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Top 100 Tech Ideas in August

From Off-Grid Data Devices to Magnetic Energy Bike Lights

— August 27, 2017 — Tech
As the August 2017 tech trends reveal, modern technology continues to 'go green' in new and exciting ways. Beyond solar-power and low-energy gadgets, consumers now have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of eco-friendly and highly accessible tech options.

One area which continues to see progress is that of gadgets powered by renewable energy. One brand new example is the Reelight CIO, which is powered by magnetic energy. Another example is the DC-Tri Stand-Up Electric Trike Bikes, which are powered by electricity instead of fuel.

Beyond devices that are powered by renewable sources of energy, the August 2017 tech trends also include devices that go off the grid entirely. For instance, Sonnet Labs recently created a device that gives a user's smartphone the ability send instant messages, voice recordings, images, and GPS coordinates in areas where there is no cell coverage, satellite service or even internet access.
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Professional-Grade Gaming PCs
Professional-Grade Gaming PCs
The NVADR ORION 4000x Game Computers Boast Impressive Specs
Bag-Tracking Power Banks
Bag-Tracking Power Banks
The 'Solpro Tag' Charging Battery Packs are Trackable
Codeless Chatbot Software
Codeless Chatbot Software
SaaS Startup HelloBOT Makes it Easier to Connect With Your Customers
Smart Home Monitoring Sensors
Smart Home Monitoring Sensors
The iHome iSS50 Smart Home Monitor Keeps Living Spaces Efficient
One-on-One Mentoring Platforms
One-on-One Mentoring Platforms
'InternStreet' Works on Project-Based Courses
Web Development Platforms
Web Development Platforms
New Venture uiplease Helps You to Learn How to Code UI Animation
Discreet Security Systems
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'Guard Peanut' Protects Your Personal Items from Theft
Affordable 4K Projectors
Affordable 4K Projectors
Epson's Home Cinema 4000 Delivers 4K Enhancement at a Lower Cost
Rugged Waterproof Illumination Speakers
Rugged Waterproof Illumination Speakers
The ECOXGEAR EcoSlate Speaker is Ready for Use in the Pool
Solar-Powered Headphones
Solar-Powered Headphones
The Bluetooth Solar Headphones Harness Sun Power When You're Outside
Little Luminous Camping Laterns
Little Luminous Camping Laterns
The Pocket-Sized Helio Camping Latern Packs 220 Lumens
Robotic Lawn-Mowing Startups
Robotic Lawn-Mowing Startups
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Voice-Activated Intelligent Thermostats
Voice-Activated Intelligent Thermostats
The Microsoft GLAS Cortana Smart Thermostat is Efficient
Skeletal Microphone Designs
Skeletal Microphone Designs
The Skeletor Microphone's Exterior Appearance Will Make You Shudder
Pulsing Anti-Nausea Wearables
Pulsing Anti-Nausea Wearables
The 'EmeTerm' Device Prevents Morning Sickness in Pregnant Women
Responsive Haptic Clothing
Responsive Haptic Clothing
'Ripple' Lets the Wearer Know If Someone is Looking at Them
GPS-Tracking Wallets
GPS-Tracking Wallets
Signature Wallets Infuse a Classic Design with Smart Technology
Zooming Macro Camera Lenses
Zooming Macro Camera Lenses
This Tamron All-in-One Lens Offers Zooming and Macro Shot Capabilities
Retro Console-Inspired Controllers
Retro Console-Inspired Controllers
The Colorware Joycon Classic Controller is Inspired by the NES
Off-Grid Data Devices
Off-Grid Data Devices
Sonnet Labs' New Device Allows for Communication Without Coverage
Augmented Reality Tape Measures
Augmented Reality Tape Measures
AR Measure Turns a Phone into a Measuring Tape
Fried Chicken Smartphones
Fried Chicken Smartphones
Huawei's Kentucky Fried Chicken Phone Comes with Branded Apps
Canine Stress-Reducing Harnesses
Canine Stress-Reducing Harnesses
The 'Calmz' Anxiety Relief System Alleviates Dog Stress
Metallic Hydration-Tracking Bottles
Metallic Hydration-Tracking Bottles
The 'ProBottle' Thermal Water Bottle Encourages You to Drink
Tilt-Shift Photography Cameras
Tilt-Shift Photography Cameras
The Bonzart Ampel Camera Turns Scenery into Fantastical Artwork
Foot Shape Scanners
Foot Shape Scanners
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Sophisticated Marble Pedestals
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Deodorizing Coat Hangers
Deodorizing Coat Hangers
The Nanoe X Can Deodorize Clothes in About Five Hours
Disguised Television Mounts
Disguised Television Mounts
The Hidden Vision TV Mounts Hide Your Set Behind a Mirror or Artwork
Smart Selfie Sticker Apps
Smart Selfie Sticker Apps
'Sticky AI' Uses Artificial Intelligence to Turn Selfies into Stickers
Intentionally Antiquated Cellphones
Intentionally Antiquated Cellphones
The Mindfulness Phone Encourages Users to Live in the Now
Cartoon Character Security Cameras
Cartoon Character Security Cameras
The Minion HD WiFi Security Camera Makes Equipment Friendlier
Skin-Scanning Wearables
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SOL Offers Wearable Skin Protection That Reminds Users to Take Care
Magnetic Energy Bike Lights
Magnetic Energy Bike Lights
The Reelight 'CIO' Bike Light Doesn't Require Friction or Batteries
Fiber Optic Display Whips
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Whole Mouth-Cleaning Toothbrushes
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The Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart Toothbrush is Connected
Responsive Bike Helmets
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High-Tech Tag Games
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Canine Notification Mats
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Bluetooth Electric Skateboards
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Huger Tech's New Skateboard Offerings Let You Track Your Rides
Interchangeable Accessory Smartphone Cases
