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47 Everyday Drone Uses

From Aerial Bartender Drones to Palm-Sized Selfie Drones

— September 4, 2015 — Tech
We see them on TV as military surveillance tools, medical research devices and wildlife trackers but increasingly, the world is developing day-to-day drone uses for every industry from restaurants to gaming.

It may seem incredibly futuristic but drones are already edging their way into everyday life. Today, you can order flowers, champagne and books by drone delivery. Drones have already been used to bring pizza to the military in remote locations so drone-delivered pizza will most likely be introduced to civilian life in the not-too-distant future. If you want to find the best fishing spot or take an awesome video of yourself snowboarding, there's a drone for that. A drone can predict the weather, find your keys and serve you a drink at your favorite bar.

The possibility for drone uses in regular life is enormous and expanding every day -- one day, there may be an autonomous robot for every possible task.
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Playful Toy Drones
Playful Toy Drones
Parrot Makes Innovative and Fun Minidrones for Children to Play With
Buzzworthy Delivery Drones
Buzzworthy Delivery Drones
Taiwan Beer Uses Delivery by Drone to Promote a New Honey Beer
Newsgathering Drones
Newsgathering Drones
CNN is Going to Use News Drones in its Operations
Amusing Mini Drones
Amusing Mini Drones
Axis Drones is Taking Drone Technology to the Miniature Scale
Delightful Mistletoe Drones
Delightful Mistletoe Drones
Artists George Zisiadis and Mustafa Khan Created This Mistletoe Drone
Beer-Delivering Drones
Beer-Delivering Drones
This Marketing Scheme Used Bumblebee Drones to Deliver Honey Beer
Autonomous Flying Cameras
Autonomous Flying Cameras
Lily Camera Uses Computer Vision Technology to Fly Without an Operator
Aerial Festival Photography
Aerial Festival Photography
These Burning Man Shots Were Captured By a Drone
Drone Circus Performers
Drone Circus Performers
This Cirque Du Soleil Video Features a Fleet of Flying Lampshades
Personal Pet Drones
Personal Pet Drones
The AirDog by Helico Aerospace Industries is Made for Extreme Sports
Heartening Soda-Delivering Drones
Heartening Soda-Delivering Drones
This Singapore Coca-Cola Delivery is More Special Than Usual
WiFi-Expanding Drones
WiFi-Expanding Drones
This WiFi Drone Will Improve Communications in Disaster-Struck Areas
Music-Streaming Drones
Music-Streaming Drones
The Spotify PartyDrone Plays Personalized Music to Festival Goers
Aerial Dronevertising
Aerial Dronevertising
Wokker's Ad-Carrying Drones Takes Aerial Advertising to New Heights
Trailblazing Delivery Drones
Trailblazing Delivery Drones
Drone Company Flirtey Will Test Drone Delivery Systems in New Zealand
Origami-Inspired Drones
Origami-Inspired Drones
This Origami Drone Spreads Its Wings In Less Than a Second
Kite-Like Cameras
Kite-Like Cameras
'Fotokite Phi' is a Photography Drone That Can Be Led on a Tether
Consumer Discovery Drones
Consumer Discovery Drones
The Fleye Quadcopter Can Scope Out Sites for Stationary Users
Flower Delivery Drones
Flower Delivery Drones
This Flower Marketing Stunt Involves a Romantic UAV
Customizable Mini Drones
Customizable Mini Drones
The Micro Drone 3.0 From Extreme Fliers Fits in the Palm of Your Hand
Book Delivery Drones
Book Delivery Drones
The Zookal Textbook Drones Make Ordering Required Readings a Breeze
Parcel Delivery Drones
Parcel Delivery Drones
