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20 Unconventional Pizza Flavors

These Artisanal Pizza Creations Celebrate National Pizza Day 2018

— February 9, 2018 — Lifestyle
These artisanal pizza creations will inspire foodies just in time for National Pizza Day 2018 and range from strawberry bacon pies to rainbow unicorn pizzas. The recipes and menu items will not only satisfy food cravings but are also Instagram-friendly.

Fans of social media-friendly meals will fall in love with Industry Kitchen's candy-topped Pop Candy Land Pizza. The NYC eatery's best-selling pizza is a sweet take on the traditional pie and is rainbow-hued, falling in line with the industry's recent unicorn food obsession.

Other favorites to try include the Domino's Lotta-Chocca Pizza which boasts an indulgent melted chocolate topping, along with Akira Back's 'Ahi Tuna Pizza' and Cali'flour's cauliflower pizza crust which are geared towards vegetarian and vegan consumers seeking a healthier alternative to fattier options.
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