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25 Informative Addiction Finds

From Cat Marnell's Drug-Documenting Column to Cigarette Cakes

— May 8, 2013 — Lifestyle
Though addiction information has always been available to the public, very few are as informed as they should be in the matter. This is due in part to the often glamorous way addiction is portrayed in the media, with stars such as Lindsay Lohan, Cat Marnell, Kurt Cobain and many more becoming known for little more than the monkeys on their backs.

Luckily, the information age has made information on the devastating details of addiction more readily available than ever. Everything from infographics on Internet addiction to anti-alcoholism viral videos can be viewed with the click of a button. Even the PSA, a more old-school method of addiction education, gets an upgrade with the form of media available to creative ad agencies.
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Fuel Addiction Infographics
Fuel Addiction Infographics
America's Addiction to Oil is Revealing
Instagram Addiction Parodies
Instagram Addiction Parodies
'Filter My Life' Video Mocks Those Who Obsess Over Instagram Filters
Rehab-Funding Mocktails
Rehab-Funding Mocktails
The Brink Liverpool is an Alcohol-Free Bar and Recovery Social Enterprise
Smartphone Addiction Ads
Smartphone Addiction Ads
The Samsung Galaxy S3 Ad Teases Obsessed Users
Drug-Abuser Cessation Products
Drug-Abuser Cessation Products
Habit 'Black Rehab' Packaging Uses Luxury to Treat Addiction
Cigarette-Inspired Infographics
Cigarette-Inspired Infographics
The Legacy for Health Shows the Horrifying Effects of Smoking
Gadget Addiction Infographics
Gadget Addiction Infographics
This Technology Infographic Dives Deep into Startling Finds
Comic Computer Addictions
Comic Computer Addictions
Jim Behrle Sheds a New Light on Betty and Veronica
Social Media Dependency Charts
Social Media Dependency Charts
The 'Facebook Addiction: Fact or Fad?' Chart is Alarming
Virtual Health-Harming Infographics
Virtual Health-Harming Infographics
Excessive Internet Usage Does More than Promote Bad Posture
Real-Time Anti-Smoking Ads
Real-Time Anti-Smoking Ads
The Advertisement Focuses on the Process and Justifications in Quitting
Smoking Vaccine
Smoking Vaccine
Currently Under Development
Internet Addiction Infographics
Internet Addiction Infographics
This Infographic Poses Tough Questions About Extreme Internet Use
Gambling as Drug Addiction
Gambling as Drug Addiction
Bellwood Health Services Shows Gambling's Dark Side
Faux Addictions
Faux Addictions
'Offline' Rehab Clinic is Meant for Social Media Addicts
Digital Dependence Comics
Digital Dependence Comics
The 'Always Connected' Infographic is Plugged In
Satirical Smoker Guides
Satirical Smoker Guides
'The Rules of Quitting Smoking' Nixes Vices in the Butt
Sugar Consumption Visualizations
Sugar Consumption Visualizations
The 'Nursing Your Sweet Tooth' Infographic Examines an Addiction
Live Addict Memoirs
Live Addict Memoirs
The 'Amphetamine Logic' Column by Cat Marnell Provides Honest Insight
Rehab Restaurants
Rehab Restaurants
'Cafe Therapy' in Prague Helps People Overcome Drug Addictions
Revealing Caffeine Facts
Revealing Caffeine Facts
The 17 Things You Didn't Know About Your Coffee Infographic
Cigarettes Smoking People
Cigarettes Smoking People
Witty Anti-Smoking Awareness Ads Reverse The Concept
Extreme Computer Addictions
Extreme Computer Addictions
10 Images of the Severely Internet Obsessed
Drug-Addled Photography
Drug-Addled Photography
Jessica Baynes' 'Addiction' Covers a Dangerous Obsession
Rehab Backlashes
Rehab Backlashes
David Duchovny Punished for Sex Addiction