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54 Narcotics-Inspired Products

From Upper-Handed Food Delivery to Stimulant-Smuggling Submarines

— August 9, 2013 — Pop Culture
This collection of drug dealing trends celebrates the premier of the final Breaking Bad season. Fans have been patiently awaiting new episodes since September 2012. The series began in 2008 and follows Bryan Cranston as Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer.

He teams up with a former student, Jesse Pinkman played by Aaron Paul, to cook and sell crystal meth.

White does this so he can secure his family's financial future after he succumbs to cancer.

Several trends focus on pop culture recreations of Jesse Pinkman and Walter White, whether in the form of dolls, edible treats or mashups with other characters. These lovable criminals also have several art and illustration interpretations. Drug dealing innovations can also be found in the form of advertising and toys.
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