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Top 100 Science Trends of 2014

From Cellular Skin-Absorbable Bandages to Climate-Controlled Cities

— January 11, 2015 — Tech
This collection of top 2014 science trends brings attention to the ambitious goal of bettering the human race. Whether that means a focus on the environment or on healing the human body, there are a myriad of ways in which science has stepped in over the past year to propel our species forward. What makes these top 2014 science trends truly interesting, however, is how diverse they are.

From hygienic home solutions to futuristic cellular bandages and bee first aid kits to climate-controlled cities, the top 2014 science trends demonstrate a vast concern in many facets of human life. In a way, much foresight has been demonstrated this year alone, making it extremely exciting for what could be in store for the year to come.

To gain better insight into these top 2014 science trends, Trend Hunter's Science Trend Report is available now.
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Sewage-Powered SUVs
Sewage-Powered SUVs
Californians Will Soon Be Able to Buy a Hyundai Tucson Powered by Waste
Levitating Libation Makers
Levitating Libation Makers
This Cocktail Machine Mixes Floating Drops That Can Be Drunk Mid-Air
Tactile Sight Devices
Tactile Sight Devices
The Braille Contact Lens by Bar Ilan University Gives Sight to the Blind
Dream-Controlling Electric Shocks
Dream-Controlling Electric Shocks
The tACS Device Gives Sleepers Full Control Over Dream Plots
Marine-Life Preserving Stations
Marine-Life Preserving Stations
The Electric Coral Reef Station by Margot Krasojevic Buffers Waves
Sun-Powered Personal Electronics
Sun-Powered Personal Electronics
Scientists are Developing Commercially Printable Solar Panels
Injury-Tending Sponge Syringes
Injury-Tending Sponge Syringes
XStat by RevMedx Plugs Up Open Wounds Faster with Less Pain
Trash-Converting Bike Printers
Trash-Converting Bike Printers
This Mobile 3D Printer Uses Plastic Cups as Printer Ink
Audacious Car Concepts
Audacious Car Concepts
The Acabion Da Vinci is Touted as Being the Successor to the Car
Electrifying Liquor Case Displays
Electrifying Liquor Case Displays
This Smirnoff Branding is Shocking in a Very Different Way
Compressed Packaging Redesigns
Compressed Packaging Redesigns
Unilever's Compressed Deodorant is Eco-Friendly
Sideways Ice-Breaking Ships
Sideways Ice-Breaking Ships
The Baltika Icebreaker Can Move Sideways While Clearing Ice
Robotic Arm-Extending Handles
Robotic Arm-Extending Handles
The Robohandle Gives Users More Strength and Control
Eerie Robot Face Photos
Eerie Robot Face Photos
'What About The Heart?' Consists of Human-Like Faces Created for Robots
Light-Manipulating Lenses
Light-Manipulating Lenses
Smartlight Electrofluidics Direct Light Where Its Needed
Modular Commuter Vehicles
Modular Commuter Vehicles
The USF Vehicle is a New Generation of Vehicle for the Urban Commuter
Planet-Powering Solar Satellites
Planet-Powering Solar Satellites
IBM's Solar Magnifying Glass Could Power the Whole Planet
Scientific Flooding Campaigns
Scientific Flooding Campaigns
Science Stands is Launching an App to Troll Climate Change Deniers
Spectacular Shark Infographics
Spectacular Shark Infographics
This Infographic Charts the History & Highlights of Shark Week
Self-Healing Vehicle Paint
Self-Healing Vehicle Paint
This Paint Has 'Polyfibroblast' to Heal Chipped & Scratched Paint
Bee First Aid Kits
Bee First Aid Kits
The Bee Saver is Intended to Help Rescue Dying Honey Bees and Raise Awareness
Sprayable Solar Paint
Sprayable Solar Paint
Lucelo Technologies is Developing Solar Cells You Can Spread on Any Material
Modular Mexican 3D Printers
Modular Mexican 3D Printers
The MakerMex MM1 Modular 3D Printer Can Easily Be Upgraded
Tornado-Proof Shields
Tornado-Proof Shields
The Tuuli Armor Protective Shields Protect You Against Tornado Debris
Custom 3D-Printed Shoes
Custom 3D-Printed Shoes
Scan Your Feet and Get a Custom Pair of Shoes with ‘Three Over Seven’
Reflective Solar Farms (UPDATE)
Reflective Solar Farms (UPDATE)
The Ivanpah Solar System Produces 392 Megawatts of Energy
Cannabi-Hunting Drones
