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 Keynote Speaker

Greg Ponesse

Director of Sales and Business Development
Toronto, Canada
Member Since
Nov 2005
Constantly looking for what's new and exciting, Greg maintains his innovativeness through his cooking, fashion and travel adventures. Having spent most of his career in media consulting at Factiva, A Dow Jones and Reuters Company. Now, Greg is the Director of Sales and Business Development of a company he helped start get off the ground, which is now a leader in email managment and compliance. For Greg, contributing to TrendHunter Magazine is not only fulfilling and stimulating, but also enables him to share his entrepreneurial interests and opinions to those who can relate.

Aside from enjoying a fast-pace environment in the work-place, Greg loves to entertain, travel, play team sports and cook.
Denim Diapers
Denim Diapers
Huggies Little Movers Jeans Diapers Make Your Baby a Trendsetter From Birth
Thanks to Huggies Little Movers Jeans Diapers, there is a shift in the market to make babies more fashionable than they already are. Should babies be more stylish than adults? Are the days of simple sleepers… MORE
Circus Hosts in Space
Circus Hosts in Space
Cirque du Soleil Hosts 'Moving Stars and Earth for Water' in Orbit
Highlighting the scarcity of water, Guy Laliberte, the Canadian founder of Cirque du Soleil hosted his usual over-the-top performances from space. Called “Moving Stars and Earth for Water,” the show… MORE
Buy Carbon Offsets
Buy Carbon Offsets
Are you concerned with your carbon footprint? Dial into Zerofootprint and calculate your carbon output. Zerofootprint is a startup organization that is turning heads in the area of sustainable commerce.… MORE
Peeping Google
Peeping Google
Street View Invades Privacy
When Trend Hunter first wrote about Google Street View in May, we thought it was just a cool new way to view very detailed city maps, but now the application is getting some unexpected attention. Google's… MORE
Sony's Blu-Ray OKs Japanese Porn
Sony's Blu-Ray OKs Japanese Porn
It was decided back around the time of the Adult Entertainment Expo that Sony's Blu-ray format would not be involved in the production of adult material. Even though HD DVD is going to be the choice for… MORE
Tipsy Train Rides
Tipsy Train Rides
Amtrak Offers Booze Credit, Irks MADD
In order to promote new business, Amtrak is doing everything it can to make the journey as comfortable as possible. Forget the cushy seats or the 5 star dining, how about a $100 credit to go towards alcohol?… MORE
Wii + Second Life = Real Life Simulator
Wii + Second Life = Real Life Simulator
It is obvious that the Nintendo Wii's realistic controller have made games like tennis and golf stand out from what is being offered by its competitors like the Xbox 360 or any of the Sony game consoles.… MORE
PhD Student Delivers Thesis in Her Underwear; Combines Video Games and Sex
PhD Student Delivers Thesis in Her Underwear; Combines Video Games and Sex
There is a growing research field that integrates sex and technology to find innovative ways to improve human health and well-being. Jennifer Chowdhury, a masters student at NYU created a set of sensors… MORE
Geek Vacations
Geek Vacations
The South Pole, Chernobyl, Tatooine
Have you ever wondered where the 'smartest of the smart' like to vacation? Wired Magazine has been good enough to summarize the places where high IQ travelers like to adventure... and you won't find any… MORE
Web Domains Become Big Business (Again?)
Web Domains Become Big Business (Again?)
The buying and selling of web addresses is becoming big business. Thanks to pay-per-click advertising, the business could top $4 billion by 2010. Why you ask? People no longer look at web addresses… MORE
Airports as Shopping Destinations
Airports as Shopping Destinations
In the past, one was most likely to find duty free shops and magazine stores at airports. However, due to longer lay-overs, delays and larger airports, luxury retail stores are the norm selling high-end… MORE
$25 Million Space Tours
$25 Million Space Tours
Microsoft Software Mogul Ready to Take Flight
One of America's premier software engineers is ready to take flight. Charles Simonyi, the 58 year old billioniare and brains behind Microsoft Word and Excel is making his own space travel a reality. He's… MORE
Religious Customs Before Social Life
Religious Customs Before Social Life
Students Give Up MySpace and Facebook for Lent
I have heard of giving up candy, pop, and TV for Lent but never this. But for some individuals, as they approach Easter, giving up Internet sites like Facebook and MySpace is not uncommon. "It's been… MORE
Web Accessible Funerals
Web Accessible Funerals
Funeral-Cast Webcasts Funeral Services
Although morbid in content, a new type of web casting is making the mainstream. Companies like Funeral-Cast are enabling mourning and funeral services to be broadcasted over the Internet. Call it insensitive,… MORE
Incredible Advertising
Incredible Advertising
The Magic Mirror
Magic Display China has created a unique mirror that also acts a an advertising display. Usually found in public toilets, ads are screened when no one is directly in front. When individuals come closer… MORE
The Wired 40
The Wired 40
The Most Innovative Companies of the World
What is important about these companies is that they are usually the reasons why many trends exist. It is due to their creativity, innovation and risk that differentiates themselves from the status quo… MORE
