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Ines Freitas

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Nerdy 8-Bit Underwear
Nerdy 8-Bit Underwear
These Super Nerdy 8-Bit Panties are the First in the World to Exist
Pixel Panties were born out of a dream. Two Portuguese designers—Sebastião Teixeira and Cesária Martins—had a revealing dream after a video game-playing night: they decided to create... MORE
Urban Graffiti Tours
Urban Graffiti Tours
Guerrilla Marketing Campaign Makes Graffiti Legal
An Urban Art Gallery and an appeal for a recycling conscience were the two main motifs behind this project, which channeled graffiti to spray paint 400 bottle containers and ten garbage trucks.... MORE
Augmented Reality Pranks
Augmented Reality Pranks
The 'Walls to the People' Smartphone App Shows Graffitied Landmarks
Imagine the Statue of Liberty or the Pyramids of Egypt covered in graffiti tags. Got the picture? Well, that was what happened when a graffitied image of the Fundação Serralves building—a... MORE
Ironic Advertising Blogs
Ironic Advertising Blogs
The Depressed Copyright Tumblr Offers Clever and Sardonic Posts
Depressed Copywritter Tumblr comes as a satyrical and humorous approach to print advertising. Living a life where creating emotions and promoting the bright side of life to sell and promote products... MORE
Hope-Selling Shops
Hope-Selling Shops
Red Cross Portugal Campaign STORE+ Puts Hope Up for Sale
“A Store that sells Hope." This is the original motto for the Red Cross Portugal campaign STORE+, a store in Lisbon that exclusively sells hope. A plus to charity and a clever twist to make us reflect… MORE
Ribcage Chairs
Ribcage Chairs
Eduardo Benamor's Airy Rapigattoli Seating
The Rapigattoli by Eduardo Benamor is a chair, but a chair resembling what it is supposed to host: a human body, or at least the bones that structure the human body. The Rapigattoli chair reflects on… MORE
Stereotype-Defying Youth
Stereotype-Defying Youth
World Wide Teens in Colors Magazine # 76
Colors Magazine # 76 is dedicated to teenagers and includes short stories and personal portraits. Shown in this issue are images of some of 2010’s teens from across the globe, youth that defy the stereotypes… MORE
Two-Legged Tables
Two-Legged Tables
5.5 Designers' 'Doppio Gioco' Furniture at Milan Design Week 2009
Will a round table with two legs stand up? Well, the 'Doppio Gioco' table created by 5.5 Designers (cinq cinq designers) will certainly stand--at least, when aided by a lamp, a magazine stand or a birdcage.… MORE
Illustrated Fashion Editorials
Illustrated Fashion Editorials
Jonas Lofgren's OffBeat Style Icons In Designer Wear
Ever expected to see Chlöe Sevigny, Mary-Kate Olsen, Diane Vreeland and Edie Beale unite in a fashion editorial? Jonas Löfgren's Lula Magazine #8 A Perfect Mess illustrations are a surprising editorial… MORE
Street Art Museums
Street Art Museums
The Ephemeral Museum in Lisbon
Here's a museum that is the size of Lisbon. Embracing a concept of art that is neither static nor institutionalized, The Ephemeral Museum encapsulates the work of several street artists, both Portuguese… MORE
Artistic Identity Studies
Artistic Identity Studies
Sebastian Kempa Juxtaposes Clothed and Nude Images
With a simple and descriptive title, "Naked People," German photographer Sebastian Kempa's project consists of photographing all kinds of people in their clothes and out of them. Clothes help an individual… MORE
Crowdsourced Hairstyle Look Books
Crowdsourced Hairstyle Look Books
MopShot Lets You Upload and View Great Haircuts
Whether you’re having a bad day, your locks haven’t seen a pair of scissors since “Titanic” premiered, or you’re just plain out of ideas, MopShots is a perfect place for you to get hairstyle… MORE
Glowing Magazine Covers
Glowing Magazine Covers
V Mag Brings Neon Back for Recession-Chic Editorial
Magazines have to turn into immensely appealing objects in a time of financial crisis, and V Magazine has responded with a glow-in-the-dark cover for their March issue. The editorial ‘Lights of Spring,’… MORE
Preteen Street Artists
Preteen Street Artists
