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30 Momtastic Innovations

From Alicia Keys' New Born Son to Hip Maternity Styles

— October 19, 2010 — Pop Culture
In light of the joyous news regarding Alicia Keys' new born son Egypt, the following collections pay homage to moms around the globe.

Keys toured while she was pregnant and that did not slow her down. As she sported hip maternity clothing and remained energetic, she will finally take time to wind down and enjoy the new family. Swizz Beats and Alicia Keys' new born son was welcomed on the 14th of October.

Implications - Though there is a rising demographic of power women looking to forward their careers and disregard societal norms, backlash can be found in a niche demographic of women who value traditional female values such as marriage and birth. This is partially due to a pattern of maternal pride seen in Hollywood, proving that some gender roles may never change.
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