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27 Unconventional Condiment Flavors

From Artichoke-Based Mixes to Spice-Infused Honeys

— August 31, 2016 — Eco
Most people are familiar with traditional condiments such as mustard, ketchup, barbecue sauce and honey, but these flavorful additions to food are unconventional and unique.

The 'Inulinu' line of condiments are made with 'Jerusalem artichoke' -- a vegetable that adds nutritional qualities to the spreads. With condiments ranging from mustard to jams that all use the artichoke as a base, this collection is both healthy and flavorful.

The Portuguese brand 'Meia Duzia' offer sophisticated tubes of honey that are each infused with unique flavors. Made with fruits, spices and wines, the honey-based condiments function more as luxury food items than the standard honey spread. Flavors in this collection include pumpkin, port wine, pink pepper and lemon balm.
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Vegetarian Condiment Beers
Vegetarian Condiment Beers
This At-Home Ale is Created Using Vegemite Yeast Products
Caffeinated Peanut Butter Packs
Caffeinated Peanut Butter Packs
The PROBAR Organic Peanut Butter Blend is Infused with Yerba Matte
Apple-Infused Mustards
Apple-Infused Mustards
This Mustard Flavor from Herb 'n Zest Offers a Sweet Caramel Flavor
Bottled Fast Food Sauces
Bottled Fast Food Sauces
KFC is Now Selling Its Honey Maple Sauce by the Bottle
Spicy Balanced Cooking Sauces
Spicy Balanced Cooking Sauces
The New Lee Kum Kee Cooking Sauces Expand on Popular Flavors
Versatile Condiment Sauces
Versatile Condiment Sauces
This Sweet Wasabi Sauce Dressing Makes a Staple More Versatile
Artisanal Curry-Infused Ketchups
Artisanal Curry-Infused Ketchups
Red Duck Foods Makes Spicy, Smoky and Curry Ketchups
Cayenne-Spiced Mustards
Cayenne-Spiced Mustards
French's 'Classic Yellow Spicy' is Set to Launch in the UK
Exotically Piquant Ketchup
Exotically Piquant Ketchup
Maya Kaimal's 'Spicy Ketchup' is a Twist on Original Asian Kecap Sauce
Aged Bourbon Maple Syrups
Aged Bourbon Maple Syrups
The Pappy Table Syrup is Flavored Inside Vintage Liquor Barrels
Egg-Free Sandwich Spreads
Egg-Free Sandwich Spreads
This Vegan Mayo Serves as a Dairy-Free Condiment Option
Gourmet Food-Flavored Salts
Gourmet Food-Flavored Salts
The Amola Salts Opt for Unlikely Aromas Such as Bacon and Espresso
Gourmet Bagel Mayos
Gourmet Bagel Mayos
The Empire Mayonaise Co. Turns the Everything Bagel into a Condiment Spread
Experimental Artisan Relishes
Experimental Artisan Relishes
This Pepper Relish is Handmade in Small Batches in Brooklyn
Small-Batch Mustard Sampler Packs
Small-Batch Mustard Sampler Packs
This Set from Seattle's Mustard & Co Includes a Garlic Dill
Trail Mix Nut Spreads
Trail Mix Nut Spreads
This Peanut Butter Product Branded as a "Spreadable Trail Mix"
Chipotle-Flavored Mayos
Chipotle-Flavored Mayos
Hellmann's Organic Mayonnaise Now Comes in a Spicy Chipotle Flavor
Greek Yogurt-Based Condiments
Greek Yogurt-Based Condiments
Blue Plate's Light Mayonnaise is Made with Tangy Greek Yogurt
Mediterranean Ketchup Sauces
Mediterranean Ketchup Sauces
Paladin's Portuguese-Style Ketchup is Infused with Regional Seasoning
Asian Fusion Condiments
Asian Fusion Condiments
Bibigo Mixes Sriracha with Mayonnaise, Barbecue Sauce and More
Somber Honey Branding
Somber Honey Branding
This Manuka Honey is Packaged in a Highly Secure Box
Creamy Tea Condiments
Creamy Tea Condiments
This Japanese Sado-Themed Toast Spread Combines Matcha Green Tea and Cream
Premium Barbecue Sauce Collections
Premium Barbecue Sauce Collections
These Premium Sauces are Made for Grilling Season
Avocado-Based Honey Spreads
Avocado-Based Honey Spreads
This Raw Honey Comes from Bees That Have Pollinated Avocado Trees
Elegant Agave Packaging
Elegant Agave Packaging
This Agave is Packaged in a Way That Reveals Its Healthy Qualities
Honey-Based Jam Tubes
Honey-Based Jam Tubes
This Jam Packaging Was Inspired by Oil Paint