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19 High-Tech Interior Design Tools

From Color Scheme Generators to Virtual Decorating Apps

— August 11, 2015 — Tech
These high-tech interior design tools make it easier to redecorate any room in your home. Whether you've moved into a new place or you are overhauling an old room, redecorating can be a costly and time-consuming process. These clever interior design tools make it faster and easier to redesign a given space.

One of the first things to consider when redecorating a space is the color of the walls. If you plan on using a new color, you might need a little bit of help to ensure that you find the perfect shade before you pick up your paintbrush. Some of these virtual painting tools include online color scheme generators, light-sensitive paint pickers and nature-inspired color palettes.

Beyond paint, there are a number of other factors to consider when overhauling a space. If you're trying to figure out what furniture might suit a particular room, there are a number of virtual decorating apps that will help you decide before you buy. If you're interested in changing the actual structure of a room, you can use high-tech interior design tools such as 3D modeling apps and virtual surveying platforms in order to better visualize your final project.
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VR Design Programs
VR Design Programs
Point.P's Virtual Reality Tools Let Homeowners Create a Custom House
Textile Design Apps
Textile Design Apps
The Lumi App Makes Self Expression Portable and Easy
Light-Sensitive Paint Pickers
Light-Sensitive Paint Pickers
TapPainter's Painting App is the Best Way to Preview a Paint Color
Snapshotting Design Apps
Snapshotting Design Apps
The Schnapps Mac Plug-In Takes Time Lapsed Videos of Your Design Process
Surveying Tool Tablets
Surveying Tool Tablets
EyesMap is a 3D Design Tablet That Combines Several Surveying Tools
Interior Design Cloud Platforms
Interior Design Cloud Platforms
Amber Engine is a Cloud Solution for the World of Home Furnishings
Layout Mockup Apps
Layout Mockup Apps
Adobe Comp CC is a Powerful Mobile Tool for Print and Web Layout Ideation
Virtual Reality Design Tools
Virtual Reality Design Tools
The Spacemaker VR Helps Designers Bring Their Visions to Life
Household Advisor Apps
Household Advisor Apps
The Fountain App's Experts Assist Homeowners with DIY Projects
Smart Apartment Buildings
Smart Apartment Buildings
IOTAS is Giving Renters in Portland Access to the Internet of Things
Interior Design Apps
Interior Design Apps
The Adornably App Lets People Virtually Visualize Their Decor Ideas
Augmented Art Apps
Augmented Art Apps
Curioos' App Simulates How a Piece of Art Will Look Hanging in Your Home
Color Scheme Generators
Color Scheme Generators
'Coolers' is a Website That Helps You Choose the Ideal Shade for Any Room
Virtual Decorating Apps
Virtual Decorating Apps
Furnish's Augmented Reality App for Interior Design Makes Choices Easy
Effortless 3D Modeling Apps
Effortless 3D Modeling Apps
MakerBot PrintShop's Shape Maker Turns 2D Drawings into 3D Models
Hassle-Free Picture Frames
Hassle-Free Picture Frames
This Clever Photo Framing System Requires No Hammers, Hooks or Levels
3D-Printed Hardware
3D-Printed Hardware
This Partnership Shows Off Makerbot 3D-Printed Home Depot Tools & Hardware
Nature-Inspired Color Palettes
Nature-Inspired Color Palettes
These Soothing Color Swatches are Inspired by Nature Photography
Hand-Held Wall Printers
Hand-Held Wall Printers
This Design Tool Lets You Print Graphics Directly onto Your Wall