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32 Kids Mobile Products

From Phone-Controlled Dolls to Smartphone Training Toys

— September 2, 2013 — Life-Stages
With technology advancing at a blistering pace, newer generations are introduced to it even quicker, and that is never more apparent than with kids mobile products. Whether it's educational applications meant to be used by children or phone cases designed specifically for that market, there are more tech products for children than you would expect.

Youth are growing up in the age of increased connectivity and that theme is showing itself to younger and younger audiences. With the current technology of smartphones, the ability to create dynamic educational apps allows for incredibly enriching ways for children to utilize telecommunication platforms. The market for mobile apps alone is huge and there are endless possibilities for ways to affect children positively.

As technology continues to trickle down the age ranks, more advanced kids mobile products will be produced and hopefully the focus will be on increase their knowledge.
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Baby Teeth Smartphone Trackers
Baby Teeth Smartphone Trackers
Visa's Tooth Fair Application Allows Kids to Monitor Market Prices
Adorable Alphabet-Advising Apps
Adorable Alphabet-Advising Apps
The Drawnimal App Fuses Old and New to Teach Kids the Alphabet
Touchscreen Childhood Tales
Touchscreen Childhood Tales
Three Little Pigs App is Super Interactive
Pre-Schooler Email Apps
Pre-Schooler Email Apps
The Maily iPad App Teaches Children Online Communication Etiquette
Child-Friendly Treasure Apps
Child-Friendly Treasure Apps
The Time Tremors App Lets Kids Learn About History in a Treasure Hunt
Choo Choo Conductor Apps
Choo Choo Conductor Apps
The Toca Train for iOS Puts Players in Charge of a Virtual Locomotive
Phone-Controlled Dolls
Phone-Controlled Dolls
The Smart Doll is a Toy Designed to be Controlled by Smartphones
Infant iPhone Apps
Infant iPhone Apps
This HAPPYBABY 'First Alphabet Flash Cards' App Helps Younglings Learn Letters
Child Photographer Phones
Child Photographer Phones
BlackBerry Peer Provides Kids with the Most Fun Features of Smartphones
Tech-Integrating Teddies
Tech-Integrating Teddies
The Cocolo Bear Interacts with Children Using a Built-in Smartphone Dock
Tablet Tot Tutoring
Tablet Tot Tutoring
Toddler Flashcards by iTot Apps Brings Learning to the iPhone
Branching Smartphone Charms
Branching Smartphone Charms
Plugys Earphone Jacks Keep Your iPhone's Headphone Hole Clean
Toy-Resurrecting Apps
Toy-Resurrecting Apps
The Tamagotchi iPhone App Lets You Relive Your Childhood
Youth-Inspired iPhone Apps
Youth-Inspired iPhone Apps
Harold's Real Life Purple Crayon Lets You Draw Like a Kid
Tyke Auto Trainer Apps
Tyke Auto Trainer Apps
ToyToyota Releases 'Backseat Driver' to Teach Kids to Drive Safely
Cuddly Device Cases
Cuddly Device Cases
The Totoya Creatures Offers Interactive Educational Entertainment
Chore Gamification Apps
Chore Gamification Apps
Kids Will be Excited to do Household Tasks with the ChoreMonster
Storytelling iPhone Apps
Storytelling iPhone Apps
iStoryTime Reads to All the Little Children
Kids Icon Apps
Kids Icon Apps
The Grover's Number Special App from Sesame Workshop and Ideo
Kid-Friendly Gadget Covers
Kid-Friendly Gadget Covers
The Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Baby iCan Play Case
Flatbed Smartphone Holders
Flatbed Smartphone Holders
The Lori Load iPhone Stand Will Take Your Handset as its Haul
Educational Mobile Phones
Educational Mobile Phones
‘Barbie Pocket Learner' is a BlackBerry for Little Girls
Smartphone Training Toys
Smartphone Training Toys
The iWoody by DONKEY CREATIV LAB is a Child's First Smartphone
Kid-Friendly Phone Cases
Kid-Friendly Phone Cases
The Woogie iPhone Case Keeps Sticky Fingers Away from Smartphones
Modern Toddler Smart Phones
Modern Toddler Smart Phones
The Wooden iPhone by Kyle Bean is Perfect for the Modern Family
Talk-Only Toddler Cellphones
Talk-Only Toddler Cellphones
The '1stFone' is a Cellphone for Kids Ages Four to Nine
Bunny Cartoon Covers
Bunny Cartoon Covers
The Miffy iPhone 4 Case is a Cute Alternative to Hello Kitty Covers
Educational iPhone Apps
Educational iPhone Apps
ZooABC Application Teaches Kids to Love Reading
Adorable Animalistic Cable Wraps
Adorable Animalistic Cable Wraps
These Colorful Elephants Double as Cute Earphone Cable Wraps
Stuffed Toy Smartphone Cases
Stuffed Toy Smartphone Cases
The HappiTaps Beary Happi Keeps Devices Protected from Toddlers
Stuffed Critter Cell Covers
Stuffed Critter Cell Covers
Protect Children's Phones with iPlush Plush Phone Case Designs