The GeoDrone is Being Tested By French Mail Service La Poste
Lightweight Photography Drones
Lightweight Photography Drones
The Atlas Erida Drone Stays Airborne For Long Periods of Time
Palm-Sized Selfie Drones
Palm-Sized Selfie Drones
The Zano Drone is Designed to Capture Selfies and Videos
Autonomous Videographer Drones
Autonomous Videographer Drones
The Throw-And-Shot Lily Camera Follows You to Create HD Videos
Flying Restaurant Servers
Flying Restaurant Servers
These Robotic Drones Deliver Customers Their Orders in Lieu of Servers
Mail Delivery Drones
Mail Delivery Drones
Amazon Prime Air is a Futuristic Aerial Mail Delivery Service That Uses UAVs
Internet-Providing Drones
Internet-Providing Drones
The SkyOrbiter Drones Will Fly For Months and Years At a Time
Thermos-Shaped Drones
Thermos-Shaped Drones
The Sprite Drone Can Be Tossed Into a Backpack
Inventory-Monitoring Drones
Inventory-Monitoring Drones
Fraunhofer's Flying Robots Will Simplify Inventory Administration
Mobile Security Drones
Mobile Security Drones
The Jackie Security Drone Can Be Controlled Via a Mobile App
Weather-Predicting Underwater Drones
Weather-Predicting Underwater Drones
These Deep Sea Drones Will Help Predict Weather Better
Beer-Delivering Helicopters
Beer-Delivering Helicopters
This Beer Drone Delivers Directly to You Without You Having to Move
Mailman-Eliminating Drone Couriers
Mailman-Eliminating Drone Couriers
These On-Demand Delivery Drones Can Carry Items Up to 500 grams
Mail-Delivering Drones
Mail-Delivering Drones
These Handy Drones will Help Mail Services without Replacing Mail Carriers
Military Pizza Drones
Military Pizza Drones
This US Army Drone Delivers 3D-Printed Pizzas to Men and Women in the Field
Multiplayer Drone Games
Multiplayer Drone Games
'Game of Drones' Will Allow You to Race and Fight Your Friends' Drones
Versatile Drone Attachments
Versatile Drone Attachments
Percepto Computer Vision Adds App-Controlled Features to Drones
Fetching Personal Drones
Fetching Personal Drones
Bizzby Provides a Fast Service Perfect in Times of Emergencies
Autonomous Delivery Drones
Autonomous Delivery Drones
Google's Project Wing is Developing Drones that Deliver Packages
Water-Friendly Drones
Water-Friendly Drones
The Hydrofoil Drone is Comfortable On the Water and In the Air
Assistive Fishing Drones
Assistive Fishing Drones
The Aguadrone Spots Fish and Flies Your Lure Towards Them
Aerial Photography Fashion Drones
Aerial Photography Fashion Drones
Fendi is Giving Fashionistas a New Way to Watch Shows
Aerial Bartender Drones
Aerial Bartender Drones
The Yura Appliance System is a Personal Robotic Bartender
Bouncy Ball Drones
Bouncy Ball Drones
GimBall by Flyability Conducts Search and Rescue in a Safe Way
Pollution-Fighting Pinecone Drones
Pollution-Fighting Pinecone Drones
Michal Pospiech Designed This Personal Air Filter Robot
Affordable Photography Drones
Affordable Photography Drones
The Parrot Bebop is Competitively Priced for All to Enjoy
Wireless Videocamera Drones
Wireless Videocamera Drones
The Swivl Robotic Cameraman Will Help you Take Stunning Videos
Pocket-Sized Drones
Pocket-Sized Drones
The Cargo Pocket ISR is a Miniature Surveillance Drone
Minature Smartphone-Enabled Helicoptors
Minature Smartphone-Enabled Helicoptors
The Parrot Mini Drone Flys onto the Scene at CES 2014
Cyclist-Protecting Robots
Cyclist-Protecting Robots
The Cyclodrone by Frog Design Alerts Riders to Upcoming Dangers
Champagne Delivery Drones
Champagne Delivery Drones
Casa Madrona Sends Champagne to High-Paying Guests by Drone Delivery