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23 Brilliant Branding Initiatives

From Cyclist-Focused Cafes to Winsome Waterbird Branding

— October 31, 2014 — Marketing
Whether you're a start-up looking to evolve into a bigger firm, a boutique looking to expand your clientele or an individual looking to put your skill-set out there, personal branding initiatives will be central to your game.

The Internet, social media and technology in general have greatly broadened the scope of branding, while also making it easy for you to create a compelling brand with minimal funding.

However, branding initiatives work best when you don't focus solely on your image, but actually use your branding strategy to showcase your substance as a business or personal brand, and leverage your brand to show off your knowledge base.

This doesn't necessarily mean your branding should be serious and uptight. A lot of the most successful and memorable branding initiatives have involved quirkiness and outside-of-the-box thinking.

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Technology Class Branding
Technology Class Branding
Html5 Logo With Badges for Each Technology Entices Adoption
Basketball Booze Branding
Basketball Booze Branding
The 3-Point Tequila Packages its Tequila in a Basketball-Themed Bottle
Bike-Powered Coffee Carts
Bike-Powered Coffee Carts
The Sustainable and Affordable Wheely's Cafe Can Take on Starbucks
Geisha-Inspired Branding
Geisha-Inspired Branding
TATCHA Finds Inspiration in Japan to Create its Fascinating Beauty Line
Monstrous Interactive Retail
Monstrous Interactive Retail
The Jou Jou Toy Store Gets Interactive with Branding
Historical Icon Business Stationery
Historical Icon Business Stationery Imagines a Letterhead Design for People of Influence
Cyclist-Focused Cafes
Cyclist-Focused Cafes
Cafe Velo is for Those on Wheels
Customized Client Gifts
Customized Client Gifts
Customer Rave Allows Businesses to Create Personal Holiday Presents
Gourmet Drumstick Branding
Gourmet Drumstick Branding
Wishbone's Rustic Restaurant Branding Mixes Modern with Authentic
Palatable Lime Green Packaging
Palatable Lime Green Packaging
Tacie's Kitchen Branding Exudes a Citrus, Savory Appeal
Brooding Self Branding
Brooding Self Branding
The 1 New Fresh Egg Concept Celebrates a Young Professional's Potential
Robust Booze Branding
Robust Booze Branding
Berloga Vodka Bottles Stake Untamed Territory on Liquor Store Shelves
Cross-Culture Beauty Boutiques
Cross-Culture Beauty Boutiques
Jealousy Beauty Delivers Asian Remedies to North America
Winsome Waterbird Branding
Winsome Waterbird Branding
Swan Cigarette Packaging Embraces a Contemporary Avian Elegance
Jolly Beverage Branding
Jolly Beverage Branding
Buddy Mulled Wine Packaging Commands Festive Conduct
Effortless Branding Apps
Effortless Branding Apps
Makr by Ellen Johnston is Geared Towards Creative Entrepreneurs
Elegant Earl Grey Branding
Elegant Earl Grey Branding
L Donatelle Tea Packaging Infuses Sipping with Sophistication
Doorknob Branding
Doorknob Branding
The Metrofarm Sneakerknob Door Handles Enhance the Company's Retail Presence
Flighty Fashion Branding
Flighty Fashion Branding
Air Asia T-Shirt Packaging Takes Off From Traditional Merchandising
Traveling Bookstores
Traveling Bookstores
'Tell a Story' Brings Portuguese Culture and Writers to Tourists
Brewed Business Branding
Brewed Business Branding
The SD Coffee Cup is a Caffeinated Client Handout
Cutlery Company Branding
Cutlery Company Branding
The Cookies Kitchen & Bar Image is Forktastically Tasteful