intricate Cyberculture Illustrations
The Charis Tsevis ‘Digital World' is a Mosaic Mas
Mosaic-Inspired Sci-Fi Portraits
Mosaic-Inspired Sci-Fi Portraits
Stars Wars Identities Exhibition Gets to the Core of Characters
Intricate Doodle Portraits
Intricate Doodle Portraits
Jason Sho Green Creates Drawings Within Drawings
Reimagined Bottle Art
Reimagined Bottle Art
Designer Garth Britzman Creates a Sustainable Parking Canopy
Mosaic Bottle Cap Murals
Mosaic Bottle Cap Murals
The Olga Kostina Bottle Cap Art Fuses Recycling and Exterior Design
Mosaic-Inspired Paintings
Mosaic-Inspired Paintings
Tran Nguyen Adds Geometrical Figures to His Delicate Work
Trippy Tile Floors
Trippy Tile Floors
These Ciudad Mosaic Tiles Let You Design Your Own City
Burnt Bread Mosaics
Burnt Bread Mosaics
The Henry Hargreaves 'Toasted' Collection Illustrates Celebrities Crisply
Word Mosaic Portraits
Word Mosaic Portraits
'Beautiful Words Beautiful Art' Turns Books into Masterpieces
Celeb Confetti Collages
Celeb Confetti Collages
The Vanity Fair Mosaic by Village9991 is for the Artistic and Fashionable
Wood Floor Mosaics
Wood Floor Mosaics
Parchettificio Toscano Flooring is Tailor-Made by Italian Master Craftsmen
Energized Illustrations
Energized Illustrations
Charis Tsevis' Neo Futuristic Vector Art is Alive with Motion
Corkscrew Mosaics
Corkscrew Mosaics
Saimir Strati's Wine-Bottle Cork Art is a Wondrous Wooden Wall Painting
Blunt Mosaics
Blunt Mosaics
Cliff Maynard Creates Mind-Blowing Roach Paper Art
Colossal Comic Collages
Colossal Comic Collages
Mike Alcantra Creates Artistic Superheroes With the Pages of Books
Playful Polygonal Portraits
Playful Polygonal Portraits
Tim Biskup Crafts Mosaic Images that Exude a Vibrant Energy
Artistic Mosaic Stairs
Artistic Mosaic Stairs
The 16th Avenue Tiled Steps in San Francisco is Vibrantly Colorful
Gorgeous Graffiti Garments
Gorgeous Graffiti Garments
This Mario Sorrenti September 2011 W Mag Shoot is a Multicolored Mosaic