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32 Flippin' Awesome Finds

From Porpoise Flippers to Backflipping Bikers

— January 9, 2010 — Fashion
I like my center of gravity firmly on the ground, so why am I so into these 32 Flippin' Awesome Finds? These things are awesome possum my friends and frenemies.

Flipper phones get my vote as the best thing to come out of these 32 Flippin' Awesome Finds. The rest finish a close second which is first loser anyway to those of us in the know.

Implications - XX.

These 32 flippin' awesome finds will have you laughing all the way through. Flipping someone off is a unique and culturally specific expression of anger. For me personally, it was interesting to see all of the different flip inspired thinking being implemented in different areas. Make your next a design a flip one.
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Backflipping Bikers
Backflipping Bikers
Robbie Maddison Launches Over Thames Via Lifting Bridge
Flipper Phones
Flipper Phones
These Fintastic Phones are Actually Cell Holsters
Bartending Gimmicks
Bartending Gimmicks
The FlipTop Cocktail Shaker Makes It Shaken Not Stirred
Bird-Flipping Badges
Bird-Flipping Badges
Balabushka Remnants ‘F#CK' Pin Badges Cause a Commotion
The World's Strangest Ship and Research Lab
Marketing Flip books
Marketing Flip books
Sony VoIP Flip Phone / Mouse
Sony VoIP Flip Phone / Mouse
Flip-Flop Footwear Fusion
Flip-Flop Footwear Fusion
Sanuk Pick Pocket Sidewalk Surfer Combines Sandal & Shoe
Flip-Flop Cup Holders
Flip-Flop Cup Holders
Multifunctional Sandals That Are Perfect for the Beach
Flip-Shade Eyewear
Flip-Shade Eyewear
Oliver Peoples Looks Towards 2010 With Shirley Manson and Elijah Wood
Socks for Flip Flops
Socks for Flip Flops
Olympia T-Tongs
Porpoise Flippers for People
Porpoise Flippers for People
The 'Dol-Fin Tail' Helps You Propel Yourself in Water
Urban Flip Flop Invasions
Urban Flip Flop Invasions
Havaianas Sandals Bombard Paris, Rome, London and Madrid
Fishy Flip-Flops
Fishy Flip-Flops
Two-in-One Amphibian Lifeguard Rescue Fins
Flip-Out Flashlights
Flip-Out Flashlights
Marset's LEDtube is a Futuristic Glow for Any Room
Online Flipography
Online Flipography
Upload a Video and Create Your Own FlipClips Flip Book
Flip-Flop Maxi Frocks
Flip-Flop Maxi Frocks
Lanvin Resort 2010 Collection Inspired by Fun Times in Acapulco
Flip Flop Mop
Flip Flop Mop
Because You're Lazy
Personalized Flip-Flops
Personalized Flip-Flops
RIVETZ Lets You Design Your Dream Sandals Online
Back-Flip Fashion
Back-Flip Fashion
Alexandra Compain-Tissier Illustrates People In Acrobatic Action
Bird-Flipping Lookbooks
Bird-Flipping Lookbooks
Arielle de Pinto 2010 Jewelry Collection Gives a One-Fingered Salute
Flipping Coffee Makers
Flipping Coffee Makers
The Brunton Flip-N-Drip Brews a Quick Cup of Joe
Flipping Showers
Flipping Showers
Kohler's Flipside Handshower Sprays in 4 Different Ways
Flip-Over Furniture
Flip-Over Furniture
You'll Flip for Joven De La Vega's 2-in-1 Chair Desk
Flipped Photography
Flipped Photography
Brandon Voges Captures the Other Side of Upside Down People
Flipped Out Furniture
Flipped Out Furniture
There Are No Problems with the Flip Table by No Problem
Economy Crisis-Chic Magazine Covers
Economy Crisis-Chic Magazine Covers
DT Platinum Flips Gisele Bundchen For Financial Trouble
Wedding Flip-Flops
Wedding Flip-Flops
Fancy White J*Flops Sandals Are Perfect For a Seaside Wedding
VERY Controversial Vogue Spreads
VERY Controversial Vogue Spreads
Vogue Paris Literally Flips PETA
Flipping Wall Shelves
Flipping Wall Shelves
Sebastian Errazuriz's Disappearing Repisa N5
Rebellious Celebtography
Rebellious Celebtography
Kristen Stewart Flips the Bird in Interview Magazine
DIY Custom Flip-Flops
DIY Custom Flip-Flops