Accessible Mental Health Trainings

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Maybelline Brave Talk is an Empowering Five-Step Online Program

Maybelline Brave Talk is a new online five-step program that equips young people with the resources they need to navigate mental health conversations with their friends.

Initially, Maybelline launched its free global mental health training program on college campuses in 2022 and it's now available as an interactive, animated online training for college-aged users and older that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Developed in partnership with The Jed Foundation (JED), Brave Talk invites users to learn how to start a conversation with a struggling friend, support them, and lead them to care in less than 10 minutes. There are just five easy-to-remember B.R.A.V.E. steps that aim to support Gen Z in a format that's accessible, enjoyable and engaging.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Mental Health Programs - Programs like Maybelline Brave Talk leverage interactive, online platforms to make mental health education more engaging and accessible.
2. Youth-focused Mental Health Solutions - Tailored mental health resources targeting Gen Z are becoming prevalent, addressing the unique challenges faced by this demographic.
3. Partnership-based Health Initiatives - Collaborations with foundations, such as The Jed Foundation, enhance the credibility and outreach of mental health training programs.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Health - The rise of online mental health training programs showcases the growing importance of digital platforms in health education.
2. Education Technology - The fusion of mental health training and educational technologies is creating innovative learning experiences for users.
3. Non-profit Collaborations - Partnerships between private companies and non-profits are driving more effective mental health initiatives.

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