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47 Comical Baby Captures

From Kourtney Kardashian's Baby Girl to Booty-Shaking Babies

— August 18, 2012 — Pop Culture
Celebrity babies are all the buzz in Hollywood, and Kourtney Kardashian's baby girl is no exception to that rule. Recently, the reality star revealed pictures of her one-month-old daughter named Penelope Scotland Disick. Surprisingly, the star opted for a rather traditional name compared to other unusual celebrity choices.

These baby captures are not just adorable, but comical as well. Somehow dressing up babies in wigs or as food seems to melt hearts and acts as entertainment. Other toddlers amaze with their talents, such as the booty-shaking baby, who can surprisingly dance better than I can!

Children have a way to incite strong emotional connections, hence why they are commonly used in advertisements and artworks.
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