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40 Fascinating Flash Mobs

From Musical Performances to Choreographed Airline Stunts

— May 28, 2012 — Pop Culture
Flash mob videos have gone viral and have the potential to become an instant Internet sensation.

Without the handy use of video cameras and phones, flash mobs would not exist. Flash mobs are fascinating, as it is always fun to see a herd of folks participating with the same purpose in mind. Rarely do people see others in large groups sharing the same passion and moving simultaneously. Whether the flashmob is for a protest or all around fun, they are great to watch.

These videos comprise of incidents such as advertising flash mobs surprising one person to hundreds of participants that simultaneously do the same thing. One video shows a Tic Tac flashmob where hundreds of people faint in front of an unsuspecting victim.
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Daring Diva-Inspired Mobs
Daring Diva-Inspired Mobs
Respect DC Sings Classic Aretha Franklin Song in Local WalMart
Flash Mob Tax Protests
Flash Mob Tax Protests
US Uncut Amuses and Confuses B of A Employees with 'Pay Up' Performance
Fan-Frenzy Flash Mobs
Fan-Frenzy Flash Mobs
The Budwieser 2012 Super Bowl Commercial is a Surprise for the Ages
Retro Revival Flash Mobs
Retro Revival Flash Mobs
'Big Art for Little Minds' Recreates Woodstock in Toronto
Shopping Mall Flashdances
Shopping Mall Flashdances
‘Dance like Nobody’s Watching’ Shows an Epic Free Spir
Sports Star Flash Mobs
Sports Star Flash Mobs
The LeBron James Flash Mob is an Attempt to Keep the King in Cleveland
Corporate Flash Mobs
Corporate Flash Mobs
Media Markt Turns Delivery Into Publicity
Jedi Flash Mob Fights
Jedi Flash Mob Fights
The Star Wars Freeze Battle Promotes the Latest Star Wars MMORPG
Flash Mob Politics
Flash Mob Politics
Egyptian Protests Threatened by Social Media Shut-Downs
Surprise Classical Performances
Surprise Classical Performances
Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra Flashmobs Subwayers
Flash Mob Bubble Baths
Flash Mob Bubble Baths
This Bubble Fight in Times Square Gets Strangers Clean
Choreographed Airline Stunts
Choreographed Airline Stunts
The American Airlines Los Angeles Flash Mob Stuns Passersby
Kiddie Dance Battles
Kiddie Dance Battles
H & M Kids Flash Mob Invades Union Square in San Francisco
Fainting Flash Mobs
Fainting Flash Mobs
The 'Worst Breath in the World' Had People Falling Over for Miles
Subtlemob Flash Mobbing Gives a Deeper Feeling of Participation
Elfish Flashmobs
Elfish Flashmobs
It's Elf Yourself, Live from Union Square in New York City
Vegas Flash Mobs
Vegas Flash Mobs
Phamous Planet Hollywood Flashmob Takes Gamblers by Surprise
Karaoke Flash Mobs
Karaoke Flash Mobs
T-Mobile Gathers 13,000 to Sing in London
Ghostbusting Flash Mobs
Ghostbusting Flash Mobs
Ghostbuster Improv Takes Over the New York City Public Library
Guerrilla Musical Theater 2
Guerrilla Musical Theater 2
Flash Mob for
Ceremonial Guerrilla Dance
Ceremonial Guerrilla Dance
Flash Mob Michael Jackson Tributes in Stockholm, Sweden
Flash Mob Activism
Flash Mob Activism
Swiss Flashmobs Demonstrate Possibilities of Nuclear Plant Meltdown
Landmark Dance Tributes
Landmark Dance Tributes
Paris Flash Mob Gets Sexy Under the Eiffel Tower to David Guetta
Scandalous Male Stripping Flashmobs
Scandalous Male Stripping Flashmobs
A Nivea Advertisement Turns Up the Heat to Promote its Product
Supermodel Flash Mobs
Supermodel Flash Mobs
Gisele Bundchen Helps Launch SKY High Definition
Hammer Pants Flash Mobs
Hammer Pants Flash Mobs
LA Store is Rushed by Dancers in Golden Pants
Massive Tribute Flash Mobs
Massive Tribute Flash Mobs
12,000 Fans in Mexico City Celebrate Michael Jackson's Birthday
Impromptu 90s Traffic Dances
Impromptu 90s Traffic Dances
The Hammer Pants Flash Mob Strikes Santa Monica Blvd
Clone Flash Mobs
Clone Flash Mobs
The Melbourne Fringe Festival Features 'Take Off Your Skin'
Pants-Free Flash Mobs
Pants-Free Flash Mobs
Improv Everywhere Sparks Chaos With 9th Annual Event
Recycling Flashmobs
Recycling Flashmobs
This Eco-Conscious Stunt by Teste sur des Humains Makes a Profound Point
Festive Dark Side Flashmobs
Festive Dark Side Flashmobs
The Darth Vader Conducted Christmas Choir Brings Galactic Good Cheer
Super-Choreographed Flash Mobs
Super-Choreographed Flash Mobs
VTM and LDV United Bring 'The Sound of Music' to Belgium
21,000 Person Guerrilla Dances
21,000 Person Guerrilla Dances
Oprah Flash Mob Kickoff Party on Chicago's Magnificent Mile
Commemorative Flash Mobs
Commemorative Flash Mobs
Michael Jackson Fans Gather in SF to Dance the Night Away
Extreme Flash Mob Proposals
Extreme Flash Mob Proposals
The Howie Mandel Mobbed Show Helps a Groom Pop the Question
Mad Hatter Flash Mobs
Mad Hatter Flash Mobs
Disney Promos Tom Binns' 'Alice in Wonderland' Jewelry Line
Literal Flash Mobs
Literal Flash Mobs
Naked Models With Painted on Clothing Strut Through Oxford Circus