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28 Unusual Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

From Gooey Grilled Cheese Rolls to Upscale Sandwich Remixes

— March 19, 2014 — Lifestyle
It doesn’t take a lot of ingredients to make a classic grilled cheese sandwich, but these renditions go above and beyond the norm. These creative grilled cheese sandwich recipes add new takes to a lunchtime comfort food by infusing them with unexpected additions or reformatting the whole sandwich form entirely.

In addition to cheese, some of the most unusual things tucked into these grilled cheese sandwiches include deep fried mozzarella sticks, Ramen and the ingredients to sandwiches that would be both delicious and gourmet, even if you didn’t add heaps of melted cheese into the mix.

If you’re looking to try something that’s totally different from your average cheesy sandwich, there are plenty of unconventional recipes to try, including grilled cheese rolls, sandwiches that have the cheese flipped onto the outside of the sandwich, or healthy alternatives like grilled fruit sandwiches.
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Gooey Grilled Cheese-Themed Gatherings
Gooey Grilled Cheese-Themed Gatherings
Stuff Your Face at Joylister’s Toronto Grilled Cheese
Chocolate-Infused Savoury Sandwiches
Chocolate-Infused Savoury Sandwiches
This Tasty Sandwich Idea Combines Nutella and Brie
Garden Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Garden Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
This ‘Spabettie’ Serves Up Mounds of Delicious Ingredients
Hybrid Classic Hoagies
Hybrid Classic Hoagies
'Chocolate Chip Cookie Grilled Cheese Sandwiches' Combine Two Favorites
Braised Beef Sandwiches
Braised Beef Sandwiches
This Mighty and Meaty Rib Grilled Cheese Will Have Foodies Rejoicing
Melted Messiah Sandwiches
Melted Messiah Sandwiches
Grilled Cheesus Cooks Up Food with a Religious Twist
Savory Dairy Confections
Savory Dairy Confections
The Grilled Cheese Cake is a Stack of Sandwiches and Cheddar Frosting
Pizza-Packed Paninis
Pizza-Packed Paninis
This Kitchen Treaty Grilled Cheese is Full-Loaded with Fromage
Stacked Antipasti Sandwiches
Stacked Antipasti Sandwiches
The Spinach and Artichoke Grilled Cheese Recipe Includes Appetizers
Sweet Skillet Sandwiches
Sweet Skillet Sandwiches
The Pound Cake and Brie Grilled Cheese is a Sugary Take on the Classic
Gourmet Hybrid Hoagies
Gourmet Hybrid Hoagies
This Roasted Strawberry Brie Chocolate Grilled Cheese is Decadent
Heart-Stopping Cocktails
Heart-Stopping Cocktails
The Grilled Cheese Martini is the Best of Both Worlds
Holiday Supper Sandwiches
Holiday Supper Sandwiches
The Grilled Cheese Social 'Thanks'gibbons' Glamorizes Leftovers
Gourmet Breakfast Sandwiches
Gourmet Breakfast Sandwiches
The Brie and Blueberry Waffle Grilled Cheese is Perfect for Brunch
Upscale Sandwich Remixes
Upscale Sandwich Remixes
The 'Cranberry Brie Grilled Cheese' Updates Standard Recipes
Cheesy Inside-Out Sandwiches
Cheesy Inside-Out Sandwiches
These Grilled Cheese Sandwiches are Delightfully Different
Heart Attack Sandwiches
Heart Attack Sandwiches
The New Friendly's Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt will Clog Your Arteries
Savory Soup Sandwiches
Savory Soup Sandwiches
The French Onion Grilled Cheese Sandwich Tastes Like the Bistro Classic
Instant Noodle Sandwiches
Instant Noodle Sandwiches
This Creative Instant Noodle Dish is a Variation of a Grilled Cheese
Wicker-Woven Pork Sandwiches
Wicker-Woven Pork Sandwiches
The Bacon Weave Grilled Cheese is a Guaranteed Heart Attack
Sloppy Fromage Sandwiches
Sloppy Fromage Sandwiches
This ‘Grilled Cheese Social’ Creation Incorporates a Meaty S
Grilled Fruit Sandwiches
Grilled Fruit Sandwiches
The Watermelon Cheese Bites by Brit & Co. is Refreshingly Delightful
Healthy Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Healthy Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
This Green Goddess Grilled Cheese Will Excite and Satisfy Hunger
Superfluously Cheesy Sandwiches
Superfluously Cheesy Sandwiches
The Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich is Made Entirely of Cheese
Heart Attack Cheese Treats
Heart Attack Cheese Treats
Denny's 'Fried Cheese Melt' Mixes Fried Mozzarella & Grilled Cheese
Heart-Stopping Bunless Burgers
Heart-Stopping Bunless Burgers
This Tower of Cheese, Meat and Bacon is for the Hardcore Meateater
Bacon Pretzel Sandwiches
Bacon Pretzel Sandwiches
This 'Noble Pig' Grilled Cheese Has Your Daily Dose of Grease
Gooey Grilled Cheese Rolls
Gooey Grilled Cheese Rolls
This Quick Dish Recipe Redesigns a Scrumptious Classic Sandwich