10-Year-Old Solveig is Hailed as the “Female Banksy”
Solveig is a 10-year-old Brighton, U.K girl like any other, except for one fact: She is a talented and sunny graffiti artist. From Mozart to Macaulay Culkin, precocious children have always attracted… MORE
Shocking Ironic Art Installations
Shocking Ironic Art Installations
Is Eugenio Merino's Damien Hirst Piece Offensive or Artist
The heat is on in the art world! Eugénio Merino’s shocking piece titled ‘For the Love of Gold’ depicts Damien Hirst encased in a white display cube--similar to the ones he uses--committing suicide with… MORE
Monochromatic Geek Chic
Monochromatic Geek Chic
Osklen 'Rising' Fall '09 Collection Goes Straight to the Head of the Class
With Osklen, Fall 2009 will be all about grey, glam, glitter, and cozy, with a little bit of nerdiness to boot. Presented in São Paulo Fashion Week, the ‘Rising’ collection uses grey, brown and black… MORE
Virtual Italian Storefronts
Virtual Italian Storefronts
Moschino Opens First Online Boutique
Shopping habits are about to change radically (if they haven’t changed enough already). Witty Italian brand Moschino opened its first online boutique powered by renowned retailer Yoox. Only available… MORE
Retro Arcade Nightlights
Retro Arcade Nightlights
Fend Off Your Nightmares With Help From Pacman's Enemy
Still afraid of the dark, 80’s kid? Now you can have Pacman’s ghostly enemies help you lighten up your gloomy nights. If you’re not afraid of ghosts, that is… There is Blinky (red) and Inky (blue). Clyde… MORE
Fashion Week Art Interventions
Fashion Week Art Interventions
Pop-Up Flagships For The Iconoclasts Project by Prada
Prada’s The Iconoclasts Project spreads fashion and art through the cities with the most important fashion weeks worldwide: New York, London, Milan and Paris. Taking the event to a new level, The Iconoclasts… MORE
Cataloging Celebrity Tattoos
Cataloging Celebrity Tattoos
Proving Permanent Ink is a Personalized Form of Expression
We’ve seen tattoos get pretty personal in recent years, and celebrities are the easiest way to gauge this popularity. No longer are famous faces getting standard angels, dolphins, flowers, and vague Asian… MORE
Platinum Blonde Editorials
Platinum Blonde Editorials
Mary-Kate Olsen Gets Angelic for Craig McDean in Interview Mag
A glamorized Mary-Kate Olsen was photographed for Interview Magazine with platinum white hair and playing mirror-twin with herself. The images are overwhelmingly ethereal, silver, whimsical, and mature.… MORE
Uneventful Promo Websites
Uneventful Promo Websites
Kit Kat Launches ‘The First Worldwide Website Where Nothing Happen
Kit Kat, Nestlé’s popular chocolate brand, has taken its tagline of “Have a break, have a Kit Kat” to an exquisite extreme. If having a yummy Kit Kat break is to be taken for real, even websites should… MORE
Film Icon Fashion Designers
Film Icon Fashion Designers
Sophia Coppola Teams Up with Louis Vuitton
A trend that has been growing throughout the new millennium is a collaboration between artists and fashion designers. From film directors to plastic artists, musicians or celebrities, fashion has gained… MORE
Credit Crunch Clubbing
Credit Crunch Clubbing
Awdio Gives You Live Performances From the Hottest Venues
We are living in a time of economic crisis. Fact. Traveling may be an extra expense we can’t quite afford. Fact. And then we get depressed. And bored. Double fact. But do we still want to party? OH,… MORE
Bright Blue Doors
Bright Blue Doors
Lisbon Street Art Features Indigo Paint and Portuguese Poetry
An electric blue wave filled with one-sentence poetry has embraced the cement-closed doors of abandoned houses right in the center of Lisbon. The project was born from the hands of da onda magnética, also… MORE
Graphic Design for Tourism
Graphic Design for Tourism
'How Very Tokyo' Reflects Foreign Views on the City
CLASKA, a Tokyo hip designer hotel and art space, set up a project determined to re-think the relationship western visitors have with Japanese culture. The final goal is to create a guidebook for creative… MORE
Vintage Hygiene Packaging
Vintage Hygiene Packaging
