The Ron Swanson Mosaic Crafts TV Character's Face From Meals
Jason Soy — July 19, 2011 — Pop Culture
Borrowing a technique famously employed by Salvador Dali, this Ron Swanson Mosaic is in fact a portrait of the Parks and Recreation character that's been entirely crafted out of meals that Mr. Swanson enjoys most. From Porterhouse steaks to lobster tails, Ron Swanson is a man who knows how to eat lavishly, and half the fun of this clever portrait comes from zooming into the images of meals and identifying all the neat foods that the fictional director of the Pawnee Parks and Recreation Department enjoys.
The Ron Swanson Mosaic is one in a string of promotional campaigns from NBC to satiate fan demand for content of the macho cult television character.
Implications - Television companies are producing more and more content for fans of their programming in order to constantly engage and validate fan interest in particular franchises. Corporations in other industries can utilize a similar marketing strategy to engage consumers and strengthen existing customer bonds.
The Ron Swanson Mosaic is one in a string of promotional campaigns from NBC to satiate fan demand for content of the macho cult television character.
Implications - Television companies are producing more and more content for fans of their programming in order to constantly engage and validate fan interest in particular franchises. Corporations in other industries can utilize a similar marketing strategy to engage consumers and strengthen existing customer bonds.
Trend Themes
1. Meal Mosaics - Creating portraits and images through food can become a popular trend for brands looking to grab attention through visually stunning meal art.
2. Fan-centric Promotions - Producing more content and promotions surrounding cult-like entertainment-fandoms can create stronger customer brand value propositions that other industries can replicate.
3. Zoom-in Branding - Robustly detailed marketing material that allows consumers to identify and understand the brand’s features more intimately can increase customer engagement and retention.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Creating visually stunning food displays and related programming can be an avenue for restaurants to distinguish themselves and become a novel experience destination.
2. Television and Entertainment - Cult TV shows stimulate rabid fandoms that could be further monetized through related merchandise such as the Ron Swanson food mosaic as well as boosting customer-loyalty and community-engagement numbers.
3. Food and Beverage Manufacturing - Brands in the food and beverage industry can increase product promotion through creative branding that incorporates the more visually sales-attractive features of food itself.