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76 Funny Social Media Accounts

From Satirical Instagram Accounts to Unflattering Screenshot Blogs

— December 23, 2013 — Social Media
These funny social media accounts are proof that in any crowd, there are people who can make themselves stand out with humor. This is no different on the Internet and even though tone can be hard to distinguish online, some masters of comedy still make their sense of humor shine.

Though the slew of posts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, it can be nice to scroll through and see something that will make you laugh. Some of these accounts even parody selfies and the types of content that would normally make you roll your eyes.

For some brands, a humorous approach seems to work best on social media. Chipotle took a funny approach to one of its campaigns this year, posting perplexing tweets like “mittens,” which caused people to think its account hacked. This got Chipotle a ton of attention as well as proved what a sense of humor it has.
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