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44 Marvelous X-Men Innovations

From Superhero-Themed Pizzas to Mutant Movie Memorabilia

— May 14, 2014 — Lifestyle
It was recently announced that Channing Tatum is taking over the role of Gambit in the highly successful X-Men movie franchise, replacing Taylor Kitsch who appeared as the card-loving mutant who can control pure kinetic energy in 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'; these marvelous X-Men innovations show why A-list actors are attracted to such comic book franchises. Its huge fan base inspires everything from amazing art pieces to realistic costumes for cosplay events and fun advertising campaigns.

These marvelous X-Men innovations also celebrate the seventh film revolving around the superhero team of mutants, which is set to hit theaters near the end of this month. People might want to sneak in a slice of the X-men pizza when watching 'X-Men: Days of Future Past.'
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Burger-Loving Mutant Campaigns
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The Carl's Jr Mystique Commercial Tells People to Man Up
Silly Superhero Makeovers
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The 'X Men with Googly Eyes' Tumblr is Hilarious
Superhero-Themed Pizzas
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X-men Inspired Running Shoes
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