Cannabi-Hunting Drones
The Project ResQu Helicopters Can Identify Invasive Weeds in the Rainforest
Fungus-Fueled Radios
Fungus-Fueled Radios
This Radio is Completely Moss-Powered
Bionic ICU Mattresses
Bionic ICU Mattresses
The Babybe Haptic Feedback System Connects Premature Infants to Their Moms
Artificial Indoor Oceans
Artificial Indoor Oceans
The US Navy Uses a Man-Made Indoor Ocean to Test Ships
Light Producing Plants
Light Producing Plants
Bioglow's Luminescent Foliage Could Encourage Electricity-Free Living Rooms
Personal Wine-Making Gadgets
Personal Wine-Making Gadgets
The Miracle Machine Winemaker Lets Anybody Make Their Own Vino
Atomic Wristwatches
Atomic Wristwatches
Bathys' Atomic Watches Keep Time with a Cesium 133 Atom
Night-Vision Contact Lenses
Night-Vision Contact Lenses
A New Material Graphene Could be Used in Lenses to See in the Dark
3D-Printed Spinal Surgeries
3D-Printed Spinal Surgeries
Minghao is the First Person to Receive a 3D-Printed Vertebra
Ocean Cleanup Concepts
Ocean Cleanup Concepts
The Ocean Cleanup Concept Could Eliminate the Oceanic Garbage Patch
High-Altitude Paper Airplanes
High-Altitude Paper Airplanes
This Paper Airplane Was Launched Nearly 100,000 Feet Above Earth
Autonomous Delivery Drones
Autonomous Delivery Drones
Google's Project Wing is Developing Drones that Deliver Packages
Magical Cloaking Devices
Magical Cloaking Devices
The Rochester Cloak is Like Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility
Light-Activated Drapery
Light-Activated Drapery
The Smart Curtains Can Automatically Open and Close
Adhesive Health Trackers
Adhesive Health Trackers
The Health-Monitoring Patch Prototypes Measure Movement and Deliver Drugs
Cube-Shaped Digital Sundials
Cube-Shaped Digital Sundials
The Sun Cube Tells the Time Using Sunlight and Shadows
Electricity-Generating Blimps
Electricity-Generating Blimps
The Air Hydroelectric Station Will Generate Power From Clouds
Climate-Controlled Cities
Climate-Controlled Cities
Mall of the World Plans to be the First Indoor City
Portable Water Bottle Lamps
Portable Water Bottle Lamps
The Bottlelight Combines Two Essentials to Make Something Powerful
Skintight Space Suits
Skintight Space Suits
MIT's Space Suit Concept Uses a Bot to Cling to the Body's Form
Wearable Artificial Kidneys
Wearable Artificial Kidneys
This Artificial Kidney Offers An Alternative to Traditional Dialysis
Covert Commuter Germ Defenders
Covert Commuter Germ Defenders
This Anti-Germ Clothing Will Help Commuters Avoid Sickness
3D Printed Facial Surgeries
3D Printed Facial Surgeries
CARTIS Has Used 3D Printing for Surgical Repairs
Psychedelic Brain Images
Psychedelic Brain Images
The Human Connectome Project Seeks to Better Understand the Human Brain
Spectacular Science-Based Art
Spectacular Science-Based Art
The New Work of Caleb Charland Focuses on Light and Fire
Mad Scientist Light Fixtures
Mad Scientist Light Fixtures
Keep the Darkness at Bay with the Plasma Night Light
Capsule-Shaped Bicycles
Capsule-Shaped Bicycles
The 'Arion1 Velocipede' is Bidding to Break a Land Speed World Record
Colorful Thermal Urinals
Colorful Thermal Urinals
This Interactive Urinal Lets Men Get Creative While Relieving Themselves
Voice Commanded Barbecues
Voice Commanded Barbecues
Lynx Grills Debuted its New Smart Grill at CES 2014
Eco-Friendly Aerospace Hubs
Eco-Friendly Aerospace Hubs
The Asia Aerospace City Hub Will Be Constructed in Malaysia
3D Selfie Apps
3D Selfie Apps
The 'Itseez3D' App Converts Your Selfies into 3D Images
Indoor Personal Farm Apps
Indoor Personal Farm Apps
Grove Labs Will Help Commercial Farmers Do Their Work Inside
Rain-Powered Electricity Generators
Rain-Powered Electricity Generators
The Pluvia System Uses Excess Rainwater to Generate Power
Predictive Health Apps
Predictive Health Apps
The Nurse App for Health Makes Disease Predictions for a Patient
LED Lettuce Operations
LED Lettuce Operations
The Mirai Co. Lettuce Farm Uses Special Lighting to Optimize Plant Growth
3D-Printed Exoskeletons
3D-Printed Exoskeletons
This Robotic Exoskeleton is Changing Lives
Algorithmic Nocturnal Cityscape Images
Algorithmic Nocturnal Cityscape Images
Mark Khachfe Captures World Cities At Night from Space
