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Top 100 Modern Ideas in March

From Swanky Waterfall Showers to Sculptural Looking Glasses

— March 29, 2015 — Art & Design
Modernity refers to the recent past, present and near future, meaning that it's an enormous category to pin down; that being said, the top March 2015 Modern ideas showed a return to minimalism across all industries.

The re-entry of minimalism in the design world isn't surprising, but minimalism can have many meanings. For instance, this month saw an emphasis on fluid formations and sculptural designs. The term "minimalist" or "modern" is often associated with coldness, but these curvaceous silhouettes help to offer a certain warmth to the aesthetic, whether it be in the home or in an art gallery.

The top March 2015 Modern ideas have been conceptualized as sculptural abstractions that make minimalism more approachable.
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Soundless Video Interviews
Soundless Video Interviews
Shia LaBeouf in #IAMSORRY Gave a Completely Silent Interview
Charitably Romantic Towels
Charitably Romantic Towels
Barbara Kruger's 'Artist Towel' Helps Fund Public Art Projects
Psychedelic Modern Performances
Psychedelic Modern Performances
Rossy de Palma Stars in an Art Depiticion Called Traveling Lady
Ceramic Dust Art
Ceramic Dust Art
This Designer Completely Transforms the Idea of Dirty Dust Bunnies
Travel-Friendly Toboggans
Travel-Friendly Toboggans
This Folding Sled is Easy to Store and Stacks in Your Car
Black Cultural Exhibits
Black Cultural Exhibits
London V&A's Latest Exhibit Speaks to the Black British Experience
Cylindrical Home Accessories
Cylindrical Home Accessories
The Tube Series by Piet Hein Eek x Leff Amsterdam is Simple and Chic
Adorable Rabbit Dishes
Adorable Rabbit Dishes
Bunny Bowls and Jars by Indigo Will Enhance Your Easter Decor by a Leap
Stylish Tilting Tables
Stylish Tilting Tables
The Dizzy Collection by Federico Churba Deceptively Leans to One Side
Bright Toadstool Lights
Bright Toadstool Lights
This Mushroom Lamp is a Glowing Symbol of Biological Metamorphosis
Streamlined Musical Instruments
Streamlined Musical Instruments
A Curvaceous Piano Represents the Soft Sounds of Classical Tunes
Emoji-Laden Artwork
Emoji-Laden Artwork
Petra Cortright Creates Digital Art Using a Variety of New and Old Emoticons
Artful Banner Ads
Artful Banner Ads
Jeremy Bailey's You Museum Displays Tailored Art Like Internet Ads
Graph Paper Platters
Graph Paper Platters
SAIC Origin Cuatro Trays Channel the Mathematician in Every Cook and Consumer
Social Media Gravestones
Social Media Gravestones
Gravestones of the Future May Include Our Digital Stats
Simple Candle Holders
Simple Candle Holders
Lump by Kim Thome Takes on Two Basic Geometric Shapes
Whimsical Clamp Lamps
Whimsical Clamp Lamps
W153 Light Can Clipped, But It's Also Effective as a Freestanding Table Lamp
Pastel Painted Art
Pastel Painted Art
Miranda Lorikeet Creates Art Using Only MS Paint
Smudged Smartphone Art
Smudged Smartphone Art
Arslan Sukan Creates Art from iPhone Smudges
Majestic Modern Playhouses
Majestic Modern Playhouses
The Gdansk Shakespearean Theater Blends Old and New in Baltic Poland
Neo-Retro Tube Clocks
Neo-Retro Tube Clocks
The Blub Uno by Duncan Hellmers is Inspired by 1950s Technology
Wooden Sound Installations
Wooden Sound Installations
The New Sound Installation by Zimoun Employs Roof Laths and Rope
Alien Egg Cups
Alien Egg Cups
The Egg 51 Dish Serves Up an Extraterrestrial Spread for Breakfast
Spat Candy Coatracks
Spat Candy Coatracks
This Whimsical Wall Organizer Features Chewing Gum Hooks
Indoor Whirlpool Exhibits
Indoor Whirlpool Exhibits
Descension by Anish Kapoor is a Mesmerizing Installation
Functional Cage Shelves
Functional Cage Shelves
The FUWL Storage System Welcomes the Placing and Stuffing of Items
Modern Metal Tape Dispensers
Modern Metal Tape Dispensers
Sculptural Office Supply Brings Beauty and Functionality to the Table
Geometric Golden Lamps
Geometric Golden Lamps
Exhibit Lights Symbolize the Precious Artifacts of Museums and Galleries
Skyscraper Ceiling Lamps
Skyscraper Ceiling Lamps
Stalaclights Feature Upturned Forms of NYC's Iconic Modern Architecture
