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36 Fantastic Fried Snacks

From Battered Cheesy Snacks to Deep Fried Italian Bites

— February 8, 2013 — Lifestyle
These fantastic fried snacks are a great indication of how much people enjoy deep fried food items, despite it being not the best option for those looking to be a bit more health conscious, these wonderfully scrumptious fried snacks are a great way to indulge in your favorite foods.

Whether you're looking for a sweet treat in the middle of the day or something to fill your appetite for something fried, these over-the-top snack food items will definitely leave you satisfied and craving for more. From fried breakfast creations to deep fried fruits and veggies, you can take any of your favorite recipes and deep fry it into a gloriously scrumptious creation.

Those who enjoy all things battered and crunchy will absolutely love these fantastic fried snacks.
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Mark Zamble Creates Deep-Fried Beer Pockets
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The State Fair of Texas Deems Fried Bubblegum the Most Creative Recipe
Deep-Fried Butter
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Ultra Fatty Southern Snack Debuts at Texas State Fair
Sweet Seafood Snacks
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KFC Singapore's 'Fish Donuts' Are Modeled After Confectionery Desserts
Battered Cheesy Snacks
Battered Cheesy Snacks
Whip Up These Deep Fried Nacho Cheese Balls at Your Next Super Bowl Party
Cake-Covered Onions
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These Red Velvet-Battered Onion Rings are a Twist on a Classic
Fatty Fried Breakfasts
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The 'Deep-Fried Cereal' Hits a Whole New Level
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Deep Fried Deviled Eggs are a Tasty Addition to the Picnic Basket
Foie Gras French Toast
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High Life Feasts at the Publican Restaurant in Chicago
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The Fried Chicken Luther Double Down Sandwich
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The Asian Equivalent To A Delicious, Deep-Fried Corn Dog
Deep Fried Chocolate
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Greasy Fried Mars Bars Are International Culinary Hits
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Fried Pork Gelatin
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Early Morning Treats
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Southern Comfort Restaurants
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