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Top 85 Inventions Trends of 2016

From Virtual Reality Scent Devices to Mushroom-Based Leather

— January 28, 2017 — Unique
The top 2016 inventions trends show that there are always improvements to be made on even what seem to be the most futuristic technologies. One of the US Commissioners of Patents in the mid 19th century famously predicted that all human inventions would soon come to an end, and yet inventors are still finding myriad ways to add value and use to all sorts of products -- not to mention inventing new products altogether.

In many cases, the 2016 inventions trends revolve around marketing stunts. For example, the creators of South Park collaborated with Ubisoft to make a VR peripheral that adds scent to a recently released South Park video game, and KFC invented a flavored nail polish in order to promote the release of a new fried chicken flavor. Such inventions are a clever way to engage with consumers, as our annual innovation conference discusses in more detail.
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Portable Wind Tunnels
Portable Wind Tunnels
Ford is Conducting Its Wind Tunnel Tests in Mobile Shipping Container Units
Smart Cycling Jackets
Smart Cycling Jackets
This Vodafone Holland Jacket Creates a Safer World for Cyclists
Photosynthesizing Bionic Leaves
Photosynthesizing Bionic Leaves
Scientists Developed a Bionic Leaf That Turns Sunlight into Fuel
Rhythmic Ping Pong Games
Rhythmic Ping Pong Games
'Ping Pong FM' Players Need to Cooperate to Hit the Ball to the Beat
Saké Wine Cans
Saké Wine Cans
Social's Low-Calorie and Low-Sugar Alcohol is Organic and Gluten-Free
Sour Cucumber Ales
Sour Cucumber Ales
This Collaborative Golden Ale Boasts a Distinctive Tart Flavor
Chainsaw-Armed Drones
Chainsaw-Armed Drones
The Killer Drone is Equipped With a Remote-Controlled Chainsaw
Sustainable Cultured Meats
Sustainable Cultured Meats
SuperMeat Plans to Grow Chicken Meat Without Killing One Animal
Mobile Work Pods
Mobile Work Pods
'WorkonWheels' Uses Autonomous Driving for Workspace Pods
Instant Craft Beers
Instant Craft Beers
'To Øl' Developed a Powdered Alcohol Beer for Consumption Anywhere
Virtual Reality Scent Devices
Virtual Reality Scent Devices
The 'Nosulus Rift' is for 'South Park: The Fractured but Whole'
Baseball Cap Camera Mounts
Baseball Cap Camera Mounts
The 'Smabow' Baseball Cap Has a Phone and Camera Mount on the Brim
Single-Person Travel Pods
Single-Person Travel Pods
'rLoop' Offers a Fast and Cost-Effective Way for One Person to Travel
Beer-Kombucha Hybrids
Beer-Kombucha Hybrids
Postmark Brewing is Now Making a Beer Beverage Called 'Blondebucha'
Chocolate Bar Resumes
Chocolate Bar Resumes
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Body Motion Music
Body Motion Music
The KAGURA Translates Body Movement into Sound
Solar-Powered Hammock Boats
Solar-Powered Hammock Boats
The 'MelloShip' Introduces a Relaxing New Way to Enjoy the Water
Chicken-Flavored Nail Polish
Chicken-Flavored Nail Polish
This Edible KFC Nail Polish Comes in Two Flavors
Blimp Repair Robots
Blimp Repair Robots
The Lockheed Martin 'Spider' Can Find and Fix Pinhole Leaks on Blimps
Impact-Absorbing Shin Pads
Impact-Absorbing Shin Pads
The KPS600 Hockey Socks Provide Next-Generation Protection
Mobile Mattress Sanitizers
Mobile Mattress Sanitizers
'Clean Sleep' Trucks Wash Mattresses, Plus Remove Stains and Odors
Hangover Remedy Ice Creams
Hangover Remedy Ice Creams
This South Korean Company Claims It Can Cure Your Hangover
Dog-Friendly Brews
Dog-Friendly Brews
Woof & Brew's 'Bottom Sniffer' is a Special Non-Alcoholic Beer for Dogs
Selective Noise-Canceling Headphones
Selective Noise-Canceling Headphones
'Orosound' Offers Headphones Designed for the Office
Voice-Analyzing Health Platforms
Voice-Analyzing Health Platforms
'Beyond Verbal' Hopes to Assess Medical Conditions Through Voices
Airtight Beverage Bottles
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Kite-Based Power Sources
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Kite Power Solutions Offers an Innovative and Cost-Effective Alternative
AI Beer Breweries
AI Beer Breweries
Artificial Intelligence is Now Being Used to Craft the Perfect Beer
Arcade Button Testers
Arcade Button Testers
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Glowing Barware Accessories
Glowing Barware Accessories
Jakobsen Design's Glow-In-The-Dark Barware Accessory Embodies Elegance
Novelty Ear Bud Catchers
Novelty Ear Bud Catchers
M3D's Air'rings are 3D-Printed Earrings with Nets for Catching Air Pods
Liquid Instant Teas
Liquid Instant Teas
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Malleable Cotton Clocks
Malleable Cotton Clocks
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Small-Scale Synthesizers
Small-Scale Synthesizers
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Bacteria-Balancing Kits