The Secret
The Secret
New Self-Help Program Becoming Viral
One would think with the abundance of self help gurus like Oprah, Dr. Phil, Anthony Robbins, Andrew Matthews and Mitch Album, that society has all it needs to be happy and lead a positive lifestyle. However,… MORE
Real Life Sex Doll Robots
Real Life Sex Doll Robots
Say goodbye to late night trips to the local strip club or late evenings surfing the web. The time has come for those looking to put a little more reality into their sex life. MORE
Money Buys Happiness
Money Buys Happiness
The New Way to Save Money
Tomy Co. has designed a piggy bank that not only helps you save money but makes it fun at the same time. As you put money into the bank, the life of a fictional character is created. The more money saved,… MORE
New Species of Shark Caught on Video-What Else Is Out There?
New Species of Shark Caught on Video-What Else Is Out There?
Who would have known that there is a new species of shark that is rarely seen alive? Due to the fact that its natural habitat is about 2,000 feet under the sea, it raises discussion that there is considerably… MORE
Homophobic Snickers Superbowl Ad
Homophobic Snickers Superbowl Ad
What Were They Thinking?
If you watched the superbowl Sunday night and caught the snickers ad, you might be wondering what the marketing message Snickers was trying to convey. Whatever it was, most people are still confused or… MORE
Free Photocopying Service
Free Photocopying Service
Supported by Ads
A new startup operation in Japan is seeing great success and benefiting many. A new concept of free photocopying is hitting the mainstream and is being funded by corporate advertising printed on the back… MORE
Guerrilla Marketing Gone Bad
Guerrilla Marketing Gone Bad
Boston Hoax Turns Into Million Dollar Mishap
Two men have been accused of placing electronic advertisements for a cartoon around Boston that some people feared was a bomb. It is obvious that the city of Boston did not recognize the display for what… MORE
Audis Now Being Tracked by RFID Tags
Audis Now Being Tracked by RFID Tags
Identec Solutions RFID tags will now be used by Audi to track their Audi TT line while in production. I guess the worry is what happens is they forget to remove the RFID tags. Does that mean they can… MORE
New Technology Makes it Better than the Real Thing?
Is cybersex going to be better than the real thing? It is at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas. Cybersex has inspired these sexgineers and artists to come up with new ways to use technology for… MORE
Wikipedia + Google
A new service called Wikiseek has been launched by search engine company SearchME that could give Yahoo or Google a run for their money. Built with Wikipedia's permission, Wikiseek indexes and searches… MORE
Porn Says Yes to HD DVD
Porn Says Yes to HD DVD
Why is it that the adult industry always leads the charge into new technology? We have all witnessed the war between Betamax and VHS but little did many people know that the reason why VHS prevailed is… MORE
Want To Make A Lot Of Money?  Move To One Of These Tech Towns.
Want To Make A Lot Of Money? Move To One Of These Tech Towns.
If you are currently not really happy with your career and are looking to make a lot of money, make note of the cities below. Apparently, based on a highly scientific methodology as well as a number of… MORE
When is the Best Time to get Pregnant?  Check your Palm Treo
When is the Best Time to get Pregnant? Check your Palm Treo
Due to busy careers and later marriages, getting pregnant is becoming much more difficult. As a result, tracking everything from waking temperature to moods and various bodily fluids is integral in the… MORE
Silent Ring Tones
Silent Ring Tones
Finally a Solution for all those Annoying Ring Tones
As much as this might seem like a joke, people with those annoying ring tones of Britney Spears jingles and various Bart Simpson sayings should take note. The pleasure of hearing beautiful silence might… MORE
Nike + Ipod = Privacy Infringement (These Shoes Track Your Every Move)
Nike + Ipod = Privacy Infringement (These Shoes Track Your Every Move)
If you enhance your workout with the new Nike+ iPod Sport Kit, your privacy might be in danger. The RFID tags in the shoes emit a signal that markets could use to track your every movement! Big brother… MORE
YouTube Helping Police Crack Cases
YouTube Helping Police Crack Cases
According to, police took up pursuit in cyberspace after a young Norwegian posted an Internet video of his wild car driving. Following an electronic trail that he left online, police caught… MORE
Mobile Dating
Mobile Dating
Get a Text When a Compatible Match is Nearby
According to, online dating is so last year. Now, if you're thinking romance, look to your mobile phone. MORE
Lifelike Robots
Lifelike Robots
Are these lifelike robots cool or creepy? Is there an issue of these robots of being too real? Can this pose some sort of threat to society? MORE
Math the Japanese Way
Math the Japanese Way
If you're a westerner looking for a better way to educate your children about Math, why not put them through Math the Japanese way. These new textbooks enable you to bring the best of Japan's educational… MORE
Apple iPhone
Apple iPhone
New Killer Phone in the Works
Apple is about to further diversify its suite of products and expand in the wireless market. If this iPhone is as successful as the iPod, Nokia and Motorola have some strategizing to do. MORE

