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34 Fast Food Jewelry Pieces

From Wiener Jewelry to Soda Pop Brooches

— October 18, 2013 — Fashion
These tiny examples of fast food jewelry take inspiration from pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers and anything else that might come with a bit of greasiness. As unappealing as this might sound, these jewelry pieces turn items from fast food menus into chic and wearable creations.

One of the best things about fast food is how inexpensive it is. Staying true to this idea, many of these jewelry pieces have been meticulously crafted from recycled materials and small pieces of polymer. However, some of these jewelry pieces flip this notion on its head and feature items made from luxurious metals like gold and silver.

One of the most adorable pieces of fast food jewelry is a BFF necklace that takes the shape of a whole pizza, which allows multiple friends to take a slice.
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