The SHARC Concept Car is Nible, Quick and Equipped with Emergency Aid
Amelia Roblin — January 24, 2013 — Autos
References: tuvie
In the year 2025, you might find that the police no longer drive automobiles quite like yours. The SHARC concept was designed by Matt Wherry, David Cohen and Masashi Kaneda as an innovative integration of zero emissions ideals along with a more efficient and economical solutions for highway patrol.
The conception of the Subaru Highway Automated Response Concept was motivated by a challenge from LA Auto Design and as a symbol of celebration for the grand opening the inter-island Paradise Highway in Hawaii. This electric vehicle could be driven by cops, paramedics and firefighters and even controlled remotely to save money on staffing. The compact eco-friendly SHARC would cruise up and down the streets with its lightweight frame and its "volcano" cockpit.
The conception of the Subaru Highway Automated Response Concept was motivated by a challenge from LA Auto Design and as a symbol of celebration for the grand opening the inter-island Paradise Highway in Hawaii. This electric vehicle could be driven by cops, paramedics and firefighters and even controlled remotely to save money on staffing. The compact eco-friendly SHARC would cruise up and down the streets with its lightweight frame and its "volcano" cockpit.
Trend Themes
1. Zero Emissions Vehicles - The increase in demand for zero emissions vehicles creates an opportunity for automotive manufacturers to develop more innovative and sustainable solutions for future road patrol cars.
2. Remote-controlled Vehicles - The integration of remote-controlled technology in road patrol cars presents a disruptive innovation opportunity, allowing for cost savings on staffing and increased efficiency in emergency response situations.
3. Compact and Lightweight Design - The trend towards compact and lightweight design in road patrol cars opens up possibilities for increased maneuverability and fuel efficiency, offering a more economical and sustainable solution for law enforcement agencies.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Manufacturing - The automotive manufacturing industry has the potential to capitalize on the trend towards zero emissions vehicles by investing in research and development for creating innovative road patrol cars.
2. Emergency Services - The emergency services industry can benefit from the integration of remote-controlled vehicles in road patrol cars, improving the speed and effectiveness of their response to emergencies.
3. Law Enforcement - The law enforcement industry can explore the use of compact and lightweight design in road patrol cars to enhance their ability to navigate urban environments and increase their overall operational efficiency.