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47 Futuristic Food Innovations

From Edible Spray Paint to 3D-Printed Chocolate Snacks

— March 19, 2015 — Lifestyle
These futuristic food innovations range from edible spray paint garnishes to 3D-printed chocolate snacks. Thanks to modern technology and countless innovations in the world of nutrition, the future of food boasts endless possibilities that will inspire budding and amateur chefs.

Fans of local and homegrown food will gravitate towards at-home harvesting supplies like plantable mushroom kits and other urban farming products. In addition to growing their vegetables at home, urban residents can now incorporate modular planters and gardens in an apartment setting.

For those with more gourmet tastes, self-sprouting veggie snacks, glass potato chips and even squid ink hamburgers are replacing traditional meal staples. From white gold caviar to meal-replacement powders, the world of futuristic food offers luxury, impeccable taste and most importantly convenience.
Hemp-Infused Protein Powder
Hemp-Infused Protein Powder
Manitoba Harvest's Hemp Pro 70 is Filled With Chocolatey Goodness
Wheat Wastewater Ales
Wheat Wastewater Ales
This Wheat Beer is Engineered Using Repurposed Wastewater from Milwaukee
Frozen Social Media Treats
Frozen Social Media Treats
The Stoyn for Facebook Ice Pop is a Replica of Mark Zuckerberg's Head
Consciously Preserved Infant Meals
Consciously Preserved Infant Meals
Pienter Baby Food Develops Kids' Taste Recognition Skills
Vegan Meal Replacements
Vegan Meal Replacements
This Vegan Meal Supplement is Powered Only by the Goodness of Plants
Spooky Chocolate Skulls
Spooky Chocolate Skulls
Treat Your Halloween Guests to a Delicious Candy Skull
Lifetime Meal-Replacing Powders
Lifetime Meal-Replacing Powders
The 'Soylent' Powder Replaces Every Meal You Will Ever Eat Safely
Upcycled Coffee Flour
Upcycled Coffee Flour
This Coffee Flour Ingredient is Made Using Discarded Coffee Waste
Homemade Milk Alternatives
Homemade Milk Alternatives
This Recipe for Hemp Seed Milk is Perfect for a Plant-Based Diet
Intergalactic Frozen Snacks
Intergalactic Frozen Snacks
Freeze-Dried Ice Cream Brings Neopolitan Goodness Into Space
Microgreen Growing Kits
Microgreen Growing Kits
The INFARM Greenhouse Kit is Perfect for Kitchen Counters
Garden Herb Cakes
Garden Herb Cakes
Roberta's Unusual Cake Recipe Gets its Green Color from Parsley & Mint
Plantable Restaurant Matchbooks
Plantable Restaurant Matchbooks
The Wahaca Matchbook Gives Diners Serrano Chili Seeds After Meal
Hiccup-Curing Lollipops
Hiccup-Curing Lollipops
Hiccupops Will Alleviate the Annoying Function in a Fun Way
Fresh Cartoon-Adorned Fruit
Fresh Cartoon-Adorned Fruit
This Hello Kitty Melon Can be Yours at an Overpriced Rate
Tantalizing Savory Sundaes
Tantalizing Savory Sundaes
Seattle-Based Pink's Ice Cream is Influenced by Bangkok Tastes
Exotic Seafood Meals
Exotic Seafood Meals
Fishpeople's Entrees Mix Salmon and Tuna with Thai and Indian Cuisine
Stranded Survival Snacks
Stranded Survival Snacks
The Datres 3600 Food Bars Pack Calories for the Wilderness
Gourmet Camping Meals
Gourmet Camping Meals
Good To-Go Makes Pre-Packaged Gourmet Meals for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Insect Wine Pairings
Insect Wine Pairings
Laithwaite's Unique Wine Pairings Suggest the Best Bugs to Go with Wine
Alcoholic Anime Treats
Alcoholic Anime Treats
These Edible Vodka-Infused Pokeballs are Based Off of the Pokemon Show
At-Home Harvesting Supplies
At-Home Harvesting Supplies
These Back to the Roots Oyster Mushroom Growing Kits Are Economical
Curated Spice Subscriptions
Curated Spice Subscriptions
The Spice Kit Delivery Lets You Experiment with Different Cuisines
3D Candy Printers
3D Candy Printers
The ChefJet Printer Series Creates Delicious Candy Concoctions
Cheesy Pizza Chocolates
Cheesy Pizza Chocolates
Tirol's Unique Chocolate Bar Tastes Like Biting into a Slice of Pizza
Edible Spray Paint
Edible Spray Paint
The Deli Garage Transforms Your Food With Gold and Silver Tones
3D-Printed Chocolate Portraits
3D-Printed Chocolate Portraits
Choc Edge Creates Sweet Masks for Customers
Sweet Tooth 3D Printers
Sweet Tooth 3D Printers
The Choc Creater V2 3D Chocolate Printer is Expensive and Effcient
Artistic Latte Sheets
Artistic Latte Sheets
These Strips Allow You to Make Professional Quality Latte Art at Home
Futuristic Food Hybrids
Futuristic Food Hybrids
Brusselkale is the Most Super of All the Superfoods
Self-Contained Froyo Balls
Self-Contained Froyo Balls
Stonyfield's Frozen Yogurt Pearls Cut Down on Frozen Yogurt Packaging
Algae Snack Bars
Algae Snack Bars
This Green Snack Bar is Made with Superfoods Like Spirulina
3D Food Printers
3D Food Printers
XYZPrinting's $2,000 Printer Makes Dough-Based Foods
Skeletal Sugar Cubes
Skeletal Sugar Cubes
The Sugar Lab Has Created 3D-Printed Skulls To Sweeten Your Coffee
Science-Fusion Cuisine
Science-Fusion Cuisine
Molecular Gastronomy at the Fat Duck
Crystalized Cinderella Crisps
Crystalized Cinderella Crisps
These Glass Potato Chips are Futuristic and Delectable
Gourmet Takeout Kits
Gourmet Takeout Kits
Quebec's Château Laurier Hotel Offers 5 Course Meals on the Go
Food Freshness Fridge Magnets
Food Freshness Fridge Magnets
This QR Fridge Magnet Keeps Tabs on Your Produce's Quality
Self-Sprouting Mushroom Snacks
Self-Sprouting Mushroom Snacks
Chloé Rutzerveld's Edible Growth Project Features 3D-Printed Food
DIY Urban Farming Kits
DIY Urban Farming Kits
The Shroombox by Fungaea Will Help You Grow Fresh Ingredients at Home
3D Printed Chocolates
3D Printed Chocolates
The New 3D Systems and Hershey Partnership Promise to Make 3D Chocolates
Baby-Shaped Fruit
Baby-Shaped Fruit
Chinese Farms Are Using Plastic Molds to Grow Baby-Shaped Pears
Futuristic In-Home Garden Systems
Futuristic In-Home Garden Systems
SproutsIO by Jennifer Broutin Farah is Easy and Eco-Friendly
Plantable Coffee Cups
Plantable Coffee Cups
Seeds of Truth Coffee Cups Create Herb Gardens Instead of Waste
Organic Fruit Packaging
Organic Fruit Packaging
Nurture is a Living Fruit Bowl That Preserves Produce
Futuristic Molecular Popsicles
Futuristic Molecular Popsicles
The KYL21 Molecular Design Ice Pops are a Visual Treat
Vegetarian Butcher Shops
Vegetarian Butcher Shops
Toronto's YamChops is a Butcher Shop with Only Meatless Products