Bacteria-Balancing Kits
This Skin Flora Kit Allows Women to Wear Probiotics in the Form of Pads
Hybrid Paper-Plastic Materials
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Artificial Memory Implants
Artificial Memory Implants
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High-Temperature Cooking Bags
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Klearcook's Polymer Sheets Can Be Used to Reduce Cooking Times
Unshelled Cashew Snacks
Unshelled Cashew Snacks
KARMA'S 'Wrapped Cashews' Can Be Eaten with Their Original Shell
Baguette Vending Machines
Baguette Vending Machines
This Machine Serves Up Fresh Baguettes On-Demand
Autonomous Rescue Aircraft
Autonomous Rescue Aircraft
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Absurdist Gear Systems
Absurdist Gear Systems
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Mosquito-Killing Streetlights
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Whipped Chocolate Butter
Whipped Chocolate Butter
Lewis Road Creamery's 'Chocolate Butter' Blends a Sweet Spread and Dairy
Couture Aromatic Cocktails
Couture Aromatic Cocktails
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3D-Printed Sugar Candies
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Bamboo Towel Bags
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Bicycle Brake Mugs
Bicycle Brake Mugs
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Ice Pop Cocktail Mixers
Ice Pop Cocktail Mixers
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Stock Market-Inspired Bars
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VR Dining Experiments
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Anime-Infused Contact Lenses
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Two-In-One Swimwear Designs
Two-In-One Swimwear Designs
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Modular Restaurant Franchise Buildings
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The New Checkers Building is Cost-Effective for Franchisees
Protective Floating Swimwear
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Bottled Deep Sea Water
Bottled Deep Sea Water
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High-Tech Exercise Water Bottles
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Artist-Inspired Socks
Artist-Inspired Socks
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Business Card Embossers
Business Card Embossers
The 'Pocket Scrawl' Stamps Custom Info on Business Cards
Two-In-One Shooters
Two-In-One Shooters
Twisted Shotz Combines Two Liqueurs in a Single Ready-to-Drink Shot
TV-Friendly Beer Mugs
TV-Friendly Beer Mugs
The 'Better TV Viewing Beer Mug' Leaves Views to the Screen Unobstructed
Hands-Free Magnetic Zippers
Hands-Free Magnetic Zippers
Evolve Enclosures' Magnetic Zipper Makes Fastening Clothing Automatic
Popped Cheese Snacks
Popped Cheese Snacks
'Cheesepop' is an Innovative Snack Cheese That's Like Popcorn
Office Smoking Pods
Office Smoking Pods
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Phone-Charging Wallets
Phone-Charging Wallets
VoltNow's Smart Leather Wallet Doubles as a Charger
Instant Coffee Beans
Instant Coffee Beans
This Coffee Concept Turns Compressed Instant Coffee into Beans
Wearable Flying Cameras
Wearable Flying Cameras
The 'nixie' is a Wearable Drone That Can Be Worn Like a Watch
Match-Sized Flashlights
Match-Sized Flashlights
The 'MBI Matchlight' is the World's Smallest Flashlight
Empathy-Building Playsets
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Hands-Free Umbrellas
Hands-Free Umbrellas
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Extremely Long-Lasting Roses
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The 'Mandem Safe' Protects Valuables While Looking Like a Nike Box
Next-Gen Farming Houses
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Wooden Chef Knives
Wooden Chef Knives
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Ergonomic Standing Desk Mats
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Ice Cream Capsules
Ice Cream Capsules
This Convenient Ice Cream Concept Boasts Brain-Boosting Properties
Mushroom-Based Leather
Mushroom-Based Leather
'Muskin' is a Plant-Based and Cruelty-Free Mushroom Leather
Single-Seat Cars
Single-Seat Cars
The Vector May Be a Solution to Traffic Congestion
Carbon Fiber Cars
Carbon Fiber Cars
Lamborghini is Changing the Rules of Auto Manufacturing with Carbon Fiber
Space-Saving Inflatable Bathtubs
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DIY Flying Chairs
DIY Flying Chairs
The 'Manned Multicopter' Flies with the Use of Homemade Multirotors
Photo-Finished Cube Furniture
Photo-Finished Cube Furniture
This Coated Foam Furniture Boasts Real-Life Images on its Designs
Futuristic Levitating Drinkware
Futuristic Levitating Drinkware
This Flying Cup Defies Gravity
Self-Balancing Motorcycles
Self-Balancing Motorcycles
The GyroCycle Stabilizes Itself with a Gyroscopic System