Claus Porto Still Makes Soaps Like The Old Times
Vintage aesthetics have a certain allure nowadays, and Claus Porto products are genuine proof of old time charm. Claus Porto is a Portuguese company founded in 1887 that produces soaps. With an evolution… MORE
Actors Posing With Directors
Actors Posing With Directors
The 2009 Oscar Nominees Pictured in Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair‘s “The 2009 Hollywood Portfolio” shoot by Annie Leibovitz pays homage to the duet most praised in cinema: the relation between actor and director. The photoshoot features nominees for the… MORE
Marijuana For Kids
Marijuana For Kids
'It's Just a Plant' Is An Educational Book About Pothead Parents
Now children can learn a little bit more about the famous green leaf. It’s Just a Plant by Ricardo Cortés is an educational book about marijuana directed at children, but it's also for adults. Although… MORE
Cardboard Box Lamps
Cardboard Box Lamps
'Flamp' Is A Fashion Lamp That Lets You Customize Its Colors
Fashion + Lamp = Flamp? The equation is surely right! Flamp is a lamp made of a cardboard box with a cut-out of a traditional table lamp icon. You can change the customizable lamp by swapping its color… MORE
Counterculture Casualties
Counterculture Casualties
Is the Hipster Movement Done For?
Douglas Haddow’s article “Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization” predicts the end of the globalized hipster as a decline of the counterculture movement. Published in Adbusters, the Canadian activist… MORE
Globular Gas Lamps
Globular Gas Lamps
Lightspot Brings Futuristic Design to Outdoor Lighting
Lightspot is an innovative gas lamp with an ultra-modern, functional design. Conceived for outdoor use, Lightspot can lighten up gardens, terraces and private areas as well as public spaces such as esplanades,… MORE
Personalized Iconic Posters
Personalized Iconic Posters
Caption and Create DIY ‘Hope' Posters With Obamicon.Me
Now you can make your own version of Shepard Fairey’s Barack Obama ‘Hope’ poster--complete with your own witty slogan--at the Obamicon.Me section of Paste Magazine. “The longest election season in memory… MORE
Sweet Street Art
Sweet Street Art
Maria Imaginario's Gooey Lisbon Graffiti
Lisbon walls have been invaded by a gang of sweets like ice cream, lollipops, sugary cakes, and cookies. Street artist Maria Imaginário (Imaginary Mary) is a passionate Lisbon lover and wanted to make… MORE
Personalized Wall Prints
Personalized Wall Prints
‘Wallprinters' Designs Are Manually Imprinted Onto Your Walls
Forget about boring and tiresome monochromatic walls! The Wallprinters suggest you to introduce fantastic printed images to the walls in your home. The Wallprinters' technique is quite simple: The designs,… MORE
Cork Washbasins
Cork Washbasins
Sustainable, Durable and Beautiful Bathroom Decor
These beautiful bathroom objects like washbasins and soap cookies are a creative and new use of cork, a traditional Portuguese material. Simple Forms Design, a Portuguese design company, reinvented this… MORE

Featured Ideas

Film Icon Fashion Designers
Film Icon Fashion Designers
Sophia Coppola Teams Up with Louis Vuitton
A trend that has been growing throughout the new millennium is a collaboration between artists and fashion designers. From film directors to plastic artists, musicians or celebrities, fashion has gained… MORE
Cataloging Celebrity Tattoos
Cataloging Celebrity Tattoos
Proving Permanent Ink is a Personalized Form of Expression
We’ve seen tattoos get pretty personal in recent years, and celebrities are the easiest way to gauge this popularity. No longer are famous faces getting standard angels, dolphins, flowers, and vague Asian… MORE
Uneventful Promo Websites
Uneventful Promo Websites
Kit Kat Launches ‘The First Worldwide Website Where Nothing Happen
Kit Kat, Nestlé’s popular chocolate brand, has taken its tagline of “Have a break, have a Kit Kat” to an exquisite extreme. If having a yummy Kit Kat break is to be taken for real, even websites should… MORE
Counterculture Casualties
Counterculture Casualties
Is the Hipster Movement Done For?
