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Top 100 Gadget Trends of 2014

From Smart Toilet Paper Holders to Phone-Charging Wallets

— January 3, 2015 — Tech
This list of the top 2014 gadget trends features a wide variety of products that are perfect for today's millennials who love to multitask. Wallets that also charge your smartphone, watches that help you check your email and clocks that double as works of art are among the big gadget trends of 2014. The overarching trend appears to be the development of gadgets that can perform seemingly unrelated functions, allowing consumers to minimize the number of separate gadgets they have to carry around.

As is the case with the related technology fields of computing and robotics, the gadget market is expanding at a phenomenal rate with gadgets becoming incredibly niche and focused in their functions. This is unsurprising seeing as how many gadgets do indeed interface with computers and robots, and often function as such themselves.

For more on present and expected advancements in the world of high-tech gadgetry, check out Trend Hunter's Gadgets Trend Report.
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Knitted Storytelling Scarves
Knitted Storytelling Scarves
This Knitted Scarf Tells a Story When It's Moved
Dynamic Payment Option Cards
Dynamic Payment Option Cards
This All-In-One Card Lets Users Pay However They Want with One Swipe
Image-Obscuring Accessories
Image-Obscuring Accessories
Clouding Badge Disguises Your Photographed Appearance on Bad Hair Days
Experimental Tattoo Instruments
Experimental Tattoo Instruments
Dmitry Morozov Created a Body-Reading Instrument
Night Vision Smartphone Cases
Night Vision Smartphone Cases
The FLIR One iPhone Case Debuted at CES 2014 & Navigates the Dark
Tactile Camera Phone Cases
Tactile Camera Phone Cases
The Snappgrip Makes for an Even More Excellent Camera Phone Experience
Bendable Binding Torches
Bendable Binding Torches
The Flexi Flash Can Be Wrapped Around Bikes and Bags for Night Visibility
Breath-Watching Baby Monitors
Breath-Watching Baby Monitors
The SmartOne debuts at CES 2014 and Gives Parents All of the Control
Droid Keyboard Projectors
Droid Keyboard Projectors
The R2-D2 Virtual Keyboard Was a Special May 4th Release
Illuminated Retina-Saving Toilets
Illuminated Retina-Saving Toilets
The Nightlight Toilet Seat Keeps You From Hurting Your Eyes
Tech-Infused Cravat Concepts
Tech-Infused Cravat Concepts
The iTie Concept Brings Your iPhone and Neck Tie Together
Minimal Movement Energy Generators
Minimal Movement Energy Generators
This Energy Generator Uses Ambient Movement to Power It
Auto-Inspired Smartwatches
Auto-Inspired Smartwatches
The New Hewlett Packard Smartwatch Looks Impressively Stylish
Color-Changing Clothing
Color-Changing Clothing
Luminous Tex Fabric Really Knows how to Light up an Outfit at CES 2014
Elegantly Curved Concept Timepieces
Elegantly Curved Concept Timepieces
The New Creoir Ibis Smartwatch Concept Has Been Unveiled
Fingerprint-Controlled Padlocks
Fingerprint-Controlled Padlocks
This Fingerprint Padlock Makes Safety Personal
Retro Wearable Devices
Retro Wearable Devices
The Fujitsu Glove Has an '80s Fashion Vibe
Surveillance-Equipped Scooters
Surveillance-Equipped Scooters
The 1966 Honda P25 Scooter is Mounted with Cameras
Marble Macbook Covers
Marble Macbook Covers
Make Your Device Ultra Opulent with This Classy Cover
Hydration-Monitoring Sensors
Hydration-Monitoring Sensors
The Hug is Here to Help You Hydrate Better
Iconic Smartphone Makeovers
Iconic Smartphone Makeovers
The iPhone 6 Takes the Smartphone Experience & Brand to the Next Level
Mighty Pen Vaporizers
Mighty Pen Vaporizers
The ZEUS Thunder Pen Vaporizer is Small and Powerful
Hi-Tech Tangible Accessories
Hi-Tech Tangible Accessories
iWatch by Tomas Moyano Interacts Autonomously in Sync with Your Body
Water-Resistant Smartphones (UPDATE)
Water-Resistant Smartphones (UPDATE)
The Samsung Galaxy S5 Has Been Revealed Worldwide
Ultrasound-Healing Medical Casts
Ultrasound-Healing Medical Casts
Osteoid by Deniz Karasahin is a Stylish and Practical Alternative
Phone Photography Optic Lenses
Phone Photography Optic Lenses
The Extraordinary ‘Olloclip 4-In-1’ Produces High Resol
