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31 Asstastic Innovations

From Butt Cleavage Fashion to Fart Pads & Faux Booty Cracks

— June 8, 2009 — Naughty
There is no doubt about it: Society loves the booty, and these 12 asstastic innovations prove it. This gallery will show you a range of bizarre, sexy and funny inventions and unique ideas that all have to do with the rump.

From butt cleavage fashion to fart pads, crack piercing spankvertising and more, it’s all here and it’s all about the behind!

Implications - Pop culture tends to romanticize and celebrate specific body parts, fueled largely by celebrities and our tabloid culture. The posterior has been the subject of several designs and innovations in every segment. Companies can take advantage of this opportunity by similarly highlighting the rump in cheeky ad campaigns.
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Consumer-Created Assvertising
Consumer-Created Assvertising
Voyages Ad
Eco Butt Backpack
Eco Butt Backpack
The Back Peach
Cheeky Eco Assvertising
Cheeky Eco Assvertising
WWF Flashes Asses to Reach the Masses
Frozen Buttmobiles
Frozen Buttmobiles
The ‘Slicer' Is A Giant Ice Cube Tray That Turns Into Barrels of La
More Assvertising
More Assvertising
Gene Simmons Promotes Show at the Hard Rock
Assvertising Recycled Tissues
Assvertising Recycled Tissues
Silk Soft's Danish Guerrilla Campaign Is Pretty Crappy
Celebrity Butt Plugs?
Celebrity Butt Plugs?
George W Tush
Fart Pads
Fart Pads
The Subtle Butt Gas Absorber
In-Store Butt-Cams
In-Store Butt-Cams
Scrutinize Your Own Rear View
Bangkok Butt Enhancements
Bangkok Butt Enhancements
Rear Boosting Thai Surgery
Busts for Your Butt
Busts for Your Butt
The Bean Burrito Stool
Seat Lifts and Separates Bum Cheeks
Seat Lifts and Separates Bum Cheeks
Ayur Chair
Up Your Boss's Assvertising
Up Your Boss's Assvertising
Brilliant Job Hunting Ad
Kodak Uses Assvertising
Kodak Uses Assvertising
When Film Dies, So Do Your Ad Standards
Assvertising Your Number
Assvertising Your Number
Che Magazine Ad
Assvertising Denim
Assvertising Denim
Zero Degree Slim Fit Jeans Imprint Your Skin
Bra For Your Bum
Bra For Your Bum
Sweet Cheeks Works Like A Bra To Boost Rear
Massad Magazine's Branded Butt Paddle Ad Campaign
When Butt Implants Go Wrong
When Butt Implants Go Wrong
Woman Bummed After Surgery
Bum Covers Hide Your Thongs
Bum Covers Hide Your Thongs
Harry Potter Bares His Butt, Controversy Ensues
Harry Potter Bares His Butt, Controversy Ensues
Embossed Bums
Embossed Bums
Ninette van Kamp's Jeweled Undies Put Glass on Your Asset
Assvertise / Assvertising
Assvertise / Assvertising
Exactly What You Think: Everything is a Billboard
Butt Cleavage for Men
Butt Cleavage for Men
Rufskin Denim By Pouches and Coats
Bubble Butt Undies (UPDATE)
Bubble Butt Undies (UPDATE)
The Flashback for Men
Billboard Assvertising
Billboard Assvertising
5 Examples
Buttless Pantyhose
Buttless Pantyhose
American Apparel Teeters on the Edge of Stylish & Fashion Faux Pas
Faux Butt Cracks
Faux Butt Cracks
Hussein Chalayan Creates a Plunging Dress for Fall 2009
Georgio Armani's New Butt
Georgio Armani's New Butt
David Beckham Underwear Model
Butt Crack Piercing
Butt Crack Piercing
Barbells for Backs
Butt Cleavage Fashion
Butt Cleavage Fashion
Posterior-Revealing Lingerie