Douglas Haddow’s article “Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization” predicts the end of the globalized hipster as a decline of the counterculture movement. Published in Adbusters, the Canadian activist… MORE
Bags Made of Markers
Bags Made of Markers
The 'Just Beg' Bags Are Stylish AND Socially Conscious
This creative bag named Just Beg was created from colourful felt-tip markers and elastic thread. Not only imaginatively beautiful, the concept of the bag was born from a social conscience initiative.… MORE
Naughty Disney Subversion
Naughty Disney Subversion
Street Artist Creates Mickey Mouse as You've Never Seen Him Before
Ever imagined Mickey Mouse turned on by Minnie? Well, now you can stop imagining. Graffiti artist and international art and fashion protagonist André Saraiva created this eroticized sculpture of the 90-year-old… MORE
Street Art Museums
Street Art Museums
The Ephemeral Museum in Lisbon
Here's a museum that is the size of Lisbon. Embracing a concept of art that is neither static nor institutionalized, The Ephemeral Museum encapsulates the work of several street artists, both Portuguese… MORE
Globular Gas Lamps
Globular Gas Lamps
Lightspot Brings Futuristic Design to Outdoor Lighting
Lightspot is an innovative gas lamp with an ultra-modern, functional design. Conceived for outdoor use, Lightspot can lighten up gardens, terraces and private areas as well as public spaces such as esplanades,… MORE
Ironic Advertising Blogs
Ironic Advertising Blogs
The Depressed Copyright Tumblr Offers Clever and Sardonic Posts
Depressed Copywritter Tumblr comes as a satyrical and humorous approach to print advertising. Living a life where creating emotions and promoting the bright side of life to sell and promote products... MORE
Cork Washbasins
Cork Washbasins
Sustainable, Durable and Beautiful Bathroom Decor
These beautiful bathroom objects like washbasins and soap cookies are a creative and new use of cork, a traditional Portuguese material. Simple Forms Design, a Portuguese design company, reinvented this… MORE
Personalized Wall Prints
Personalized Wall Prints
‘Wallprinters' Designs Are Manually Imprinted Onto Your Walls
Forget about boring and tiresome monochromatic walls! The Wallprinters suggest you to introduce fantastic printed images to the walls in your home. The Wallprinters' technique is quite simple: The designs,… MORE
Illustrated Fashion Editorials
Illustrated Fashion Editorials
Jonas Lofgren's OffBeat Style Icons In Designer Wear
Ever expected to see Chlöe Sevigny, Mary-Kate Olsen, Diane Vreeland and Edie Beale unite in a fashion editorial? Jonas Löfgren's Lula Magazine #8 A Perfect Mess illustrations are a surprising editorial… MORE
Retro Arcade Nightlights
Retro Arcade Nightlights
Fend Off Your Nightmares With Help From Pacman's Enemy
Still afraid of the dark, 80’s kid? Now you can have Pacman’s ghostly enemies help you lighten up your gloomy nights. If you’re not afraid of ghosts, that is… There is Blinky (red) and Inky (blue). Clyde… MORE
Ribcage Chairs
Ribcage Chairs
Eduardo Benamor's Airy Rapigattoli Seating
The Rapigattoli by Eduardo Benamor is a chair, but a chair resembling what it is supposed to host: a human body, or at least the bones that structure the human body. The Rapigattoli chair reflects on… MORE