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22 Examples of Sustainable Packaging for Kids

From Chalkboard Brew Bags to Playful Snack Blocks

— January 29, 2015 — Eco
This collection of kid-inspired sustainable packaging shows that a playful element could be integrated in designs that gravitate towards a more eco-friendly direction. Since many companies are opting to rethink how their brand and package their products in order to target a fast growing group of environmentally conscious individuals, it comes as no surprise that design becomes a key point to differentiate one brand from another.

While many of these kid-inspired sustainable packaging are in fact targeting children, other companies have simply embraced a fun-loving look in order to charm adults as well. With that said, the idea of speaking directly to children in a way that resonates strongly with them is exactly the aim of these kid-inspired sustainable packaging designs.
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Playful Snack Blocks
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