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19 Millennial Nightlife Innovations

From Device-Free Dance Parties to Vegan Night Market Events

— January 6, 2017 — Lifestyle
These Millennial nightlife innovations range from device-free dance parties to vegan night markets that target foodies with an appetite for healthier options. Keen on investing in experiences rather than material goods, this demographic is replacing traditional nightclub and pub visits with jogger music festivals and multisensory workouts that relate closely to their interests.

A notable example includes Gym Box and Stubhub's crowd surfing-inspired workout class that invited party lovers to get fit while having fun. Additional Millennial nightlife innovations range from secretive student concerts with an exclusive feel to coffee bar film clubs and even operatic beer events.

Immersive and dj-accompanied laser tag experiences and VR concert performances round off this list and are reflective of Millennials' love of events that are worth sharing with their social media following.
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Operatic Beer Pairing Events
Operatic Beer Pairing Events
'Hopera' Pairs Beers with Famous Arias
Vegan Night Markets
Vegan Night Markets
Los Angeles is Set to Host Its First Ever All-Vegan Street Food Market
Banned Music Concerts
Banned Music Concerts
Forbidden Songs is a Live Event That Will Feature Banned Music from All Over
Ladies' Night-Locating Apps
Ladies' Night-Locating Apps
This Nightlife App Maps Out Ladies' Night Events In Hong Kong
Heart-Monitoring Concert Wristbands
Heart-Monitoring Concert Wristbands
DJ Piotr Bejnar Enhanced His Concert Experience with Wearables
Chamber Music House Parties
Chamber Music House Parties
Groupmuse is a Service That Hires Chamber Musicians for Millennials
Athletic Rave Classes
Athletic Rave Classes
The BeLive Fitness Movement Turns Workouts Into a Dance Party Atmosphere
360-Degree VR Performances
360-Degree VR Performances
Bjork Livestreamed a 360-Degree Concert in Virtual Reality
Zero-Gravity Music Festivals
Zero-Gravity Music Festivals
Desperados Bass Drop Took Place 30,000 Feet Over Las Vegas
Black Christmas Dinners
Black Christmas Dinners
Kraken Launched a Dark Festive Feast to Pair with Its Iconic Black Rum
Coffee Brand Film Clubs
Coffee Brand Film Clubs
Roof Top Film Club is Hosting Movie Nights for Nespresso Club Members
Crowdsurfer Workout Classes
Crowdsurfer Workout Classes
Gym Box and Stubhub Teamed Up to Offer a 'Crowd Surf Ready' Class
Secretive Student Concerts
Secretive Student Concerts
Spotify Hosts a Musical All-Nighter for University Students
Jogger Music Festivals
Jogger Music Festivals
The Night Nation Run is the World's First Running Music Festival
Device-Free Dance Parties
Device-Free Dance Parties
The Daybreaker Event Helped San Francisco Techies Unplug
Self-Serve Pub Bars
Self-Serve Pub Bars
The 'Pay @ Pump' Beer Pump is a Self-Checkout for Pubs
Hybrid Laser Tag Games
Hybrid Laser Tag Games
The 'Lazer Zoo' Event Combines Brunch and Laser Tag into One Experience
Playable Arcade Game Buildings
Playable Arcade Game Buildings
This Building's Facade was Turned into a Playable Tetris Monitor
Multi-Sensory Workout Clubs
Multi-Sensory Workout Clubs
Nike's 'Unlimited You' Offers a Unique and Immersive Experience