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30 Cultural Beverage Innovations

From Pumpkin Argentinian Affogatos to Healthy Green Tea Cocktails

— October 26, 2015 — Lifestyle
These cultural beverage innovations range from pumpkin Argentinian affogatos to healthy green tea cocktails that blend together lemon and vodka that is infused with the popular antioxidant.

In addition to the rising popularity of boozy specialties like Chinese baijiu liquors and alcohol-infused Taiwanese teas, traditional bubble tea beverages are also getting a bold makeover. Adapted by North American food blogs like Honestly Yum, beverage creations like 'Pumpkin Spice Bubble Tea' blend together opposing flavors -- America's pumpkin spice obsession and and tasty tapioca pearls that are synonymous with the Asian beverage.

Other cultural beverage favorites include healthy energy drinks like olive waters and organic matcha teas that boost energy while giving drinkers a calming effect. Moreover, examples like naturally sweetened Mexican juices refresh drinkers without the toxins of refined sugars.

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