Sustainable Sugar-Free Wines

Traces Wines Use Pioneering Techniques to Guarantee Zero Sugar

The high demand for low- and no-alcohol products highlights a shift in consumer preferences towards moderation and mindful consumption, and Traces Wines stands out by strategically catering to the middle ground, offering options that provide a balanced experience with reduced alcohol content, allowing customers to enjoy the taste and social aspect without compromising on their health goals.

Using Grenache, Sauvignon and Cinsault grapes and early-ripening with pioneering fermentation techniques, Traces Wine creates zero-sugar products. A 125ml serving comes in at 11% ABV and it delivers a carb-free, low-calorie drinking experience that's considerably lighter than the usual French wine.

These clean wines resonate with a variety of consumers, including environmentally minded drinkers, as well as those following vegan, low-carb and gluten-free diets.
Trend Themes
1. Low-alcohol Products - Traces Wines capitalizes on the high demand for low-alcohol products by offering zero-sugar options with reduced alcohol content.
2. Mindful Consumption - Traces Wines taps into the trend of consumer preferences for moderation and mindful consumption by providing balanced and healthier wine options.
3. Clean Wines - Traces Wines appeals to environmentally conscious consumers and those following specific diets by offering clean, vegan, low-carb, and gluten-free wine options.
Industry Implications
1. Wine & Spirits - The wine & spirits industry can take advantage of the low-alcohol trend and consumer focus on mindful consumption by developing and marketing innovative low-alcohol and zero-sugar wine products.
2. Health & Wellness - The health and wellness industry can explore partnerships with Traces Wines to promote their clean wine options as part of a balanced and healthier lifestyle.
3. Food & Beverage - The food & beverage industry can incorporate Traces Wines' zero-sugar wine products into their menus as a healthier alternative and cater to the growing demand for mindful and healthier drink options.

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