Sustainable Spirit Packaging

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Sapling Spirits Vodka is Now Packaged in Aluminum Bottles

Sapling Spirits Vodka from the London-based spirits company is showing off new packaging that further enhances the product range's sustainability.

The vodka range now comes in aluminum bottles from Vetroplas created in partnership with group packaging solutions brand Envases. The packaging update will help the brand to move closer towards its mission to produce sustainable products and shift it into its next phase. The packaging itself is crafted with aluminum that's 100% recyclable, while also being much lighter than glass to further reduce the carbon footprint of the spirit.

Head of Operations Ned Neville-Rolfe commented on the new Sapling Spirits Vodka packaging saying, "We have a distinctive range of vodkas, and this new packaging format provides both further low carbon credentials and really strong stand out on shelf. The ease with which aluminium bottles can be recycled, as well as them offering 100% PCR aluminium, were also major factors in our choice of Vetroplas’ bottles. We know this element is appreciated by customers and forms part of our philosophy of reducing carbon footprint where possible."
Trend Themes
1. Aluminum Bottle Packaging - The adoption of 100% recyclable aluminum bottles presents a significantly more sustainable alternative to traditional glass packaging.
2. Low-carbon Product Design - Emphasizing lower carbon foot-printing in product packaging can attract environmentally-conscious consumers and reduce overall environmental impact.
3. Partnerships in Sustainability - Collaborating with specialized packaging companies enables brands to access innovative materials and technologies that drive sustainability.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Packaging - Innovative recyclable materials in beverage packaging provide opportunities to enhance both sustainability and consumer perception.
2. Environmental Solutions - Developing products that align with the growing demand for low-carbon solutions can position companies as leaders in environmental responsibility.
3. Recycling and Waste Management - Expanding the use of materials that are 100% recyclable can streamline waste management processes and promote circular economy initiatives.

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