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27 Food Innovations for the Aging

From Healthier Donuts to Chocolates For Boomers

— December 1, 2014 — Life-Stages
Foods for boomers include more nutritious varieties of classic junk food indulgences as well as edibles that are simply packaged and presented in a manner that appeals more to the salt-and-pepper boomer than the freckle-faced Generation Z kid.

With boomers entering retirement age, there is an increased appreciation for the importance of a nutritious diet. However, being a boomer or senior doesn't mean that you have to trade in delicious foods for bland, boring and uninspiring meals. These days, there are a wide variety of edibles including snacks and full-on meals that allow boomers to stay on top of their health goals without compromising on the enjoyment of eating.

There is also a growing market for technologies that make it easier for boomers to prepare, cook and consume food.
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Ancient Heirloom Grains
Ancient Heirloom Grains
The In Harvest Farro Product is a Traditional High Grade Wheat Import
Organic Spelt Berries
Organic Spelt Berries
This Ancient Grain is a Great Wheat Alternative
Seniors' Produce Programs
Seniors' Produce Programs
The Farm to Senior Program Provides Seniors With Fresh Produce
Savory Superfood Burgers
Savory Superfood Burgers
This Quinoa Sweet Potato Burger Recipe is Served with a Yogurt Sauce
Convenient Can Devices
Convenient Can Devices
Avoid Any More Nail Chipping with the EZ Opener
Organic Amaranth Grains
Organic Amaranth Grains
GoGo Quinoa Packages an Ancient Grain Chock Full of Healthy Benefits
Matriarchal Ice Creams
Matriarchal Ice Creams
eCreamery's Mother's Day Treats Celebrate Moms and Grandmas
Elderly Express Lanes
Elderly Express Lanes
K-citymarket's Slow-Track Checkout Lane is Designed for Slower Shoppers
Guilt-Free Pasta Dishes
Guilt-Free Pasta Dishes
This Healthy Macaroni and Cheese Will Make Eating Guilt-Free
Elderly-Feeding Robots
Elderly-Feeding Robots
Isao Wakabayashi's Meal Assistance Robot Helps Care for Seniors
Mocha Overnight Oats
Mocha Overnight Oats
Davida Kugelmass of The Healthy Maven Creates an Easy Microwave Breakfast
Morning Meal-Inspired Yogurts
Morning Meal-Inspired Yogurts
Jamie Lee Curtis Returns to Promote Activia Breakfast Blend
Grilled Vegetable Lasagnas
Grilled Vegetable Lasagnas
My Recipes Puts a Healthy Spin on the Hearty Dish
Futuristic Food Slicers
Futuristic Food Slicers
For Quick Cooking, the Blitz Laser Device Does All of Your Dicing for You
Accessible Gardening Packets
Accessible Gardening Packets
SeedTabs Make Gardening as Easy as Drinking Coffee
Vegan Superfood Bars
Vegan Superfood Bars
Citronlimette's Healthy Snack Bar is Packed with Superfoods
Tilting Soup Bowls
Tilting Soup Bowls
The 30-Degree Slope is Made for Folks with Trembling Hands
Easily Digestible Printed Meals
Easily Digestible Printed Meals
Biozoon is Creating 3D Printed Food That Goes Down Easy
Eco-Friendly Ice Cream
Eco-Friendly Ice Cream
Unilever Develops Freeze-at-Home Ice Cream to Reduce Emissions
Home-Cooked Meal Networks
Home-Cooked Meal Networks
Mealku Works to Let People Barter with Home-Cooked Meals
Aquatic Grain Carriers
Aquatic Grain Carriers
Fishy Rice Packaging is Practical, Emblematic and Beautiful
Bulbous Cooking Pans
Bulbous Cooking Pans
The Boomerang Wok Safely Returns Tossed Food Within
Futuristic Food Hybrids
Futuristic Food Hybrids
Brusselkale is the Most Super of All the Superfoods
Algae Snack Bars
Algae Snack Bars
This Green Snack Bar is Made with Superfoods Like Spirulina
Personal Garden Initiatives
Personal Garden Initiatives
The groOrganic Garden Project is Sprouting up in Communities
Multifunctional Kitchen Islands
Multifunctional Kitchen Islands
ChopChop by Dirk Biotto is Made with Elderly and Disabled in Mind
Crafty Cafes
Crafty Cafes
Bangkok's Big Knit Cafe Lets You Knit a Sweater on Your Coffee Break