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Top 100 Inventions in 2013

From Virtual Reality Windows to Smartphone-Synced Locks

— January 3, 2014 — Unique
Technology is a fast-paced industry, so staying on top of emerging invention trends is paramount. With nearly 200 examples, the Invention Trend Report will give you a great scope of up-and-coming technologies.

Mind-blowing inventions in a myriad of industries were covered throughout 2013 on Trend Hunter. A variety of 3D printers that produced everything from thread to shoes and food were introduced. Now, these technologies are becoming more accessible to the mainstream market.

Eco-friendliness is a top priority for consumers as well, so innovations such as booze-powered mobiles and window pane plugs are a few of the ideas that came to light to make the world a little greener.

A many of the trends featured in this list are conceptual, so be sure to keep an eye out for these inventions to hit the market in the near future!
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Innovative Hollow Handsets
Innovative Hollow Handsets
The Frame Phone Sheds the Most Fragile Part in Favor of Projection Tech
Perfectly Straight Scissors
Perfectly Straight Scissors
The 'Linear Scissors' Let You Rapidly Cut Immaculate Lines
Clever Cable Grabbers
Clever Cable Grabbers
The Magnetic Organization System Keeps Cord Ends Desktop-Accessible
Digital Store Scanners
Digital Store Scanners
The Finger Scanner Increases Efficiency at and Before the Checkout Counter
Cutting-Edge Thread Printers
Cutting-Edge Thread Printers
The Line Printer Picks Up Fabric Colors and Dyes String to Match
Computer-Synced Chronometers
Computer-Synced Chronometers
The Clockwork Apple Concept is a Sleek and Eco iWatch Proposal
Brilliant Roadwork Barriers
Brilliant Roadwork Barriers
Road Construction Warning Lights Increase Workers' Safety
Eyesight-Activated Dresses
Eyesight-Activated Dresses
These Light-Up Dresses by Ying Gao Are Activated by Looking at Them
Signalling Cyclist Sacks
Signalling Cyclist Sacks
SEIL-Bag Projects Riders' Anticipated Movements to Improve Road Safety
Wrist-Worn Cooking Companions
Wrist-Worn Cooking Companions
TheCHEF Helps You Shop and Delegate to Produce Scrumptious Suppers
Infinite-Length Rulers
Infinite-Length Rulers
The Consistent-Motion Ruler Extends to Draw a Line of Any Size
Two-Wheeled Backseats
Two-Wheeled Backseats
The Companion Bike Seat Makes it Safer and Easier to Ride Two on One Bike
Fire-Starting Stationery
Fire-Starting Stationery
This Pen Has a Built-in Fire Starter to Equip You for Survival
3D-Printed Food
3D-Printed Food
Janne Kytannen's Concept Introduces Cutting-Edge Manufacturing to Meal Preparation
Virtual Reality Windows
Virtual Reality Windows
The World Mirror Delivers Panoramas from Every Corner of the Planet
Heat-Sensitive Business Cards
Heat-Sensitive Business Cards
These Business Cards by Bureau Rabenstein Will Definitely Impress
Rad Recyclable Vehicles
Rad Recyclable Vehicles
The Incredible Michelin carDboard Concept Car is Made Paper and Plastic
Minimalist Vertical Printers
Minimalist Vertical Printers
The 'Stack' Printer Munches Down on Piles of Paper
Deceptive Sunscreen Flasks
Deceptive Sunscreen Flasks
Smuggle Drinks Anywhere with Your Own Sunscreen Bottle Flask
Bewjewled Anti-Aging Generators
Bewjewled Anti-Aging Generators
The Human Regenerator is Blinged-Out and Keeps You Looking Young
Profanity Flipbooks
Profanity Flipbooks
The Creative Cursing Profanity Generator Helps You Vent
Interactive Touchscreen Kitchens
Interactive Touchscreen Kitchens
The Great Wall of Cooking Can Prepare Food with One Touch
Booze-Powered Mobiles
Booze-Powered Mobiles
The 'Cheers' Alcohol Phone Turns a Beverage into an Eco-Friendly Battery
Muffin Top Baking Molds
Muffin Top Baking Molds
These Cupcake Molds Have a Literal Take on Muffin Tops
Electronic Gas-Free Lighters
Electronic Gas-Free Lighters
The Slighter USB Rechargeable Electric Lighter Uses an Old Process
Glowing Hooded Skeleton Backpacks
Glowing Hooded Skeleton Backpacks
This Hooded Backpack Glows In the Dark as a Skeleton
Smartphone-Synced Locks
Smartphone-Synced Locks
The Kwikset Kevo System Requires No Key to Enable Your Entry
