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20 Examples of Mason Jar Marketing

From Canned Party Invitations to Organic Artisan Aparatifs

— May 2, 2015 — Marketing
Once used for preserving food, the mason jar has graduated from its common occupation and is now a brand mogul with mason jar marketing.

The mason jar has gained ultimate popularity among the millennial generation and it is said this is due to the the hipster movement. When these hipster consumer group began using mason jars as cups, candle holders, and other various objects, it became clear that the nifty jar could also be used as a marketing tool. Now major companies from dessert shops to wineries have invested in mason jar marketing to get their business booming. With its simple design and attractive shape, it is quite simple to personalize this jar to any company standards.

Mason jar marketing may appeal to the young hipster generation but it also catches the eye of an older crowd as well, making this marketing scheme alluring and effective.
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