Ladder-Like Seating
Ladder-Like Seating
This Lifeguard Chair Gives the Sitter a Sense of Comfort and Security
Ephemeral Sculpture Installations
Ephemeral Sculpture Installations
The Justin Yellin Lincoln Center Showcase Celebrates Ballet
Tress-Detangling Plugs
Tress-Detangling Plugs
Hairless Bath Drain Makes Collecting and Discarding Strands Much Simpler
X-Accented Area Rugs
X-Accented Area Rugs
These Kisses Carpets Bring Sweet and Colorful Details to Your Interior Decor
Stone Age Seating
Stone Age Seating
This Soft Stone Chair Feels More Comfortable Than Its Rocky Surface Appears
Woody Keyboard Supports
Woody Keyboard Supports
The Bamboo Keyboard Tray Assists with Ergonomics and Organization
Lightbulb-Shaped Projectors
Lightbulb-Shaped Projectors
Beam Screws into Stands to Project Smartphone Screens onto Any Surface
Caged Stone Lamps
Caged Stone Lamps
A Modern Marble Light Bulb Marries Utility with Sophisticated Design
See-Through Dinosaur Lights
See-Through Dinosaur Lights
The Dino Lamp Reveals His Transparent Skeleton When Light Reflects Off
Creativity-Spurring Playrooms
Creativity-Spurring Playrooms
The Pearlfisher Jump In Project is an Interactive Gallery Experience
Vibrant Metal Lights
Vibrant Metal Lights
These Steel Box Lamps Emit Soft Glows from Behind Hard Shells
Facial Abstract Prints
Facial Abstract Prints
Sally King Benedict Created a Variety of Faces Using Multiple Platforms
Sculptural Looking Glasses
Sculptural Looking Glasses
Molten Mirrors Seem to Emerge From Walls Like Liquified Mercury Puddles
Pretty Puckered Poufs
Pretty Puckered Poufs
Unfolded Seats Are Imaginative Fabric Representations of Round Boulders
Banana Plantation Houses
Banana Plantation Houses
Vardastudio Architects Designs a Classy Concrete Home in Peyia, Cyprus
Droplet Portable Lamp
Droplet Portable Lamp
Mool Bit Light Can Be Pinched, Picked Up and Used as a Mobile Illuminator
Anniversary Mascot Illustrations
Anniversary Mascot Illustrations
The New Yorker Releases Nine Covers in Celebration of 90 Years
Paper Bag Buildings
Paper Bag Buildings
Frank Gehry's Beautiful UTS Business School Looks Like a Scrunched Lunch Sack
Complimentary Contemporary Galleries
Complimentary Contemporary Galleries
The Broad Museum in Los Angeles will Open in September 2015
Puckered Poster Lamps
Puckered Poster Lamps
This Paper Wall Light is Simply Composed of a Cut and Curled Sheet
3D-Printed Fish Tanks
3D-Printed Fish Tanks
This 40-Liter High-Tech Fish Tank Boasts Cutting-Edge Features
Yin Yang Retail Displays
Yin Yang Retail Displays
Store with a Floating Staircase Creates Enigmatic Balance Between Levels
Colorful Woven Facades
Colorful Woven Facades
The Keiun Building by Aisaka Architects Resembles a Woven Basket
Prismatic Plexiglass Photography
Prismatic Plexiglass Photography
Joanna Mcclure's Through the Looking Glass is Like a Kaleidoscope
Minimalist White Bathrooms
Minimalist White Bathrooms
Shinichi Ogawa & Associates Designs a Space with a Stunning Forest View
Pillowy Glass Lighting
Pillowy Glass Lighting
The 73 Series by Bocci is Created by Jamming Glass Inside Fabric
Curlicue Ceiling Lights
Curlicue Ceiling Lights
Curly Wooden Lamps Artistically Express Carpenters' Beautiful Byproduct
Augmented Art Apps
Augmented Art Apps
Curioos' App Simulates How a Piece of Art Will Look Hanging in Your Home
Kinky Cord Hangers
Kinky Cord Hangers
This Ceiling Lamp Hook Has Twisted Channels for Twirling Cables Securely
Hand-Assembled Espresso Appliances
Hand-Assembled Espresso Appliances
The Coveted Kees van der Westen Spirit Machine is Interstellar
Handprinted 3D Wallpaper
Handprinted 3D Wallpaper
This London Patisserie is Brought to Life with Graphic Wallpaper
Modern Sustainable Staircases
Modern Sustainable Staircases
Techne is the First Staircase to Use Technopolymer in its Design
Fab Zippered Footstools
Fab Zippered Footstools
Zippiu Pouf Invites You to Layer Your Own Ottoman With Colored Cushions
Covert Keyhole Mirrors
Covert Keyhole Mirrors
The Egg Hides Conceals Cluttered Collections of Openers in Your Foyer
Tilted Table Lamps
Tilted Table Lamps
This Beveled-Bottom Light is Unable to Stand Up Straight
Modified Art Installations
