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20 Contactless Payment Solutions

From Wearable Banking Wristbands to Biometric Store Payments

— February 6, 2015 — Business
This collection of innovative apps, cards, POS systems and examples of wearable technology are an indication that contactless payment solutions will only continue to become more prevalent in the future. Moving beyond retail applications, contactless payment systems are being offered in a range of unexpected places, including the guitars of street musicians, photo booths and even the saddles of donkeys giving rides on the beach.

While biometric payments are also rising in popularity, they are converging with contactless payment systems for totally touchless experiences. Rather than requiring physical contact to read a palm or fingerprint, Uniqul and 100% Genuine Imported Foods Chain Stores are using scanners to detect the unique blood vessel networks in human bodies, getting rid of the need for cards and wearable payment systems entirely.
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Pay-Pass Musicians
Pay-Pass Musicians
Credit Card-Accepting Guitars May be the New Way to Pay Street Guitarists
Handheld Donation Devices
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This Charity Donation Platform Lets Commuters Give Leftover Credit
Biometric Buying Systems
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This New Payment System Lets You Buy Things with Your Face
Wearable Coffee Payments
Wearable Coffee Payments
Wearbucks is a Wearable Way to Pay for Coffee at Starbucks
Contactless Payment Cards
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The Reloadable Sweep Card Makes Effortless Touch-Free Payments
Contactless Payment Photobooths
Contactless Payment Photobooths
Zeven Media's Mobile Photo Booth Uses a Touchless Payment System
Contactless Payment Saddles
Contactless Payment Saddles
People Can Use Contactless Payments for Donkey Rides at this UK Beach
Calorie-Counting Cell Phones
Calorie-Counting Cell Phones
Barclaycard Health Tech of the Future
Biometric Store Payments
Biometric Store Payments
This Chinese Grocery Store Features a Unique 'Face Pay' System
Contactless POS Systems
Contactless POS Systems
Proxama's Units Offer Solutions for NFC Marketing & Loyalty Platforms
Budget-Saving Bracelets
Budget-Saving Bracelets
The Debitband Concept Payment System is a Physical Fiscal Reminder
Palm Print-Scanning ATMs
Palm Print-Scanning ATMs
The New Chase Bank Electronic Banking Kiosks Could Use Biometric Scanning
Wearable Banking Apps
Wearable Banking Apps
Wallaby's Mobile Wallet App is Developed For the Samsung Gear 2 Smartwatch
Wearable Banking Wristbands
Wearable Banking Wristbands
The CaixaBank Contactless Payment System is a Spanish Alternative
Credit Watch
Credit Watch
World's First Wristwatch with Built-in Credit Card
USB Credit Card
USB Credit Card
Korea's Shinhan Card
Wearable Wrist Payments
Wearable Wrist Payments
Barclaycard's Contactless Payment bPay Bands Will Reduce Cash Transactions
Swatch Access
Swatch Access
Charge and Ride
Contactless Donation Shops
Contactless Donation Shops
This Interactive Display Window Collects Contactless Payment Donations
Credit Card Timepieces
Credit Card Timepieces
LAKS Watch2Pay System Allows for Contactless Payments