Headache-Curbing Massagers
Headache-Curbing Massagers
The USB Head Brain Massager Hypes Up the Pressure at CES 2014
Device-Chaging Outdoor Lanterns
Device-Chaging Outdoor Lanterns
The Goal Zero Lighthouse250 Solar Lantern Recharges Devices
Futuristic Lounging Pods
Futuristic Lounging Pods
KAKUREYA's Modular Room Design
Whisker Bicycle Accessories
Whisker Bicycle Accessories
The VibraSee Creates a Temporary Bike Lane for Cyclists
Clear Glass Transparent Speakers
Clear Glass Transparent Speakers
The ClearView Audio Transperent Speaker Debeuted at CES 2014
Integrated Battery Boosters
Integrated Battery Boosters
This Charging Cable Doubles Up as a Battery Pack For Your Smartphone
Jellyfish-Mimicking Drones
Jellyfish-Mimicking Drones
Researchers at NYU Created a Jellyfish Drone That Hovers in the Air
Hi-Tech Kegel Workouts
Hi-Tech Kegel Workouts
The kGoal Smart Kegel Trainer is a Fitness Tracker for Women's Ladybits
Wireless In-Car Smartphone Docks
Wireless In-Car Smartphone Docks
The Sony XSP-N1BT Smartphone Cradle Launched at CES 2014
Palm-Sized Projecting Computers
Palm-Sized Projecting Computers
The Solo Remote Access Device Contains the Knowledge of a Laptop
Pipe-Like Vaporizers
Pipe-Like Vaporizers
This Smart Vaporizer is Based on Induction and Inspired by Old Timey Pipes
Fish-Faced Egg Separators
Fish-Faced Egg Separators
This Egg Yolk Seperator Gives You Only What You Want in Your Eggs
Sliced Computer Mice
Sliced Computer Mice
The Loto Mouse Rounds to Closed as a Compact Conical Peripheral
Opulent Wearable Technology
Opulent Wearable Technology
Swarovski for Samsung Collection is Meant for Fashion Mavens
DIY Sneaker Device Chargers
DIY Sneaker Device Chargers
Instructables User ASCAS' Device Charger Resides in a Shoe
Smudge-Removing Screen Erasers
Smudge-Removing Screen Erasers
The iRoller Screen Cleaner Keeps Your Surfaces Visible
Hi-Tech False Eyelashes
Hi-Tech False Eyelashes
Winkymote by Katia Vega Allows Blinks to Change Television Channels
Versatile Smart Earphones
Versatile Smart Earphones
The Dash Smart Earphones Do More Than Just Deliver Music to Your Ears
Posture-Correcting Gadgets
Posture-Correcting Gadgets
The Lumo Lift Debuted at CES 2014
Virtual Concept Vehicles
Virtual Concept Vehicles
Playstation Gamers Can Test Drive the Nissan Vision Gran Turismo
Size-Customized Earphones
Size-Customized Earphones
JBL's J46BT Bluetooth Wireless Headphone Sizes Up the Market at CES 2014
Flashing Phone Plugs
Flashing Phone Plugs
The myLED Phone Plug Blinks to Notify You of Missed Calls
Chic Hi-Tech Jewelry
Chic Hi-Tech Jewelry
CuffLinc's Wearable Technology Promotes Style and Safety
Phone-Connected Glasses
Phone-Connected Glasses
Fun'iki High Tech Glasses Provide Seamless Smartphone Notifications
Customizable Tracker Bracelets
Customizable Tracker Bracelets
The Reign Activity Tracker Adjusts to Match Your Wrist Size
Disturbing Living Accessories
Disturbing Living Accessories
Artist Klara Pernicova Strives to Unsettle People with Her Designs
Sports-Recording Helicopters
Sports-Recording Helicopters
The Observer Camera Hovers Over the Action to Document Your Moves
Insect-Inspired Aircrafts
Insect-Inspired Aircrafts
The Sting R12 Aircraft Has a Futuristic Moth Shape
Safety-Improving Mobility Aids
Safety-Improving Mobility Aids
The Sentry Scientific Walker is Turning Heads at CES 2014
Sophisticated Flashlights
Sophisticated Flashlights
The Trioh Flashlight is One You'll Want to Keep Out of the Drawer
Digital Projection Watches
Digital Projection Watches
The Ritot Watch by Ivan Powell and Paul Smith is the First of Its Kind
Disguised Hi-Tech Watches
Disguised Hi-Tech Watches
Withings Activite is a Good-Looking Design with Fitness Tracking Options
Calming Underwater Projectors
Calming Underwater Projectors
This Wave Projector Will Calm You Down and Lull You to Sleep
Strap-On Sports Cameras
Strap-On Sports Cameras
The Evoflow Camera Enables Quality Hands-Free Recording of Your Activities
Virtual Reality Horror Films
Virtual Reality Horror Films
With Oculus Rift, You Can Watch a Horror Movie in First-Person
Wellness-Sharing Watches
Wellness-Sharing Watches
The Dusk Health Device Monitors Seniors' Signs and Sends Them to Family
Neon Foldable Urban Scooters
Neon Foldable Urban Scooters