Featured Ideas

Sky Dive From Space (If You're Crazy)
Sky Dive From Space (If You're Crazy)
Frenchman Michel Fournier is readying himself and equipment to attempt a record-setting free fall from the stratosphere. Dubbed “The Big Jump”, Fournier is eyeing next month for his supersonic free fall… MORE
Pen with WiFi detector from Informatica
Pen with WiFi detector from Informatica
"So you've got the latest WiFi-capable smartphone and a Nintendo DS Lite with you, and you're itching for some gaming session with a little email on the side. How are you going to find the nearest WiFi… MORE
Osama bin Laden's Niece to Model in GQ
Osama bin Laden's Niece to Model in GQ
Her uncle may be the world's most elusive fugitive, but Osama bin Laden's niece is about as conspicuous as she can be in a sexy photo shoot in the January edition of the men's fashion magazine GQ. Wafah… MORE
Ford, GM, Mazda plan iPod integration
Ford, GM, Mazda plan iPod integration
Apple has announced that it has teamed up with Ford, General Motors, and Mazda to bring 'seamless' iPod integration into the majority of their cars, reports Leftlane News. Apple says that more than 70… MORE
Reebok up to speed with rap stars
Reebok up to speed with rap stars
Reebok is turning up the volume with its next generation of rap stars, led by Nelly and Daddy Yankee. The No. 2 sneaker marketer that hit the top of the charts with rappers Jay-Z and 50 Cent, will unveil… MORE
See-Through Stadium
See-Through Stadium
When the opening match of the 2006 FIFA World Cup gets underway in Germany, Japanese technology will help fans enjoy the action on the pitch. The Allianz Arena, where the tournament's first game is scheduled… MORE
BrightFeet Lighted Slippers (For Chasing Your Cat?)
BrightFeet Lighted Slippers (For Chasing Your Cat?)
Lighted slippers that illuminate as you walk around at night chasing your pets. "Now you can easily move handsfree around a darkened house reducing the risk of tripping over objects or running into doors,… MORE
Jeans made out of sugar cane
Jeans made out of sugar cane
A Japanese company is making jeans out of a blend of sugar cane and selvage denim. The cane used is Sweet Sorghum, otherwise known as Sweet Millet. It's a type of grass grown all over the world for making… MORE
Who wants to be cool?  Air-conditioned clothing.
Who wants to be cool? Air-conditioned clothing.
Cool Biz, a combination of the English words cool and business, is the catchword in Japan this summer. It is the title of a government campaign to persuade office workers to dispense with their ties and… MORE
Steam Ovens-Reduce Fat and Salt Content
Steam Ovens-Reduce Fat and Salt Content
A revolutionary type of oven that uses steam to bake food has injected new life into the market for cooking appliances, which was generally thought to have passed its peak. The oven has been such a hit… MORE
YouTube Helping Police Crack Cases
YouTube Helping Police Crack Cases
According to, police took up pursuit in cyberspace after a young Norwegian posted an Internet video of his wild car driving. Following an electronic trail that he left online, police caught… MORE
Wallet Phones
Wallet Phones
Cell phones that allow users to pay for their shopping just by holding them over a reader at the cash register, aptly nicknamed o-saifu keitai (wallet cell phones), went on the market in July 2004. Sold… MORE
Space Tourism
Space Tourism
Virgin Galactic
Prepare for liftoff: The space business may be the most incredible new opportunity of your lifetime. The shuttle and the international space station continued this record of dismal return on investment.… MORE
Tipsy Train Rides
Tipsy Train Rides
Amtrak Offers Booze Credit, Irks MADD
In order to promote new business, Amtrak is doing everything it can to make the journey as comfortable as possible. Forget the cushy seats or the 5 star dining, how about a $100 credit to go towards alcohol?… MORE