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20 Prepackaged Lunch Ideas

From Portable Protein Snacks to Biodegradable Origami Bowls

— October 9, 2014 — Lifestyle
When it comes to lunch ideas, it can be more than difficult to prepare a fresh meal on a consistent basis, which is where these prepackaged varieties come in to help make eating well easy. Everything from full meals to individual snacks can be found on the store shelves, which comes in handy for those who either don't find themselves able to sit still long enough to eat a full meal or who lack the time (or ability) to prepare something fresh beforehand.

What we're seeing in the prepackaged goods industry is a shift towards a total rebranding; instead of avoiding the middle aisles in the grocery store, we're seeing consumers flock to them for lunch ideas to effectively make eating something delicious and nutritious in a pinch a cinch.
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Portable Protein Snacks
Portable Protein Snacks
The Protinis Lunches by Maple Leaf Offer Protein-Rich Foods on the Go
Fish Jerky Snacks
Fish Jerky Snacks
Otuna's Jerky Meat Snack Swaps Beef for Fish
Mouthwatering Microwaveable Meals
Mouthwatering Microwaveable Meals
Food Pro Manufacturing Offers These Delicious Frozen Snack Pots
Gourmet Camping Meals
Gourmet Camping Meals
Good To-Go Makes Pre-Packaged Gourmet Meals for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Cavemen Diet Branding
Cavemen Diet Branding
The Primal Kitchen Turns to Ancient Times for Inspiration
Chef-Prepped Frozen Meals
Chef-Prepped Frozen Meals
Dinner for N's Frozen Food Meals are Like Having a Chef of Your Own
Pre-Cooked Salmon Packaging
Pre-Cooked Salmon Packaging
Patagonia Provisions' Food Packaging Design Makes Eating Fish Easy
Fresh Produce Packaging
Fresh Produce Packaging
The Whole Foods Packaging for Brooklyn Has Local and Regional Appeal
Painterly Food Packaging
Painterly Food Packaging
Judit Besze's Fictive Food Packaging is Artistically Branded
Adorable Veggie Packaging
Adorable Veggie Packaging
These Vegetarian Food Packages for Kids Makes Meat-Free Options Friendly
Suggested Intake Food Packaging
Suggested Intake Food Packaging
'23 a Day' Almonds Provides a Perfect Amount for Daily Snacks
Peeking Plane Food Packaging
Peeking Plane Food Packaging
Antonio Dominguez' In-Flight Meal Packages for Newrest are Playful
Busy Snack Branding
Busy Snack Branding
Active Packs Packaging Alludes to High-Energy Food
Gourmet Garden Merchandizing
Gourmet Garden Merchandizing
Pereg Packaging Communicates the Natural Flavor of its Foods
Revealing Sandwich Packaging
Revealing Sandwich Packaging
This Sandwich Container Has Cutouts to Show the Meat Inside
Coordinated Salad Bowls
Coordinated Salad Bowls
Bright Bites' Salad Bowls Match the Vibrancy of the Ingredients Inside
Biodegradable Origami Bowls
Biodegradable Origami Bowls
This Food Bowl Design Imagines a Sustainable Way to Eat Ramen
Handy Two-Part Packaging
Handy Two-Part Packaging
W-Bags Split into a Pair of Compartments to Store Snack Scraps
Implement-Patterned Packages
Implement-Patterned Packages
Cook Packaging Celebrates the Tools Necessary for Artistic Food Prep
Accordion Sandwich Containers
Accordion Sandwich Containers
Eat & Go Packaging Can Be Conveniently Compressed with Every Bite