Sleek Three-Wheeled Vehicles
Sleek Three-Wheeled Vehicles
The TerraCraft Vehicle is a Revolutionary Hybrid Design
Frighteningly Realistic Amphibians
Frighteningly Realistic Amphibians
Artist Keng Lye Creates These Lifelike Animals from Resin
Hand-Made Minimalist Hangers
Hand-Made Minimalist Hangers
The Hand-Forged Clothes Hangers Exemplify Scandinavian Minimalism
Turning Signal Cycling Accessories
Turning Signal Cycling Accessories
Quirky Indicator Equips Your Two-Wheeler with Road-Ready Lights
Luxury Carbon Fiber Luggage
Luxury Carbon Fiber Luggage
'monCarbone' is Perfect for the Elite Traveler
Ergonomically Supportive Travel Pillows
Ergonomically Supportive Travel Pillows
The NapAnywhere Pillow Allows for Comfy Snoozing On-the-Go
Futuristic Road Patrol Cars
Futuristic Road Patrol Cars
The SHARC Concept Car is Nible, Quick and Equipped with Emergency Aid
Clinical Smartphone Accessories
Clinical Smartphone Accessories
The Scanycase is a Portable, Cellphone-Compatible Health Monitor
Disposable Data Stashers
Disposable Data Stashers
GIGS-2-GO Flash Drives Employ Convenient "Tear and Share" Technology
Multitasking Flying Bicycles
Multitasking Flying Bicycles
XploreAir's Flying Bicycles Take Transportation to New Heights
Extreme All-Terrain Wheelchairs
Extreme All-Terrain Wheelchairs
The Ziesel Off-Road Vehicle Lets You Shred While Seated
Tessellated Cellphone Covers
Tessellated Cellphone Covers
The Vitro Tactile Battery Case is Multifaceted and Multifunctional
Perforated Partition Bike Locks
Perforated Partition Bike Locks
The Bicycle Rack & Lock Accommodates Fixed Storage and Security
Self-Defense Night Stands
Self-Defense Night Stands
This Table Turns into a Bat and Shield to Strike Fear into Trespassers
Electrifying Alarm Clocks
Electrifying Alarm Clocks
The SingNshock Delivers a Few Millivolts to Jolt You Out of Bed
Reconfigurable Compact Cars
Reconfigurable Compact Cars
The TET City Car Adapts to Serve a Variety of Very Different Purposes
Dry Cleaning Clothing Hangers
Dry Cleaning Clothing Hangers
This Smart Clothing Hanger Conveniently Doubles as a Dry Cleaner
Collapsing Bike Helmets
Collapsing Bike Helmets
The Collapsible Helmet Instantly Becomes the Size of a Book
Legless Levitating Tables
Legless Levitating Tables
The Flyux Table Incorporates No Obstacles at Corners for Users' Knees
Petite Pop-up Libraries
Petite Pop-up Libraries
This Tiny Reading Station is Only Big Enough for One
Slide-Controlled Faucets
Slide-Controlled Faucets
The Slide Tap Mimics the Smartphone to Control Water Flow and Temperature
Floating Audio Visualizers
Floating Audio Visualizers
The Levitabeats Sound System Impresses the Eyes and the Ears
Reconfigurable Triangular Phones
Reconfigurable Triangular Phones
The Evolution of Mobile Adapts Physically for Different Functions
Accessible Origami Lifeboats
Accessible Origami Lifeboats
The FoldingBoat Concept Safely Equips Home Owners in Flood Zones
Anti-Identity Theft Wallets
Anti-Identity Theft Wallets
The Anti-Identity Theft Wallet Blocks Radio Signals From Intrusion
Innovative Deflation Indicators
Innovative Deflation Indicators
Flat Tire Warning Light Keeps You Updated on Your Wheels' Pressure
Solar-Powered Charging Backpacks
Solar-Powered Charging Backpacks
The Power Pack Stores Energy Using its Built-In Solar Panel
Vibration-Healing Bone Casts
Vibration-Healing Bone Casts
The Samsung U-Cast Device Fits Snugly Like a Blood Pressure Machine
Hybrid Scooter Cycles
Hybrid Scooter Cycles
The Pibal Bicycle Makes the Best of Inconsistent Traffic Conditions
Music-Mixing Mobiles (UPDATE)
Music-Mixing Mobiles (UPDATE)
The GrandWizard Smartphone Lets You Play DJ On the Move
DIY Glass Getaway Homes
DIY Glass Getaway Homes
This Couple Spent Only $500 On a Do-It-Yourself Home Made of Glass
Futuristic Molecular Popsicles
Futuristic Molecular Popsicles
The KYL21 Molecular Design Ice Pops are a Visual Treat
Wheelchair-Friendly Coupes
Wheelchair-Friendly Coupes
This Car for the Handicapped Accommodates Drivers with Disabilities
Constricted Sound Systems
Constricted Sound Systems
The Bang & Olufsen A4 Speakers Emit Music Only for the Listener
Touchscreen Cordless Cooktops
Touchscreen Cordless Cooktops
The Smart Grill Lets You Fine-Tune and Customize Your BBQ Experience
