Porn Says Yes to HD DVD

Porn Says Yes To HD DVD

Why is it that the adult industry always leads the charge into new technology? We have all witnessed the war between Betamax and VHS but little did many people know that the reason why VHS prevailed is because the porn industry was in favour of the VHS technology. It is the porn industry that actually has a tendency to drive and influence technology. Years later we are seeing a similar war resurface between that of the Blue-ray and HD DVD.

In 1993, the adult industry (Digital Playground) was the first company to launch a DVD. It was titled, "Virtual Sex". Thirteen years later, HD DVD is on the horizen, and the same company is leading the charge into the new technology. This is all part of the breaking news from the convention show that is right NEXT to CES, the Adult Entertainment Expo.
Trend Themes
1. HD DVD Adoption - The adult industry is leading the charge into HD DVD technology, indicating a potential trend towards increased adoption in other industries.
2. Technology Influence by Adult Industry - The adult industry has historically driven and influenced technology trends, creating opportunities for disruption across various industries.
3. Innovative Content Creation - As the adult industry pioneers new technology, there is potential for disruptive innovation in content creation, delivery, and consumption for various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Home Entertainment - The adoption of HD DVD technology within the adult industry may signal potential disruption in the home entertainment market.
2. Technology Manufacturing - The influence of the adult industry on technology trends creates opportunities for disruptive innovation in the manufacturing and production of technological products.
3. Streaming Services - Innovation in content creation and delivery within the adult industry suggests exciting potential for disruptive innovation within the streaming services space.

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