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30 Breakfast Ideas for Active Kids

From Brain-Boosting Cereals to DIY Chia Seed Bars

— July 9, 2015 — Lifestyle
While everyone knows breakfast is the most important meal of the day, this is especially true for busy, active kids. Setting the pace for the rest of the day, a well-rounded breakfast should power children up with the protein and sustenance they need to learn, grow and play.

Recipes that infuse beneficial superfoods with nutty spreads like almond or peanut butter provide a gluten-free boost in energy that also helps with brain power, an important factor of maintaining focus at school.

Additionally, healthy breakfast bowls that make healthy eating fun combine the fibrous properties of seeds like chia, hemp or flax with vibrant, fresh berries in a way that almost appears like a dessert.

Given its direct relation to development and concentration during such an important time, breakfast is a great time to make sure active kids get all of the nutrients they need.
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