Fart-Capturing Cow Backpacks
Fart-Capturing Cow Backpacks
The INTA Project Provides Away to Collect Natural Methane-Filled Gas
Bio-Digital City Structures
Bio-Digital City Structures
Urban Algae Canopy by ecoLogicStudio Cleans Air in Metropolises
Chemistry-Focused Jewelry
Chemistry-Focused Jewelry
Fe Hardware Looks to the Periodic Table for Inspiration
Scientific Sky-Mimicking Lamps
Scientific Sky-Mimicking Lamps
This Sky Light Rotates Like a Clock and Reacts to Ambient Sounds
At-Home Planetarium Apps
At-Home Planetarium Apps
Luna's Mini Planetarium & App Puts the Solar System at Your Fingertips
Underwater Transcontinental Trains
Underwater Transcontinental Trains
This Underwater Train Proposal Connects China and the States
Strength-Giving Exoskeletons
Strength-Giving Exoskeletons
The Fortis Exoskeleton Allows Wearers to Easily Lift Heavy Objects
Experimental Tattoo Instruments
Experimental Tattoo Instruments
Dmitry Morozov Created a Body-Reading Instrument
Liquified Gel Knives
Liquified Gel Knives
The Lightsaber Knife Makes for Perfect Cuts Everytime
Starry Circuitry Projects
Starry Circuitry Projects
This DIY Paper Circuit Board Teaches Science and Astronomy
Reactive Food Labels
Reactive Food Labels
These Food Expiration-Indicating Packaging Degrades With Spoiled Items
Holographic Printed Chocolates
Holographic Printed Chocolates
Morphotonix's Colorful Printing Method Results in Rainbow Chocolate
Life-Saving Tsunami Capsules
Life-Saving Tsunami Capsules
These Survival Capsules Protect Inhabitants from Natural Disasters
3D Printed Self-Portraits
3D Printed Self-Portraits
Artist Joshua Harker Uses a 3D Printer to Create an Elegant Portrait
Cellular Skin-Absorbable Bandages
Cellular Skin-Absorbable Bandages
HexSkin by Felipe Castaneda Dissolves Over the Skin
Cyclist Centrifuge Concepts
Cyclist Centrifuge Concepts
This Low-Cost Centrifuge Attaches to a Bike Wheel to Separate Liquids
Immersive Virtual Reality Installations
Immersive Virtual Reality Installations
'The Origin of the World' was Created by Miguel Chevalier
Futuristic Starship Designs
Futuristic Starship Designs
Physicist Harold White is Working on the IXS Enterprise
Ultrasound-Healing Medical Casts
Ultrasound-Healing Medical Casts
Osteoid by Deniz Karasahin is a Stylish and Practical Alternative
Flapping Wing Energy Generators
Flapping Wing Energy Generators
This Wind Turbine Uses Flapping Wing Motions to Create Electricity
Affordable Vacuum-Like Elevators
Affordable Vacuum-Like Elevators
This Vacuum Elevator Uses a Pneumatic System to Operate
Smart Herb Gardens
Smart Herb Gardens
The 'Click & Grow' Herb Gardens are a Lazy Gardener's Dream Come True
Impact-Absorbent Braces
Impact-Absorbent Braces
The Neck Frame Acts Like a Second Skin
Neon X-Ray Art
Neon X-Ray Art
Artist Hugh Turvey Produces Compelling Transparent Art Images
Vital Organ-Shredding Projectiles
Vital Organ-Shredding Projectiles
The R.I.P Bullet is Designed to Fragment into Eight Pieces
Humongous Amphibious Airplanes
Humongous Amphibious Airplanes
The Dragon-600 Will Be the World's Biggest Functional Sea Plane
Self-Opening Package
Self-Opening Package
Tomorrow Machine Creates Packaging that Opens Itself When Food is Ready
Windowless Plane Concepts
Windowless Plane Concepts
This Plane Concept Could Revolutionize Air Travel
Lab Equipment Kitchenware
Lab Equipment Kitchenware
The Domestic Science Machines by Alex Duffner Encourages Experiments
Flourishing 3D Printed Gardens
Flourishing 3D Printed Gardens
This 3D Printer is Able to Produce a Living Garden
Blob-Like Water Containers
Blob-Like Water Containers
The Ooho Water Bottle is an Edible Alternative to Plastic Versions
3D Printed Skulls
3D Printed Skulls
Dr. Bon Verweij Successfully Implanted a Tech-Made Cranium in the Netherlands
Titanium 3D-Printed Heels
Titanium 3D-Printed Heels
These Titanium 3D High Heels are Anything But Ordinary
Futuristic Electric Aircraft Concepts
Futuristic Electric Aircraft Concepts
The Awwa Sky Whale Airplane Design Launched at CES 2014
Superhero Firefighting Suits
Superhero Firefighting Suits
The AFA Exoskeleton Makes the Firefighter Feel Like a Superhero
Idealized Facial Comparisons
Idealized Facial Comparisons
The Original/Ideal Project Examines