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30 Fresh Fruit-Themed Photoshoots

These Citrus Snapshots are Sure to Make You Ravenous

— May 15, 2011 — Lifestyle
Summer is on its way, and with it comes a nutrient-packed plethora of produce. These fruit-focused photoshoots portray produce in ways I never thought possible.

Fruit-themed photoshoots are a refreshing way to remind the masses of the scrumptious seasonal bounty available to them. These snapshots are all very vibrant, and often the backgrounds will be white or black. This makes the bright bunches of bananas and baskets of berries stand out even more.

While many of these photos portray static fruits, there are also several that focus on fruits in motion. One example is a photo set that shows citrus snacks splashing in water; another one portrays exploding fruits.

Fruit-themed photoshoots are beautiful and hunger-inducing, and these ones are no exception. These photos are bananas!
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Fruit-Filled Fields
Fruit-Filled Fields
John Lennon's 'Strawberry Fields' by the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Annex
Fruity Fitness Promos
Fruity Fitness Promos
The Orange Tennis Club Ad Has Some Juicy Appeal
Frightened Fruit Campaigns
Frightened Fruit Campaigns
Stadtreinigung Hamburg Ads Badmouth Mixed Garbage Bins
Fruity Character Campaigns
Fruity Character Campaigns
The Chiquita Banana Sticker Bring Playfulness Back to Healthy Eating
Framed Fruit Art
Framed Fruit Art
The Still Life Fruit Bowl Makes Any Fruit Display a Work of Art
Pear Sweaters
Pear Sweaters
The Calgary Farmers' Market Advertises That It is Open All Winter Long
Fruity Exhibitions
Fruity Exhibitions
Fallen Fruit Shows the History of the Banana in L.A.
Massive Fruit Decor
Massive Fruit Decor
A Large Fiberglass Banana is Your Home's Full Serving of Awesome
Fruit-Splashing Photography
Fruit-Splashing Photography
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Fashionable Fruitography
Fashionable Fruitography
Alessandra Ambrosio and Jesus Luz for Chenson Summer 2011
Fruity Worshiping
Fruity Worshiping
The Online Church of the Banana Idolizes the Yellow Fruit
Technicolor Fruit Photography
Technicolor Fruit Photography
Carl-Johan Paulin Injects Psychedelia into Produce
Cute Consumable Art
Cute Consumable Art
Saxton Freymann Carves Fruits and Vegetables into Real-Life Things
Ultra Edible Fruit
Ultra Edible Fruit
Webank's Fruity Photoshopped Ads Add Pizazz to the Banking World
Tasty Edible Typography
Tasty Edible Typography
Typefruitography by Garret Steider Combines Design With Food
Fruity Provocative Shoots
Fruity Provocative Shoots
Ronny Danielsen is a Photographer with Range and Versatility
Mutated Vegetable Photography
Mutated Vegetable Photography
The Mutato Project by Uli Westphal Showcases Bizarre Produce
Real Food Explosions As Economic Metaphors
Real Food Explosions As Economic Metaphors
NY Times Magazine Food Issue
Fatal Fruit Alphabets
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Philip Tseng Has Created an Alphabet from Killed Fruits
Fruity Feminine Shots
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Tropical Fruit Fashions
Tropical Fruit Fashions
Prada Goes Bananas for Spring Summer 2011
Fruity Eco Sculptures
Fruity Eco Sculptures
The Haroshi Apple is Another Awesome Upcycled Skate Deck
Beaming Fruit Branding
Beaming Fruit Branding
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Seedless Fruit Ads
Seedless Fruit Ads
This Colgate Dental Floss Campaign Eliminates Tricky Pips
Fairytale Peeled Fruit
Fairytale Peeled Fruit
The Wusthof Knives Snow White Ad Divulges a Knack for Detail
Fruit Basket Couture
Fruit Basket Couture
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Whimsical Food Photography
Whimsical Food Photography
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