Lying Down Laptop Desks
Lying Down Laptop Desks
Keep Productivity Levels Up With This Desk That Lets the User Lay Down
City-Beautifying Cigarettes
City-Beautifying Cigarettes
‘Cigg Seeds’ Makes Discarded Cigarette Butts Desirable
Decadent Pocket Tools
Decadent Pocket Tools
The Parachute Holds 10 Socially Useful Tools in One
Stimulating Smart Watches
Stimulating Smart Watches
The Hi-Tech Nokia Lumia Watch is Even Handier Than Your Handset
Bipolar Portable Mugs
Bipolar Portable Mugs
The 'It's Up to You' Coffee Cup Stores Cold and Hot Contents at Once
Tablet-Integrated Knapsacks
Tablet-Integrated Knapsacks
The iPad Backpack Serves as a Communicative Link to Motorists
Digital Age Dinner Makers
Digital Age Dinner Makers
The F3D Food Printer Instantly Prepares Meals to Improve Eating Habits
Futuristic Amphibious Autos
Futuristic Amphibious Autos
The Urban Pod is Evolved For Modern Metropolitan Transportation
Thermo-Branding Business Cards
Thermo-Branding Business Cards
Uniquely Promote Yourself with These Heat Sensitive Business Cards
Color-Separating Washing Machines
Color-Separating Washing Machines
The Dual Washer Saves Water and Clothes
Water-Treading Bicycles
Water-Treading Bicycles
The 'Baycycle' Water Bicycle Makes Cycling on Water an Option
DIY Tech Smart Glasses
DIY Tech Smart Glasses
The DIY Beady-i Lets You Build Your Own Imitation Google Glass for Cheap
360-Degree Peepholes
360-Degree Peepholes
The PEEP Rotating Door Contraption Has Every Blindspot in Its Scope
Paper-Thin Pen Drives
Paper-Thin Pen Drives
DataSTICKIES Replace USB Sticks as Inexpensive and Compact Alternatives
Deceptive Self Defense Pens
Deceptive Self Defense Pens
The Schrade Brand Has Created Writing Devices That Do More Than Write
Charger-Integrated Cell Protectors
Charger-Integrated Cell Protectors
The PowerLoop iPhone Case Keeps Your USB Connector Attached
Window-Brightening Devices
Window-Brightening Devices
The Rail Robot and Plan't Clean and Decorate Your View to the Outdoors
Frame-Integrated Bike Locks
Frame-Integrated Bike Locks
The 'Lock. Bicycle' Needs No Add-On Security Accessories
Cuff-Style Smart Watches
Cuff-Style Smart Watches
Esben Oxholm's iWatch Concept Anticipates an Inevitably Streamlined Look
Juicy Bubble Wrap Typography
Juicy Bubble Wrap Typography
This Bubble Wrap Typography Was Created by Injecting Colored Liquids
Suspended Spherical Hotels
Suspended Spherical Hotels
The Spherical Tree House Hotel is Suspended 15 Feet in the Air
Pedalling Handlebar Bikes
Pedalling Handlebar Bikes
The 4 Strike Bike Lets You Use All Limbs for High-Powered Propulsion
Transforming Hybrid Furniture
Transforming Hybrid Furniture
The Convertible Compact Desk Creates More Space Homes & Offices
Triple-Threat Exercise Bikes
Triple-Threat Exercise Bikes
The 3TO1 Sports Device Has the Training Capacity of Three Machines
Customizable Concept Smartphones
Customizable Concept Smartphones
Eco-Mobius Has Interchangeable Parts to Make Your Ideal Mobile
Self-Assembling Automobiles
Self-Assembling Automobiles
Audi Has Come Up with the Futuristic Concept for a 3D-Printed Car
3D-Printed Pumps
3D-Printed Pumps
The Instant Shoe Concept Proposes Perfectly Tailored Footwear
Chic Mobile Boutiques
Chic Mobile Boutiques
The Caravan Shop is a Boutique on Wheels
Clever Gadget Charging Outlets
Clever Gadget Charging Outlets
The 'Bolt' USB Outlet Upgrades Your Power Sockets with USB Ports
Futuristic Furling Tablets
Futuristic Furling Tablets
The Future of Mobile Technology Imagines an Infinitely Adaptable Device
Extraordinary Electric Bicycles
Extraordinary Electric Bicycles
The nCycle E-Bike Integrates a Lock and a Holographic Display
Sleeping Bag Rucksacks
Sleeping Bag Rucksacks
Vincent Chan's Backpack Designs Consolidate Your Camping Equipment
Container-Made Eco Abodes
Container-Made Eco Abodes
Ecopods are Environmentally Friendly Houses that Come in a Box
Window Pane Plugs
Window Pane Plugs
The Window Socket Harnesses Energy from Sunlight for an Eco Electrical Source
Ballpoint Pen Printers
Ballpoint Pen Printers
The Pen Printer Makes Use of Discarded Writing Implements for Ink
Adult Fold-Up Bunk Beds
Adult Fold-Up Bunk Beds
The 'Foldaway Adult Bunk Bed' Will Improve Comfort for Campers