Modified Art Installations
Visual Puns by Toni Spyra Plays Off of the Use for Everyday Objects
Folded Door Furnishings
Folded Door Furnishings
This Reclaimed Door Table was Taken from Its Hinges and Reworked
Architectural Museum Showcases
Architectural Museum Showcases
The Hot to Cold Exhibit by BIG in Washington DC is Fascinating
Poised Planting Collections
Poised Planting Collections
Gorgeous Indoor Gardening Tools Refine the Process of Raising Greenery
Scoop-Bottomed Bowls
Scoop-Bottomed Bowls
These Carved Wooden Bowls Were Formally Inspired by Spoon Markings
Parametric Tress Tables
Parametric Tress Tables
The Abstract Side Table Features of Leg of Spiderweb Scaffolding
Crab-Legged Steampunk Clocks
Crab-Legged Steampunk Clocks
Nixie Machine Fuses Vintage Digital Tubes with Modern Manufacturing
Sloped Open Sideboards
Sloped Open Sideboards
The Ostberg Bench Features Tilted Surfaces and Elongated Storage Cubbies
Captivating Contemporary Churches
Captivating Contemporary Churches
The Light of Life Chapel is an Epic Tribute to Modern Design
Modern Countryside Homes
Modern Countryside Homes
The Bolton Residence is Full of Bold Minimalist Details
Colorful Luminous Installations
Colorful Luminous Installations
This Light Installation by Artist Liz West is a Sensory Experience
Glamorous Glass Sailboats
Glamorous Glass Sailboats
The Oxseagen Yacht Features a Windowed Midsection for Great Ocean Views
Tattoo Removal Creams
Tattoo Removal Creams
This Topical Cream Gets Rid Of Tattoos Painlessly
Water Well-Inspired Lighting
Water Well-Inspired Lighting
The Well Lamp by Mejd Studio Winds Up Whimsically
Sculptural Spiral Sinks
Sculptural Spiral Sinks
This Swirling Washbasin Assumes the Organic Shape of a Conch Shell
Adorable Dog Lights
Adorable Dog Lights
Luminose Lamp Will Sit and Stand to Your Command for Directional Illumination
Futuristic Concrete Abodes
Futuristic Concrete Abodes
The G House by Esau Acosta is a Modular Marvel
Astronomic Cutting Boards
Astronomic Cutting Boards
This Solar System Chopping Board Teaches You Science While You Slice
Twisted Grid Towers
Twisted Grid Towers
This Pixelated Office Building Parametrically Consumes Its Irregular Site
Gradient Perforated Shelving
Gradient Perforated Shelving
In the Fog by Dmitry Kozinenko is an Aesthetically Unique Collection
Interaction-Increasing Tables
Interaction-Increasing Tables
Architects Design University Furniture Inspired by an Artist Palette
Beautiful Botanic Bangles
Beautiful Botanic Bangles
These Natural Bracelets Contain Real Leaves, Flowers, Seeds and Twigs
Elegant Lemniscate Lamps
Elegant Lemniscate Lamps
An Infinity Symbol Light Has a Continuous Looped Form and a Poetic Look
Flatpacked Storage Systems
Flatpacked Storage Systems
This Wooden Shelf is Made Up of a Dozen Frames for Customized Stashing
Tipsy Task Chairs
Tipsy Task Chairs
This Spring-Framed Chair Offsets the Drunken Sway of the Sitter
Modern Sculptural Lamps
Modern Sculptural Lamps
The Focal Point Light by Designlump is Practical and Chic
Shipping Yard Shop Designs
Shipping Yard Shop Designs
The Nendo Backyard Store was Inspired by a Playful Commercial Rear Lot
Surreal Selfie Compositions
Surreal Selfie Compositions
Izumi Miyazaki Takes Selfies Better Than You Do
Smart Storage Jars
Smart Storage Jars
The Neo Smart Jar Enhances Food Storage with Bluetooth Technology
Outdoor Home Entertainment Options
Outdoor Home Entertainment Options
Roger Christ Creates a Projector Wall on a Residential Rooftop
Beautiful Basic Bike Racks
Beautiful Basic Bike Racks
Pau Bicycle Wall Rack is a Brace that Blends into Your Interior Decor
Swanky Waterfall Showers
Swanky Waterfall Showers
Rain Soft Setup Lets You Bathe Beneath Dispersed Droplets and Downpours
Elegant Ribbon Urinals
Elegant Ribbon Urinals
This New Toilet Concept Proposes a Sculptural Form That Reuses Water
Galactic Art Reinterpretations
Galactic Art Reinterpretations
David Hamilton Remixes Classic Paintings with Star Wars Influence
Conceptual Wood Furniture
Conceptual Wood Furniture
Arca Studio Creates Unusual Designs for Modern Homes
Water-Weaving Faucets
Water-Weaving Faucets
Swirl Tap Spouts Angled Streams of H2O for an Improved Cleaning Experience