The Urb-E Scooter Rode Away the Competition at CES 2014
Roll-Out Solar Chargers
Roll-Out Solar Chargers
The Compact E-Saving Charger is Ideal for Off-the Grid Battery Boosting
Hi-Tech Stress Balls
Hi-Tech Stress Balls
Bossy is a Unique Stress Ball with a Ton of Tech Capabilities
Instant Drink-Chilling Gadgets
Instant Drink-Chilling Gadgets
The Spin Chill Quickly Cools Your Favorite Beverages
DJ Duo Helmet Speakers
DJ Duo Helmet Speakers
The Edifier USA e25 Luna Eclipse Were Revealed at CES 2014
Integrated Connector Cases
Integrated Connector Cases
The Lab.C Cable Case Will Make it Impossible to Not Have a Case
Comprehensive Fitness Accessories
Comprehensive Fitness Accessories
Movea G-Series Tracked Activity and Examined Posture at CES 2014
Simplified Smartwatches
Simplified Smartwatches
The Cyclus Watch by Holy Tracks Fitness and Interprets Smartphones
Mini Remote-Controlled Vans
Mini Remote-Controlled Vans
These Vans are Becoming Important Commonwealth Games Equipment
Ingenious E-Ink Clocks
Ingenious E-Ink Clocks
The Twelve24 ClockONE Clock Has a Unique E-Ink Time Display
Magic Magnetic Device Mounts
Magic Magnetic Device Mounts
This Unit Can Easily Hold Your Devices with a Magnet
Parasitic Eco Flashlights
Parasitic Eco Flashlights
The Suckerfish Attaches to Automobiles to Harness Energy to Operate
Mini Pod Helicopters
Mini Pod Helicopters
The Fly Citycopter is Taking Urban Transportation to the Skies
Innovative Waterless Washers
Innovative Waterless Washers
The Toaster-L Washing Machine Quickly Cleans One Item at a Time
High-Performance Tricycles
High-Performance Tricycles
This Athletic Tricycle is Completely Run by a Screwdriver
Hi-Tech Tea Brewers
Hi-Tech Tea Brewers
The Smart Qi teamaker Perfects Tea Brewing
Smartphone-Stimulating Dishes
Smartphone-Stimulating Dishes
Intel Charging Bowl Debuted at CES 2014 as an Advanced Cordless Dock
People-Tracking Lamps
People-Tracking Lamps
The Veilleuse Track Light Moves Back and Forth with the Person in the Room
Posture-Adjusting Bikes
Posture-Adjusting Bikes
The Flexi-Bike Uses an Adjustable Frame to Make Cycling Easier
Fine Art Smartphone Chargers
Fine Art Smartphone Chargers
Justine Crowe Wants You to Charge Your Phone in Style
Phone-Charging Wallets
Phone-Charging Wallets
The Everpurse Miniholds Your Cards and Holds a Charge
Tool Kit Phone Cases
Tool Kit Phone Cases
The TaskOne ToolKit iPhone Case is Handy
Handy Hydration Watches
Handy Hydration Watches
The th2O Medical Bracelet is a Constant Reminder of Water Consumption
Airport Cosmetic Vending Machines
Airport Cosmetic Vending Machines
Benefit Cosmetics Developed Clever and Practical Beauty Kiosks
Surreal Street Art
Surreal Street Art
This Surrealist Street Art Uses the World Around It for Illusion
Video Game Business Cards
Video Game Business Cards
This Business Card Acts as a Mobile Video Game
Multifunctional Water Bottles
Multifunctional Water Bottles
The OKO Odyssey Water Bottle Has a Flashlight and Storage Space
Minimalist Techcessory Ledges
Minimalist Techcessory Ledges
Stage Interactive Shelf Inconspicuously Conceals Wires and Devices
Cycle-Spun Laundry
Cycle-Spun Laundry
The Bike Washing Machine Encourages Activity and Eco-Consciousness
Smart Toilet Paper Holders
Smart Toilet Paper Holders
The RollScout Sends an Alert When People are Low on Bathroom Tissues
Hands-Free Cell Phones
Hands-Free Cell Phones
The Nokia FIT Brings Your Cell Phone Directly to Your Finger Tips
All-in-One Gadget Carriers
All-in-One Gadget Carriers
The Soffio Macbook Sleeve Backpack is Perfect for Tech-Savvy Consumers
Hi-Tech Bike Accessories
Hi-Tech Bike Accessories
The Safeye System Provides Rearview Video and Indicators For Your Bicycle
Superhero Firefighting Suits
Superhero Firefighting Suits
The AFA Exoskeleton Makes the Firefighter Feel Like a Superhero
Innovative Nail Varnish Printers
Innovative Nail Varnish Printers
This Nail Polish Machine Mixes From Your Stylish Inspirations
Eco CO2 Washers
Eco CO2 Washers
The Supercritical Washing Machine Uses No Water and No Detergent
Hands-Free Transportation
Hands-Free Transportation
The InMotion SCV R1EX was Released at CES 2014
High-Tech Business Cards
High-Tech Business Cards
Customizable Credentials From TechKeys Also Function as Clever Keyboards