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35 Breathtaking Google Earth Images

From Satellite Image Rugs to 3D-Infused Maps

— February 1, 2013 — Eco
These breathtaking Google Earth images gather the output of the company's most recent geographic tech tools. Satellite imagery has altered the way scientists and travelers operate, enabling both to get in-depth looks at iconic regions throughout the world. In whichever case, the aerial perspective is undeniably beautiful.

Satellite image rugs and 3D-inused maps are only some of the ways in which designers and photographers have made use of Google Earth's programs. The ability to zoom in or rotate images on a 360 degree scale offers an assortment of unique vantage points, making the features both interactive and remarkably precise. Best of all is the ability to follow up on the progression of various territories over time, tracking the development of natural landscapes.
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Time-Lapse Mapping Tools
Time-Lapse Mapping Tools
Google Earth Engine Features Progressive Charts
Search Engine Skydiving
Search Engine Skydiving
Google Earth Skydiving is for Low-Risk Adventurers
Google Forecasts
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The Google Earth Real-Time Rain and Snow Feature Helps You Plan Your Day
Digital Mountainside Tours
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The Google Grand Canyon Maps Tracks the Arizona Landscape
3D-Infused Maps
3D-Infused Maps
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The Google Earth Carpets are Out of this World
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Awesome Aerial Photography
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Google & Provide Near Real-Time Tracking of Airplanes
Computer Simulations for Disaster Relief
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Google Earth Pro To Help Save Lives and Plan Evacuations
Mobile Interactive Maps
Mobile Interactive Maps
Google Earth for iPhone
Buy a Tree, Watch it Grow on Google Earth
Buy a Tree, Watch it Grow on Google Earth
Google Earth Tours
Google Earth Tours
'Google Touring' Is the Illustrated Photo Tour of the Future
Mapping Evolution
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Time Machine Effect Launches With Google Earth Historical Images
3D Online Cityscapes
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Google Earth Unveils Buildings Layer
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Astounding Satellite Snapshots
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Online Space Data
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Google Earth Tours
Google Earth Tours
Disney World Interactive Mega Map
Satellite Sea Bottoms
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Google Earth Now Shows The Ocean Floor on Bathymetric Maps
Artistic Aerial Photography
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Personal Landmark Map Art
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Odd Google Earth Sightings
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Giant Makeup Compact?
Satellite Image Rugs
Satellite Image Rugs
David Hanauer's Worldwide Carpets are Inspired by Google Earth
Warped Bridge Screenshots
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Clement Valla's Postcards from Google Earth Series Shows a Magical World
Google's Hidden Flight Simulator
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Google Earth Goggles
Beijing Olympics on Google Earth
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3D Aerials of China
Art for Google Earth
Art for Google Earth
Henk Hofstra's Urban River
Satellite-Aided Nature Discoveries
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What You Discover on Google Earth Could Kill You
Google Earth Games
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10 Google Earth Discoveries