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45 Cool Coffee Mugs

From Death-Themed Mugs to Coffee Cup Corsets

— March 7, 2010 — Art & Design
The best way to drink coffee is out of one of these cool coffee mugs. Regular mugs just don't cut it for me anymore.

I feel like I've been asleep all these years, drinking my coffee out of plain Jane cups and mugs. Seeing all these cool coffee mugs feels like being born-again.

Implications - This list of 45 cool coffee mugs is a fantastic one that has so much variety. This collection will make you want to toss out all of your boring coffee mugs and run out to restock your cupboard with some wackier choices.
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War Games on Mugs
War Games on Mugs
Relive Your Childhood & Play Battleship on your Coffee Break
Death Themed Mugs
Death Themed Mugs
Boom! Town's Death Before Decaf Mug is for All Coffee Addicts
Caffeinated Body Changes
Caffeinated Body Changes
Coffee Consumption Linked to Cup Size
Drink Selector Mug
Drink Selector Mug
How Do You Like Your Coffee?
Sustainable Coffee Cups
Sustainable Coffee Cups
The Keepcup Creates a Caffeinated Way to be Eco
3 Cups in One
3 Cups in One
Stacked! Coffee Cup
Jewelry Mugs
Jewelry Mugs
24K Gold KPM Mug Studded With Diamonds is Perfect for Coffee Snob
Musical Mugs
Musical Mugs
The MyPod Coffe Cup
2-In-1 Lamp Heaters
2-In-1 Lamp Heaters
The Pengtao Yu Muglight Heats Up Those Chilly Nights
Costly Coffee Cups
Costly Coffee Cups
Colin O'Dowd Makes the Bar Code the Center of Design with the BEEP Mug
Cuffs for Coffee Cups
Cuffs for Coffee Cups
Gifts2Give Creates Menswear-Inspired Cup Sleeves
Speech-Minimizing Coffee Cups
Speech-Minimizing Coffee Cups
'Mugs of Authority' Protect Teachers' Voices
Coffee Cup Contests
Coffee Cup Contests
Enter the LATTEA Design Contest and Win Cash and a Coffee Machine
Wearable Java Jackets
Wearable Java Jackets
Starbucks Coffee Cuff
Finger Bling For Coffee Drinkers- Japanese cUp Ling
Finger Bling For Coffee Drinkers- Japanese cUp Ling
Mug Suitcases
Mug Suitcases
The Tota Coffee Carrier Lets You Carry Multiple Cups at a Time
Horrifying Morning Rituals
Horrifying Morning Rituals
Serve Your Enemies Coffee in the Scary Mouth Cup by Autumn Higgins
Coffee Cup Coat Racks
Coffee Cup Coat Racks
Starbucks-Inspired Garbage Cans
Starbucks-Inspired Garbage Cans
The Coffee Cup Rubbish Bin
Space-Saving Coffee Lids
Space-Saving Coffee Lids
The 'Coffee Top Caddie' Holds Creamers and Sugar Securely
Picky Palette Mugs
Picky Palette Mugs
Determine Coffee Creaminess Based on Color
Erasable Dishware
Erasable Dishware
The Chalk Board Mug Encourage Coffee Time Creativity
Sinking Cups
Sinking Cups
Floating Cup Looks like It's Sinking, but Denis Belenko is a Half-Full Kinda Guy
Contortionist Coffee Cups
Contortionist Coffee Cups
Amway Cleaning Polish Makes Cleaning Easy
Novelty Badass Cups
Novelty Badass Cups
The Gun Mug
Mug-Shaped Workspaces
Mug-Shaped Workspaces
The Coffee Office Provides Ample Privacy in Style
Edible Eco Mugs
Edible Eco Mugs
The Cookie Cup Lets You Drink Your Coffee and Eat the Cup
Fake Diamond Ring Mugs
Fake Diamond Ring Mugs
The 2-Carat Cup
Heat Activated Coffee Sleeves
Heat Activated Coffee Sleeves
The Air Shield Protects Your Fingers From Steaming Hot Coffee Cups
Mathematical Mugs
Mathematical Mugs
Craig Damrauer Creates the 'New Math' Cup for Coffee-Lovers
Self Stirring Coffee Mug
Self Stirring Coffee Mug
Coffee Cup Stockings
Coffee Cup Stockings
Pretty Polly's Java-Inspired Legwear Packaging Uses To-Go Cups
Anti-Theft Coffee Cups
Anti-Theft Coffee Cups
The Plug Mug Gets Rid of Java Bandits
Brass Knuckle Cups (Part III)
Brass Knuckle Cups (Part III)
Punch Coffee Mug
Facial Hair Tablewares
Facial Hair Tablewares
The Moustache Mug Makes Coffee Drinking Slightly More Amusing
Transformer Coffee Cups
Transformer Coffee Cups
Multicultural En Terrasse / To Go Mug
Ergonomic Coffee Cups
Ergonomic Coffee Cups
Antispill Mug
Coffee Cup Mouths
Coffee Cup Mouths
Yawning Aroma Coffee Ads
Innovative Mug Designs for Hot Drinks
Innovative Mug Designs for Hot Drinks
Heat-Dispersing Fins Make a Cup Handle Unnecessary
Coffee Cup Corsets
Coffee Cup Corsets
Fashionable Mug Holsters For Couture-Craving Coffee Lovers
Coffee Cup Lamps
Coffee Cup Lamps
Eco-Friendly Lighting from Recycled Mugs
Paper Coffee Cup Handles
Paper Coffee Cup Handles
Take Out Packaging by Melissa Cloutier
Brass Knuckle Cups (Part II)
Brass Knuckle Cups (Part II)
Thabto MUG
Geeky Magic Mugs
Geeky Magic Mugs
Heat-Sensitive Coffee Cups Display Pacman When Heated
Locking Coffee Mug
Locking Coffee Mug
The Lock-Cup