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The 'BUDU' Modular Phone Case Offers Extra Attachments
Smart Pet Trackers
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The Paby Provides Pet Owners With Real-Time Pet Updates
Stress-Relieving Computer Stands
Stress-Relieving Computer Stands
The ergonofis Ergonomic Wood Monitor Stand Optimizes Your Screen
Independent Connected Light Solutions
Independent Connected Light Solutions
The 'Voyager' Smart Light Lets You Customize Illumination
Wearable Electronic Image Badges
Wearable Electronic Image Badges
'The Badger' Displays Your Choice of GIF or Image
Multidirectional USB Fans
Multidirectional USB Fans
The 'O-Fan' Boasts a Clean Aesthetic to Cool Users at Their Workstations
Ergonomic Phone-Holding Accessories
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Bluetooth Artwork Speakers
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Spring-Loaded iPhone Card Cases
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3D-Printed Water Treatment Systems
3D-Printed Water Treatment Systems
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Multi-Use Steel Charging Cables
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The 'ANCHOR' Cables Charge Your Smartphone, Laptop and More
All-in-One Device Chargers
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The Conceptual 'Cubby' Charger Keeps All Devices Up and Running
Bluetooth Bone Conduction Rings
Bluetooth Bone Conduction Rings
The 'ORII' Smartphone Ring Brings Bone Conduction to Your Finger
DSLR Lenses Smartphone Cases
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Connected Speaker Fidget Spinners
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Interactive Open-Source Touch Bars
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Interactive Fast Food Windows
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Ergonomic Contour Mouses
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The Delux Wireless Vertical Mouse Reduces the Instance of Wrist Pain
Interactive Smart Mirrors
Interactive Smart Mirrors
The Surface of This Reflective Glass is Motion-Controlled
Electroluminescent Backpacks
Electroluminescent Backpacks
The Lightpack Can Provide 20,000 Hours of Enhanced Visibility
WiFi Light Bulb Cameras
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The 'Tovnet' WiFi Security Camera Fits into Any Light Socket
Cinematic Laser Projectors
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The Xiaomi Mi Laser Projector Plays Cinema-Quality Content
Eco-Friendly AC Beds
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App-Enabled Smart Clocks
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Single-Passenger Racing Drones
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Custom-Backed Smartphones
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Female-Funded Investment Firms
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Digitally Sculpted Jewelry
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Modular Mobile Projectors
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Tech-Accommodating Folios
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Honeycomb-Inspired Fashion Collections
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Antique-Inspired Electric Bikes
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3D-Printed Bikinis
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Textured Phone Cases
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Intelligent Vending Machines
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UV Handrail Sterilizers
UV Handrail Sterilizers
The LG Handrail Sterilizer Uses Ultraviolet Light to Kill Germs
Last Mile Skate Scooters
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The 'Blizwheel' Operates for Up to an Hour at 15mph
Portable Solar Panels
Portable Solar Panels
These Portable Panels Can Turn Your Umbrella into a Charging Station
Connected Workout Staffs
Connected Workout Staffs
The Axon Staff Measures Forces Applied to It
LED Dog Collars
LED Dog Collars
Neopop Makes You Dog More Visible at Night
Old-Fashioned Vaping Pipes
Old-Fashioned Vaping Pipes
The RAWtronics Digital Classic Vape Pipe Pays Homage to Tobacco Pipes
Vibrating Musical Experiences
Vibrating Musical Experiences
This Wearable Pod Lets Artists Play Songs as Vibrations on Your Skin
Skeletal Smartphone Storage Cases
Skeletal Smartphone Storage Cases
The 'Arc' Phone Case Offers a Bevy of Functions and Protection
Ultrasonic Windshield Defrosters
Ultrasonic Windshield Defrosters
The 'Iglu' Windshield Defroster Gets Cars Set for Winter Driving
Supportive Exoskeleton Chairs
Supportive Exoskeleton Chairs
Sapetti's 'Chairless Chair' Provides Relief to Standing Workers
Modular Gaming Controllers
Modular Gaming Controllers
The 'EXEO' Console Gaming Controllers Let Players Interchange Uses
360-Degree Selfie Devices
360-Degree Selfie Devices
The Wefie Camera is Like a Technology-Infused Selfie Stick
Thief-Photographing Smart Wallets
Thief-Photographing Smart Wallets
The Volterman Smart Wallet Comes Equipped with a Hidden Camera
Programmable Fidget Spinners
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The 'Air-Scribe' Fidget Spinner Toys Feature a Built-in Display
Retro Classic Keyboards
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The Azio Vintage Luxury Keyboard Adds Personality to a Desktop
Wearable Calendar Countdown Timepieces
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The 'Piece of Time' Timepiece Concept is Minimal in Design
Modern Flip Phones
Modern Flip Phones
Halcyon is a Smart Flip Phone with a Minimalist Feel
Holographic Display Smartphones
Holographic Display Smartphones
RED Has Designed the World's First Glasses-Free Holographic Phone
Privacy Laptop Cases
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Alcove’s Laptop Case Unfolds into a Private Workstation
Pedal-Free Electric Trikes
Pedal-Free Electric Trikes
The 'DC-Tri' Stand-Up Electric Trike Bikes Turn on a Dime